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Ridge, Knife, Spear

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  • Ridge, Knife, Spear

    Do you consider any of these effective in a fight. I know that I can use the ridge and knife hand strikes as well as i can punch but never really got the spear hand down. Anyways whats your opinion of how effective they are.

  • #2
    All of them are effective if used properly. I remember the first time I tried hitting a heavy-bag with a ridge-hand, to build up stregth and test whether I thought it would be effective. Nowhere near the strength that I could punch with, so I thought How worthless. But later I learned if I could slip it under a chin, it is very effective. You dont need a lot of power if you're hitting the right area. Same with a spear hand. You'd break your fingers hitting a person in the skull with a spearhand, but if you could hit them right below their sternum, in the weak point, you wouldn't need to hit them very hard to cause a lot of pain. A lot of it is knowing just how hard you have to hit to be effective without killing the other person, and without breaking your fingers or wrist. Spearhands work because they are delivered straight forward. It's hard for people to judge motion that is coming straight forward. The extra couple inches gained by using your fingers also makes it harder for them to judge distancing.


    • #3
      I know that all are effective if used properly it was more of a question to if they are effective for u personally in a fight.


      • #4
        I think of the 3 the spear would be most effective in basic street combat. if you've toughened your fingers enough to easily damage someone really badly just slipping it between the ribs (not saying you could puncture, why'd you want to? just more mess to clean up) which is more debilitating, someone punching you in the nose or jamming their fingers in your lungs/stomach?

