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Kung Fu = Karate? History?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by theprophet
    Wasn't this thread about history of Kung Fu/Karate?

    Why are we talking BJJ??
    If BJJ was a religious cult, omaplata and tap-r-snap would be knocking people down to be first in line to drink the poisoned kool aid


    • #47
      Originally posted by Toudiyama[NL]
      The Point is that you don't seem to grasp that the Gracies, who always said there is No standup in JJ are now putting a lot more training time in it, maybe not for BJJ but certainly for MMA

      Yes it is stupid to only do standup in MMa but it is just as stupid to only do grapling
      As for in the streets, sorry but it is even more stupid to only do groundfighting/grapling than to only do standup

      The main reason why Royce won the early UFCs was because the Gracie family were doing these kind of matches for decades already, the rest of the competitors had never done anything like it

      Odd thing is, when a Karateka does any crosstraining, MMA oriented people immediately complain that they shouldn't call themself Karateka anymore but when a BJJ guy does crosstraining, this is never an issue, he will remain BJJ

      In short without crosstraining Noone will be a great MMA fighter
      Since the Gracies are starting to add more standup and striking, shouldn't you be pissed off at them for ruining BJJ with all that 'Bruce Lee fake crap'?


      • #48
        Originally posted by Toudiyama[NL]
        The Point is that you don't seem to grasp that the Gracies, who always said there is No standup in JJ are now putting a lot more training time in it, maybe not for BJJ but certainly for MMA

        Yes it is stupid to only do standup in MMa but it is just as stupid to only do grapling
        As for in the streets, sorry but it is even more stupid to only do groundfighting/grapling than to only do standup

        The main reason why Royce won the early UFCs was because the Gracie family were doing these kind of matches for decades already, the rest of the competitors had never done anything like it
        Bjj figthers have an advantage in MMA Figths cause of the rules and the gloves .If rules didn't exist and gloves weren't use, standup figthing would be better than groundfighting .This would be similar to a street figth and as you say :
        "As for in the streets, sorry but it is even more stupid to only do groundfighting/grapling than to only do standup"


        • #49
          Originally posted by Berserk001
          If rules didn't exist and gloves weren't use, standup figthing would be better than groundfighting.



          • #50
            Originally posted by medic06
            Since the Gracies are starting to add more standup and striking, shouldn't you be pissed off at them for ruining BJJ with all that 'Bruce Lee fake crap'?
            I'm not pissed off at the Gracies, I'm pissed of at poeple who say fighters should call themselves Karateka if they added other stuff but still Call Gracies BJJ even though they added standup though Royce said ju jitsu didn't have any standup

            Logical conclusion would be that most Gracies are no longer BJJ fighters when they compete in Pride or UFC ( heck Royce even ditched the Gi)

            Personaly if some calls himself Karateka or BJJ, I wil do the same, 20 years of experience in one art make that a fact that isn't changed by adding some training of the other MA's, their main staple stays the same

            Another thing that pisses me of is that on the one hand people say 1 of the things wrong with TMA is that they do not change, they didn't addapt to modern times, but then if some does so, say that they shouldn't call it ..... anymore (kung fu, name it)
            Even only changing the training methods (which has been done all the time) and you get those remarks
            Sorry but these are just exuses so they can keep saying Karate, Kung fu etc are crap


            • #51
              I"m not bashing TMAs man!!! I'm pointing out a contradiction to some of these MMA boneheads.


              • #52
                Originally posted by medic06
                I"m not bashing TMAs man!!! I'm pointing out a contradiction to some of these MMA boneheads.
                I didn't mean you were bashing TMA at all, I was trying to do the same as you are
                Seems these "Boneheads" apply different set of rules for TMA than they do for themself and "modern" arts


                • #53
                  Originally posted by OmaPlata
                  < did you start out rolling around on cushioned surfaces with sweaty men in uniform and just >

                  -well thats one thing that makes it ten times better than any other martial art, you actually test you skills every time out, with all different sizes and skill levels, so when u do fight a sweaty guy of any size you can tap him out.....instead of yelling real loud and trying to do a "Van Damme" flying kick that doesnt really work, as the world has seen in every MMA event

                  Funny...Chuck Liddell wins alot of matches...and he's more of a stand up fighter who started in karate when he was a kid.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by OmaPlata
                    the point was, that you uneducated retards with your diminished capacity's couldnt grasp, was the Norris was smart enough to see that the stand up "bruce lee crap" was exactly that, crap, so he switched to go back to cartoons and kicking padded wood boards while you yell real loud, lol

                    He did not SWITCH to BJJ silly boy... He INCORPORATED the techniques into his Moo Duk Kwon Tang Soo Do. He has a name for it now like Chuck do kwon or some crap. Don't Dis the grandmaster like that or he might kick your state off the map and THEN where would you be?

