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Shorin Ryu what do you guys think about it?

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  • Shorin Ryu what do you guys think about it?

    well, i know someone who takes japanese karate and he says it is less fluid movements, but hard hits to immobilize your oppenent... this may not be true becuase this kid is a bullshitter. But im just wondering what you guy think of Shorin Ryu cause there is a school near my house.

    I just started out at an MMA/boxing school, and was looking more for fluid, fast art, that could transfer to ground fighting if i had to thats why i went for mma.

    So just let me know what you guys think of shorin ryu karate.

  • #2
    Go see for yourself. Whatever decision you make, get in there, absorb like a sponge and see where it takes you from there.

    The kid might be right. Hard-style karate is a little bit more stiff, but emphasizes power.


    • #3
      ic well im a smaller build, 5'8 150 lbs but im athletic, so i figure i would wanna play to my strentghs you know so idk. Im wondering if anyone studied it here.


      • #4
        Studied it briefly some years back. The black belts moved pretty fast and fluid.Not as fast/fluid as some chinese or fma styles. Definitely had good discipline. My general impression of shorin ryu people is they try to keep up the quality compared to other styles where its luck of the draw. I would say it cant hurt to give it a try. For someone not big on I would still recommend shorin ryu with a good teacher.


        • #5
          Shorinryu is not Japanese it's Okinawan huge difference. There are many sub styles of Shorinryu. Where do you live exactly? Read the following it should help.

          A Brief History of Shorin-Ryu:
          The Shuri style is the origin of Shorin-Ryu, which consists of four main branches: Shobayashi-Ryu (small forest style), Kobayashi-Ryu (young forest style), Matsubayashi-Ryu )pine forest style), and Matsumrua Orthodox. Many of the name changes in Shorin-Ryu came about from teachers who developed their own styles, from students who have renamed styles after their instructors, and styles renamed as tributes to honor famous masters of the past.

          Shobayashi Shorin-Ryu:
          Shobayashi-Ryu was founded by Chotoku Kyan. Kyan was one of Itosu's more famous students who went on teach, among others, Shoshin Nagamine and Eizo Shimabukuro. Upon Kyan's death Eizo Shimabukuro was left in charge of the Shobayashi-Ryu school. Some of Shimabukuro's other instructors were Chojun Miyagi, Choki Motobu, and his older brother Tatsuo Shimabukuro.

          Koybayashi Shorin-Ryu:
          The Koybayashi-Ryu style was named by Choshin Chibana in 1928. Chibana was also a student of Itosu. According to Eizo Shimabukuro the Koybayashi and Shobayashi styles are the same and that Chibana simply misspelled the kanji characters which chaned the pronunciation. These two systems are the same today with the same form and pattern in their katas.

          Matsubayashi Shorin-Ryu:
          In 1947 Shoshin Nagamine converted into his own style and gave it the name Matsubayashi-Ryu in honor of Motobu and Kyan, two of his three instructors who studied under Sokon Matsumura.

          Matsumura Orthodox Shorin-Ryu:
          Sokon Matsumura had combined Takahara Peinchin and Tode (Karate)Sakugawa's karate-do knowledge with what he had learned in China and renamed Shuri-Te to Matsumura Shorin-Ryu. Some of his followers were Shoshin Kobayashi, Yasutsune Azato, Kentsu Yabu, Yasutsune Itosu, Shotoku Kyan and hid grandson Nabe Matsumura, who carried on with the name. After the death of Nabe Matsumura, Hohan Soken inherited the Matsumura Shorin-Ryu style and in 1945 changed the name to Matsumura Orthodox Shorin-Ryu. This is the style that is taught at Rising Sun Karate today.

          To this day there are at least 17 different modified forms of the Shorin-Ryu style. The four above are by far the most popular in Okinawa with Koybayashi and Shobayashi remaining virtually unchanged from the original Shroin-Ryu style.

