Originally posted by straitup
No announcement yet.
so,many of you think Aikido is no use for 'real world' app', eh?, hmm
Just uploaded a clip of Gozo Shioda to some of my webspace - applying a more realistic Irimi Nage.
Kinda hurts by the look of it.
dont wanna get involved in this but - some aikido is powerful!
Originally posted by BJJ-2/04Only someone who knows little about Aikido would think the whole art is wrist grabs.
Originally posted by HuSanYanhey newbie, so what, maybe everyone doesnt want to know "a lot" about fucking Aikido. Maybe you should build up more than a couple of dozen posts on these boards pal before insulting folks, on this site we track IP's and pay a visit to smucks, right in their own kitchens
Registered User
- Feb 2003
- 2093
The law of tyranny:
1. Any power that can be abused will be abused
2. Abuse always expands to fill the limits of resistance to it.
3. If people don't resist the abuses of others, they will have no one to resist the abuses of themselves, and tyranny will prevail.
Welcome to the Socialist States of Amerika . Coming soon Jan 20th 2009!
Originally posted by straituphi steve
I learned in most of these post that are on here that you need not take what is being said to heart. I've found that even if you know what your talking about, especially if you have used your art for many street fights with grait success most of the people on here don't have the understanding them selfs. I personally think that Akido is a verry efective art for the street. The problem with most people is that they want a bb with in two years and they don't want to earn it. Akido like all Martial Arts if learned properly takes time. People now a days want the status to call them selfs a bb rather then know how to properly use and aply there art what ever it might be. It's sad that we have taken the knowledge that is offered to us and not appreciate it.
Seriously bro' You have used Aikido in combat? Why do you make such assumptions about our knowledge and experiences? You speak as if a black belt is something to be desired and covenanted. This shows your true lack of understanding of those who know true combat.
Originally posted by HuSanYanhey newbie, so what, maybe everyone doesnt want to know "a lot" about fucking Aikido. Maybe you should build up more than a couple of dozen posts on these boards pal before insulting folks, on this site we track IP's and pay a visit to smucks, right in their own kitchens
Seriously, HuSanYan don’t you think your tread is a little harsh? I’d like to learn more about akido. If you don’t, why are you here? IMHO quantity of post just makes you less credible.
Many police officers use aikido and swear by it.
Originally posted by BJJ-2/04Only someone who knows little about Aikido would think the whole art is wrist grabs.
Honestly, "wrist grabs" seem to be the first impression aikido leaves on people because they are pretty common.
... in fact, I was told that once you hit the gorund, it was "all over".
haw haw haw
Registered User
- Feb 2003
- 2093
The law of tyranny:
1. Any power that can be abused will be abused
2. Abuse always expands to fill the limits of resistance to it.
3. If people don't resist the abuses of others, they will have no one to resist the abuses of themselves, and tyranny will prevail.
Welcome to the Socialist States of Amerika . Coming soon Jan 20th 2009!
Originally posted by AikiguyThe whole art may not be wrist grabs, but many of the attacks are of the "fully committed, from a distance" variety .... wrist grabs, lapel grabs, and strikes from a distance. At least to start. I hadn't seen much of anything resembling counters to fast punches, takedowns, or ground work ... in fact, I was told that once you hit the gorund, it was "all over". Possibly true, but that *can't* be the only answer aikido has to that situation.
Honestly, "wrist grabs" seem to be the first impression aikido leaves on people because they are pretty common.
Remember those so called police officers are learning selected techniques that specifically apply to their specialized work. These selected techniques are mainly compliant controls that professionals need to know. They do not spend years learning Aikido. Aikido as with most MAs have some good functional stuff in it, however like many MAs it has stuff that isn’t so functional.
The average Joe non-professional doesn’t need to worry about controlling someone in compliant holds. In Self-defense our job is to cause as much damage as possible as fast as we can. The cops need to control subjects with as little damage as they possibly can. There is a difference.
In Self-defense our job is to cause as much damage as possible as fast as we can.
Every situation requires a different responce. If some drunk teenager walks up bearly able to stand and puts his hand on you while muttering something - stamping him into the dirt with as much damage as you are able to do would be kinda off the mark. a simple shove and he would fall on his ass!
If you dont train for differing levels of agression then you will program yourself to act with maximum force even if the situation doesnt require it. This is one problem i see with many self defence based arts - they see things as black and white - 'switched on or switched off' - they rarely account for the grey shades of protecting your personal space.
If you approach self defence with the maximum damage attitude you will be in prison in no time.
Reasonable force anyone .......
Originally posted by SerradaHuSanYan, I could use another bitch in the kitchen.
Seriously, HuSanYan don’t you think your tread is a little harsh? I’d like to learn more about akido. If you don’t, why are you here? IMHO quantity of post just makes you less credible.
Many police officers use aikido and swear by it.
I think you are right and I know that there are several different ryuha of Aikido some of which are very combat orientated and highly effective, after all Aikido fully derives from JJJ as far as I recall.
Once again, apologies for slamming in like that, Serrada.