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Kung Fu = Karate? History?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by BoarSpear
    Wow you really are a christian hateful little lying piece of crap arent you? i pointed out you support child molestation, torture and you jump threads and make up quotes to try and discredit me...thats a play right out of your hero George bush's book ...punk. exactly where did you find that quote you put there from me? Oh i know, you pulled it out of your ass....anything else of mine in there while youre at it pussy?

    I'm not christian, I don't support George 'homeland security' Bush, and I made that quote up out of thin air in a sort of light hearted attempt to interupt an increasingly sensless argument.
    Which is not to say that I haven't gotten in those arguments myself, but come on... read the last couple pages and decide if you've made any progress with Oma. You aren't going to change his mind. He's smack in the middle of his own BJJ worship phase and you're wasting your time arguing with him. That's all I'm saying.

    No offense meant.


    • #32
      Originally posted by gregimotis
      I'm not christian, I don't support George 'homeland security' Bush, and I made that quote up out of thin air in a sort of light hearted attempt to interupt an increasingly sensless argument.
      Which is not to say that I haven't gotten in those arguments myself, but come on... read the last couple pages and decide if you've made any progress with Oma. You aren't going to change his mind. He's smack in the middle of his own BJJ worship phase and you're wasting your time arguing with him. That's all I'm saying.

      No offense meant. bad seeing as we were having such a wonderfuly enlightening discussion on christian virtue in the other thread....i naturally felt this was a carry over attack...I AM VERY SORRY I CALLED YOU CHRISTIAN, it was a low blow...
      i know im not getting anywhere with oma but that doesnt make it any less fun...ny


      • #33
        Originally posted by gregimotis
        I'm not christian, I don't support George 'homeland security' Bush,
        Yeah i was always under the impression that the SECOND AMENDMENT WAS homeland security...


        • #34
          Originally posted by BoarSpear
          yeah im sure you spend alot of time grabbing guys guns...this is my rifle this is my gun one is for shooting one for FUN...enjoy, i read alot also i really enjoyed the interview with royce ....its goes really well with helio's bullet proof shield....and explains why the the rest of the gjj crowd is so brainwashed...youre too damn dumb to know when you lost a fight...
          -no, I mean I grab MY OWN GUN !
          -List the Gracies wins vs loses in and HNB fights, it must be 20000-4, how is it brainwashed to see it win time and time again? The guys I know, other than the instructors, who would kill you, dont wear tshirts or jackets with their schools on it, thats usually the white belts who are just getting into and think they can take on the world


          • #35
            Back when the occidental split from the oriental and the oriental headed east from the Ural Mountains - we have the east really developing the manual fighting skills and the west...well not really.
            That is one of the most ignorant things I've heard in a long time.


            • #36
              Originally posted by OmaPlata
              -no, I mean I grab MY OWN GUN !
              EEEEEWWWW win ...i want no part of being shot with your gun
              im outta here....


              • #37
                Originally posted by jubaji
                Did you paint that target on yourself or did it just appear one day?
                funny you mention reading bambi and holding still in the same sentence...guess you thought you were still at school with your little kids ,well you are not so put you gun away


                • #38
                  You realize of course that everyone can see what a fraud you are...

                  Originally posted by BoarSpear
                  no capt happy the wrestler, i would prefer to have a grapller try and close the gap without setting it up in any way as you see them do so often ,...

                  See who do so often?


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by BoarSpear
                    i have placed a few knees where cocky little wrestlers nose used to be..ducking the head and shooting in trying for single and double legs......

                    Oh, of course you have.

                    You are so full of shit its coming out of your ears.

                    You are a dojo-darling who is so obviously threatened by your weaknesses that you'd rather deny them than work on them.

                    You are everything that real people(particularly real TMA people) hate about TMA-poseurs.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by BoarSpear
                      funny you mention reading bambi and holding still in the same sentence...guess you thought you were still at school with your little kids ,well you are not so put you gun away - -

                      Well, that was a nice collection of words. If you'd ever like to try making a sentence that would be nice too!


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by OmaPlata
                        the point was, that you uneducated retards with your diminished capacity's couldnt grasp, was the Norris was smart enough to see that the stand up "bruce lee crap" was exactly that, crap, so he switched to go back to cartoons and kicking padded wood boards while you yell real loud, lol
                        The Point is that you don't seem to grasp that the Gracies, who always said there is No standup in JJ are now putting a lot more training time in it, maybe not for BJJ but certainly for MMA

                        Yes it is stupid to only do standup in MMa but it is just as stupid to only do grapling
                        As for in the streets, sorry but it is even more stupid to only do groundfighting/grapling than to only do standup

                        The main reason why Royce won the early UFCs was because the Gracie family were doing these kind of matches for decades already, the rest of the competitors had never done anything like it

                        Odd thing is, when a Karateka does any crosstraining, MMA oriented people immediately complain that they shouldn't call themself Karateka anymore but when a BJJ guy does crosstraining, this is never an issue, he will remain BJJ

                        In short without crosstraining Noone will be a great MMA fighter


                        • #42
                          <hen a BJJ guy does crosstraining, this is never an issue, he will remain BJJ

                          In short without crosstraining Noone will be a great MMA fighter>

                          -true, thats because BJJ is always evolving, guys learn new moves,etc and its all passed along and it has it specialties for all body types and sizes.
                          But guys like Silva train in Chute fighting, other guys Vale Tudo, all are BJJ mixed with other stuff, but they dont call it BJJ, they in fact like to seperate themselves from it at times, hence the vale tudo fights in Brazil, which have been going on for a long time, long before the UFC


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by jubaji
                            See who do so often?
                            Gee lets see it happens in virtually every ufc for one...if you cant see it you have either never watched one or you are to dense to see the risk in throwing a couple of bombs then diving at your opponents waist...either way i hardly need to defend myself from an english you just keep up the one liner's fun boy. And btw who is locked into one doctrine? i believe its perhaps thats why you lash out and make fun Whenever people discuss any TMA no matter the thread.....


                            • #44
                              I have only been reading through this site for a few hours but I already see how people are compelled to argue on endlessly over opinions. It is painfully obvious who is clueless/inexperienced, but what I don't understand is why you vets need to dignify this nonsense by bantering with them.

                              I didn't want only my second post to sound like a condisending rant but ...


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by OmaPlata
                                < did you start out rolling around on cushioned surfaces with sweaty men in uniform and just >

                                -well thats one thing that makes it ten times better than any other martial art, you actually test you skills every time out, with all different sizes and skill levels, so when u do fight a sweaty guy of any size you can tap him out.....instead of yelling real loud and trying to do a "Van Damme" flying kick that doesnt really work, as the world has seen in every MMA event
                                Man Van Damme sucks ,probably you suck as well in striking techniques.

