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so,many of you think Aikido is no use for 'real world' app', eh?, hmm

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  • #91
    Strenth of your head!

    Originally posted by Ironpalm
    In all seriousness though, aikido, like any deep art requires deep thought. Let us be polite and say not everyone has the time or desire for deep thoughts....

    Deep thoughts don't happen when your pond is too shallow!


    • #92
      Application of Aikido

      All kidding aside, aikido was origionally adopted by law enforcement to control and cuff a suspect who is passively resisting, not actively resisting and trying to cave your head in. Aikido is an off shoot of Japanese Jujitsu where the practicioners concentrated exclusively on sword techniques done with the empty hand. There are hard and soft styles, and most schools have encorporated other aspects of Japanese Jujitsu to round out there ciriculum. Irregardless, these techniques work best when coming from a position of authority. And no, not every cop is an aikido master, far from it. Most officers learn basic wrist locks and standing armbars in the academy as part of their cource work. Then when they graduate and get assigned to a precint, they train with someone at that command who is the hand to hand expert. It's just like any other school. There are good practitioners, and bad.
      Mahalo, Jeremy

