I am looking into taking up Judo or Karate twice a week to supplement my current grappling training. I have many reasons for training in these arts, and being a cage fighter is not one of them.... so for now, the MMA arguments about which is better than what need not apply.
I have access to a good judo club and a good karate school, as well as some good kung-fu/tae kwon do schools in my area.
I have it pretty much narrowed down to two schools, one is a judo club and the other is a kickboxing/karate academy.
One of my main interests is sport. There is a fair amount of competition these days in both judo and karate, so that makes it difficult to narrow it down based on that. Having experience with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, I would think it would be easier to do well in Judo tournaments.
Also, I don't understand Karate tournaments. I get the impression that you're supposed to hit without making contact with aggression but without intent to injure (yes a mess of contradictions). I don't get it. What is karate tournament fighting all about?
The main reason for taking up the second art would be mostly for fun. Judo would be similar to BJJ and both would complement each other well. Karate would be quite different, which could be fun as well as it presents a new challenge.
I'm sidelined for 3 weeks with torn ligaments in my ankle (football injury), and I'm trying to make up my mind what to do.
I am also thinking about possibly doing BJJ, Judo, and Karate all at once.... although I would be limited to Karate once a week (which is fine with me, I would just be doing it for recreation). However, the club I would be doing it at meets at the Community Center. How do I tell if it's a good club or not and how do I check up on the instructor's credentials (other than asking him, which I play to do sometime this week anyway)?
The schedule would look like this if I go that route....
Mon, Wed, Sun :BJJ
Tues, Thurs: Judo
Fri: Karate
I have access to a good judo club and a good karate school, as well as some good kung-fu/tae kwon do schools in my area.
I have it pretty much narrowed down to two schools, one is a judo club and the other is a kickboxing/karate academy.
One of my main interests is sport. There is a fair amount of competition these days in both judo and karate, so that makes it difficult to narrow it down based on that. Having experience with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, I would think it would be easier to do well in Judo tournaments.
Also, I don't understand Karate tournaments. I get the impression that you're supposed to hit without making contact with aggression but without intent to injure (yes a mess of contradictions). I don't get it. What is karate tournament fighting all about?
The main reason for taking up the second art would be mostly for fun. Judo would be similar to BJJ and both would complement each other well. Karate would be quite different, which could be fun as well as it presents a new challenge.
I'm sidelined for 3 weeks with torn ligaments in my ankle (football injury), and I'm trying to make up my mind what to do.
I am also thinking about possibly doing BJJ, Judo, and Karate all at once.... although I would be limited to Karate once a week (which is fine with me, I would just be doing it for recreation). However, the club I would be doing it at meets at the Community Center. How do I tell if it's a good club or not and how do I check up on the instructor's credentials (other than asking him, which I play to do sometime this week anyway)?
The schedule would look like this if I go that route....
Mon, Wed, Sun :BJJ
Tues, Thurs: Judo
Fri: Karate