I love the way point fighters think that they are hard core. Whenever I see one I just double over laughing. They start jumping up and down with their hand sdown trying to hit eachother with a backfist or lead roundhouse with no power behind it. Then later, when they talk about their "fight", they make it seem like they were in a brawl and their superior training allowed them to win. The whole situation is comical.
The reason I bring this up is because I just got into a fight with a point figther while I was out running. He saw me working some jabs while I was jogging and decided to make a very rude comment toward me. I guess he thought he was hard because his 2 friends were there. I asked him what his problem was he started name calling, so I said some not so nice things and then he said "I'm a second degree blackbelt in TKD and I fight in competions all the time so if you want to fight I'll kick the living S*@% out of you. Now, for the record I'm not a black belt in any system, however I'm currently train for my black belt exam in Goju, and I do have experience in other systems. I'm also not that big I'm 5'5 about 155 lbs but I am build fairly well. I decided to fight this guy, he came in trying to hit me a back fist rear roundhouse kick combo, I let his backhand hit my shoulder (I don't know where he was aiming) then I grabbed his kick and commenced one of the most spectacular ass kickings ever witnessed in the bronx.
I beat this guy so badly that his friends had to help him stand up. They by the way his friends wanted no part of me. I aattracted a crowd and some police officers. I was hand cuffed while they asked me what happened, and interviewed the witnesses. To make a long story short they let me go and I told them I wasn't going to press charges against the other guy, so they let him go too.
Thanks for letting me vent.
The reason I bring this up is because I just got into a fight with a point figther while I was out running. He saw me working some jabs while I was jogging and decided to make a very rude comment toward me. I guess he thought he was hard because his 2 friends were there. I asked him what his problem was he started name calling, so I said some not so nice things and then he said "I'm a second degree blackbelt in TKD and I fight in competions all the time so if you want to fight I'll kick the living S*@% out of you. Now, for the record I'm not a black belt in any system, however I'm currently train for my black belt exam in Goju, and I do have experience in other systems. I'm also not that big I'm 5'5 about 155 lbs but I am build fairly well. I decided to fight this guy, he came in trying to hit me a back fist rear roundhouse kick combo, I let his backhand hit my shoulder (I don't know where he was aiming) then I grabbed his kick and commenced one of the most spectacular ass kickings ever witnessed in the bronx.
I beat this guy so badly that his friends had to help him stand up. They by the way his friends wanted no part of me. I aattracted a crowd and some police officers. I was hand cuffed while they asked me what happened, and interviewed the witnesses. To make a long story short they let me go and I told them I wasn't going to press charges against the other guy, so they let him go too.
Thanks for letting me vent.