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Hooligans and Thugs Using Karate Weapons to Kill

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  • Hooligans and Thugs Using Karate Weapons to Kill

    In the USA there is an increasing number of gangs training in the use of nunchaku, shuriken, samurai sword and blow darts. A 13 year old kid can buy nunchaku and break someones head with it scary eh

    What can we do about these gangs ?. These days u can buy a book and purchase a tanto knife and learn how to kill with one slash.

    How can stop this before it gets out of control ?

  • #2
    Simple. Call in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


    • #3
      I am serious Tom, how would you like if u were confronted by these gangs with nunchakus and shurikens.

      Do u think these weapons should be banned ? or will this create a black market

      Originally posted by Tom Yum
      Simple. Call in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


      • #4
        Originally posted by holyman
        In the USA there is an increasing number of gangs training in the use of nunchaku, shuriken, samurai sword and blow darts. A 13 year old kid can buy nunchaku and break someones head with it scary eh

        What can we do about these gangs ?. These days u can buy a book and purchase a tanto knife and learn how to kill with one slash.

        How can stop this before it gets out of control ?
        It's like some of the Straight Edge gangs in the U.S., the angry vegetarian metalheads that slash up meat eaters, drug dealers, and winos with katanas. That same kid can easily get a baseball bat and break somebody's head in with it, and the same guy that learned how to kill with a tanto can easily take an ice pick and do the same. People are adaptable, they'll find ways to kill or harm each other no matter what so outlawing a few things won't do anything to help the situation.


        • #5
          Dude I think you are starting this conversation 25-30years too late. That is why there are laws against the sale of many of these weapons in the US. Did you just wake up ?


          • #6
            its symptomatic of an adolescant society, or if thats not the right phrase then a society with an adolescant culture, now dont get me wrong because i believe that we in the UK are playing catch up (in certain respects) with the US but lets consider some things.

            apart from the cowboy and indian past, (always the gun culture), for the last 30 or more years there has been an undeniable influence from TV and Film, look at TV shows from the seventies, always with the 'obligatory' exploding car, the shoot out, the other violence. Gang warfare to some extent, glamorised by TV cop shows, look back at Hill St Blues and such like. you dont think that all of this type of stuff blaring away in millions of homes day after day for decades with kid audiences has any effect!??.

            Then theres the massive 'haves' and 'have not' culture/divide that exists as a result of exaggerated capitalism and thus severely exaggerated unequal distribution of wealth...the sheer amount of resentment thats been breeding away for so long. I think that there are some terrible things about the US socio economic system, like for example, you get left in the fucking street by an ambulance if you dont have the fucking right medical insurance.

            Heres a question, what sort of people/a society could possibly do that!???.

            so to finalise, to the thread starter, you are way too late unless you have had such a sheltered life that you ask the incredibly stupid question "what can be done about it", its happened pal, its happened for decades.

            i guess you could be like many decent US citizens and do what they probably do, buy a truck load of guns, get permits and have shoot outs on the streets every day of the week.

            Vote HuSanYan for President
            Last edited by HuSanYan; 10-16-2004, 11:36 AM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by HuSanYan
              Vote HuSanYan for President

              Add a 15 hour work week (with 40 hour pay and benefits) and you have my vote!!!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by koto_ryu
                It's like some of the Straight Edge gangs in the U.S., the angry vegetarian metalheads that slash up meat eaters, drug dealers, and winos with katanas. That same kid can easily get a baseball bat and break somebody's head in with it, and the same guy that learned how to kill with a tanto can easily take an ice pick and do the same. People are adaptable, they'll find ways to kill or harm each other no matter what so outlawing a few things won't do anything to help the situation.
                I live in the city that breeded that movement...SLC, United States' own Mecca of religious oppression, methlabs, mormons, and mini-vans. The straigh-edge population here is violent, not like most easy going vegans from the east-coast, but we refer to them as hard-liners. The guys are a shunt off the punkrock clique, but are alienated from the scene, because they're...well...fascist assholes. They usually (oddly enough) run with skinz if they're running with anyone (there is also a distinction between working class skinz and neo-nazis that I don't's all some sort of rock-a-billy bullshit.)

                My little brother is the bassist for a pretty well awknowledged punk band (the Dregs) here, and plays along side another local group that has gained somewhat world reknown, Endless Struggle. I believe another band he played with was on Dave Attell's "Insomniac" last month...P.O.A. or Pissed on Arrival- their one well known song is..."**** Islam".

                Anyway...yes...nobody here uses nunchauks or tantos to fight...they use bottles, tire irons, knives, balisongs (punk rock, none of them are FMA trained or even own a book, I doubt many of them have the education, as they are gutter punk scum) BUT the main thing they like to carry is a can of mace and a maglight flashlight. I've been jumped twice at punk shows, once by one guy who knew some friends of my little brother (this guy was a bonefide skin-head White spade mutherfucka) who put his arms around me when I confronted him about kicking my friends cat at a party a week before....he was like.." know..." SUCKER PUNCH! he hit me with brass fucking knuckles...I choked his bitch ass out while his girlfriend tried to kick me in the face. Later that night, the same asshole puts a ciggarette out on some guys eye, and gets pummeled by that guy too. (these guys like to fight, are violent, and would rob somebody if the situation arose...but they are by no means good at it...I've taken some of these guys apart...the trick is, you get them when they're alone, and you initiate, don't talk shit, just jump 'em and stomp them...i.e. if the guy starts shit and your alone...let him talk, shove, whatever...this is not a chin-check situation, he's got pals that will jump you if you fight back, just walk away and nail the asshole when he goes to the restroom, make sure he can't call for help, or stumble out too early afterwards, then leave quick.

                The other time was by five guys at a hard-core show, and the same group had brained some poor asshole with a tire iron and accidentily sprayed some 12 year old girls with mace at another show...Long story short...the guy who was in charge was my little brother's ex-girlfriends new boyfriend...I was trying to talk to her, she said hi, he started talking shit and shoved me from out of nowhere, I tried laughing it off, I was like, this guy must be fucking joking, he threw a punch, I tried to throw an elbow and was pulled off and hit from all sides by the rest of his group, including his brother a skinhead with an ARA tattoo on his neck.
                I ripped my shirt off it was torn at this point, got my ski-mask from out of my back-pack and tried to coordinate a brawl with my little brothers friends who were with me...only two people (not brawlers, either) were down to help me, 2 out of fucking 9! Needless to say, I wasn't hurt, just angry as ****, and I would have taken them at a 3-5 odds, even with weapons, I would have smashed a fucking empty over one of their heads and slashed another with see, people like this don't care, they don't learn, and they hurt innocent people. They deserved to get pummled on site, these same kids video tape themselves beating up bums and little kids...they don't know how to fight, so they carry weapons and run in packs...they were SO fucking lucky that none of my real 'g' friends (just one and me would have sufficed, but me alone wouldn't do too well) were there, or they'd have been cut to ribbons or had their domes split on the curb.

                Anyway...that shit's behind me now, I'm in college, and I don't go to places or associate with these types of people anymore...I've seen enough shit in the past three years, enough to make Caligula blush and Nero cry, and if there is a hell, I'll probably see it for being party to the things I've witnessed and been unable to change (I'm sure the blame can be passed along as well! Everyone in our parent's generation in a position of authority who only care about their own fucking agenda and nobody else.). Life is a screwed up thing...people are stupid, and naturally violent, possessive, jealous, insecure, paranoid, and territorial, we are just glorified animals...and you can't talk to people who are like that because they do not view you as a are de-humanized because they hold all the power. You HAVE to show them that they don't. It's not a punishment thing, or retribution, it's pertinent for our (those in the struggle) survival.


                • #9
                  Okay...after all that I feel it's neccassary to also add this;
                  The martial arts HAVE saved my life...not in fights so much as in my choices.
                  I'm absolutely positive that without my instructors and without this outlet and this philosophy that has become part of my life, I would be dead, homeless, or a junkie.
                  About the same time I stopped hanging out with my old crew to train for a fight, they started getting worse, one is dead due to an overdose, almost all of them went into treatment, had the cops raid their houses, or are in jail or on the street. All are much, much worse for wear.
                  I'm sure that without the love that I have for the arts, I would have been another number, the age at which I started taking the arts, and the time frame in which I started to really focus on them were really key points in my life, a time which broke many of my closest friends down.
                  I wish there was a way to thank my instructors, and the only way I know is by being the best person I can be, by avoiding fights, avoiding all of the drugs, and by being who I should be, keeping those in my life happy, healthy, and safe.
                  Needless to say, I won't alienate or ignore my fallen friends, but that does not mean I have to monkey them or emulate them, I just try my best to comfort and console. I owe this to them as my friends, and I owe it to the world for the great things that I've been part of, and the not so great things I've had to endure or watch from outside.
                  The arts are a way to keep people safe, and a way of defending onesself, ultimately, from onesself, and the things, obstacles, and decisions that face us everyday.
                  I don't ever want to dissapoint my instructors, they are more like family to me than they know, and although I sit quietly, and answer them with respect everytime I'm addressed by them, I still feel like I need to honor them more, and hopefully, I'll be able to do this by how I live.
                  I had a real breakdown for a year period when I just didn't care, some of this I attribute to my first muay thai instructor, who also worked for my family's restraunt, embellishing and stealing a huge sum of money from my family before leaving, he got away, gone for good. This is a man who I'd seen as a sort of role model for awhile, someone who my parent's had let take me out of state on several occassions to visit other states to see fights and train with when I was a true minor (15, 16 years old). The man who chipped my teeth in sparring sessions, who mad my meals when I was trying to cut weight, and the man who I kissed on the cheek, jumping up and down when I knocked out my first opponent, for helping train me to win my first muay thai fight when I was 17. Betrayl is not the word.
                  During this period of time, I started to slip, and it made me realize just how much the arts are part of my life. Without them, nothing matters. School was almost too tedious to endure, people sucked, and true friends were never just that. The arts always put things back into perspective and put a smile on my face. A true love to fall back on.
                  I have learned alot, and I'm a great deal harder now than when I started, but I attribute all of this to the lifestyle I'd been thrust into, nursing addicts back to health, protecting those I care about from truly ruthless people, but it is the martial arts that give me the compassion and caring through comraderie that helped me to learn how to care again, about myself and my life, and about others.
                  So...I just hope nobody I know reads this, as it's a bit embarassing, but, it's true, and I hope I can eventually pay my instructors back for the wonderful tools they've given me to help me life my life happily, and to truly learn to know myself and my fellow person.


                  • #10
                    Garland, I never heard of POA, or Dregs. They are not as well known as you might like to believe.
                    There are dangers out there, and you seemed like a man out of control, contributing to all that was wrong at the time. I had the same situations, fortunately all my friends were arrested, kicked out of NY, or thrown into detention centers when I was younger. I didnt like it then, but it has changed me for the better. What can you do, when noones going to do it with you.
                    It's gonna be harder than you think. the people you meet elsewhere will be so naive as to how bad things can really be. You will have to make all new friends, as most people are unable to tear themselves away from familiarity. And you will have to deal with people that just want to talk crap, because they are not accustomed to what consequenses can follow.


                    • #11
                      originally posted by IPON,
                      Dude I think you are starting this conversation 25-30years too late. That is why there are laws against the sale of many of these weapons in the US. Did you just wake up ?
                      its true that there are laws against most of these weapons in MOST states. If I want something that's illegal in NY, I drive to PA, or Canada. Pay with a money order, and get a PO box. that's it. But these kinda things I use for collectors items, or for practice.

                      Originally posted by holyman
                      In the USA there is an increasing number of gangs training in the use of nunchaku, shuriken, samurai sword and blow darts. A 13 year old kid can buy nunchaku and break someones head with it scary eh

                      What can we do about these gangs ?. These days u can buy a book and purchase a tanto knife and learn how to kill with one slash.

                      How can stop this before it gets out of control ?
                      It's a very unlucky day, the day a 13 year old breaks my head with nunchaku. I can go to a fishing store and buy a 14" fillet knife. Or a 18" bowie or machette, how is this any different? You can make a blow dart gun out of common household items. And a cross-bow would be worse than all you had mentioned. Even a magazine or phonebook can be used effectively as a weapon. I think a better question should be, Why should we stop it?

                      I forgot to say Garland, that I commend you for your remarks, and respect that. Must have been a great burden off your shoulders. I wish you the best of luck on your future. You will make your instructors happy by making yourself happy. Please; dont allow your friends to hold you back from what you are capable of becoming.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by IPON
                        Add a 15 hour work week (with 40 hour pay and benefits) and you have my vote!!!!
                        IPON, I'll get with the team and see what we can do


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by holyman
                          In the USA there is an increasing number of gangs training in the use of nunchaku, shuriken, samurai sword and blow darts. A 13 year old kid can buy nunchaku and break someones head with it scary eh

                          What can we do about these gangs ?. These days u can buy a book and purchase a tanto knife and learn how to kill with one slash.

                          How can stop this before it gets out of control ?

                          When you fell asleep, was it around 1972...jj.

                          I tried to explain to a 40 something person from a gated community about what public school gangs are up to these days. She heard every word I said, but gave me this look like "Yeah right, your making it up"

                          Oh well....


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by HandtoHand
                            Now why would she possibly have difficulty believing the threat posed by 11 y/o drug dealers, thugs, pimps, and serial rapists? Silly Lady!!! jk

                            i think she understood the words that came out of my mouth, but played it off as some snot nosed kid (me) using my creative imagination to make up a

                            Ahh AHH, H2H your only 17 and therefore anything you say must be some made up story...jj


                            • #15
                              Yes it is a sad state of affairs with youth and the undrstanding of Martial Arts training. The foundation of The self discipline and personal growth goals are being replaced with senseless violence and mayhem.

