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Destiny and Natural Ability

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  • Destiny and Natural Ability

    Do you believe in destiny and natural ability? How far in life can you go with these 2? How many great champions and great warriors possessed destiny and natural ability? How far can you go? Are the Gods on your side?

    Just a few questions to get you thinking. Discussion is now open.

  • #2
    Man, you post some pretty weird stuff.


    • #3
      Originally posted by HtTKar
      Man, you post some pretty weird stuff.
      Ha Ha Ha........................I think I been watching too many samauri movies and gladiator moveis.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Hardball
        Do you believe in destiny and natural ability? How far in life can you go with these 2? How many great champions and great warriors possessed destiny and natural ability? How far can you go? Are the Gods on your side?

        Just a few questions to get you thinking. Discussion is now open.
        oh yes the Gods are definitly prescient. Jesus told me to kill them because they were unclean.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Hardball
          Do you believe in destiny and natural ability? How far in life can you go with these 2? Discussion is now open.
          So many things have been done in this world that were believed impossible or criticqued to death. Its hard to say what can or can't be done, regardless there will allways be critics....maybe they are the fuel for progress


          • #6
            Originally posted by Tom Yum
            So many things have been done in this world that were believed impossible or criticqued to death. Its hard to say what can or can't be done, regardless there will allways be critics....maybe they are the fuel for progress
            Very Wise and Mature statement.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Hardball
              Very Wise and Mature statement.
              Thanks, Hardball.

              I enjoy your posts and your approach as well.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Tom Yum
                Thanks, Hardball.

                I enjoy your posts and your approach as well.
                Yours too. By-the-way, did you VOTE in my thread about Medival knights vs Japanese Samari? {brazillian=mma forumn)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Hardball
                  Do you believe in destiny and natural ability? How far in life can you go with these 2? How many great champions and great warriors possessed destiny and natural ability? How far can you go? Are the Gods on your side?

                  Just a few questions to get you thinking. Discussion is now open.

                  Hmm, some of the answer would depend on your beliefs. I would say it is possible to create or impact your destiny with natural ability if it is utilized. Natural ability will rarely by itself make one standout. A person still needs to work hard whether that is physical training, research etc.

