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just starting ninjutsu/ninpo training,

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  • just starting ninjutsu/ninpo training,

    im about to join this school of training and wondered if anybody had any opinion about this style,

    pro's con's etc,


  • #2
    Well, I only know so little about it but I remember when I trained in Arnis my instructors assistant who took ninjiutsu for 10 years was one of the fastest people I've seen in my class. I remember he always showed me some moves from ninjiutsu like instead of blocking with your hand just hit him with your stick on his knuckles and it worked on me because I challenged him to it. Also we could never take him down he always finds a way to not fall down even though hes so close to falling sometimes. I think his striking was great too from what I've heard. If you have a good school I'm pretty sure you'd do good. :P


    • #3
      Originally posted by blitz
      Well, I only know so little about it but I remember when I trained in Arnis my instructors assistant who took ninjiutsu for 10 years was one of the fastest people I've seen in my class. I remember he always showed me some moves from ninjiutsu like instead of blocking with your hand just hit him with your stick on his knuckles and it worked on me because I challenged him to it. Also we could never take him down he always finds a way to not fall down even though hes so close to falling sometimes. I think his striking was great too from what I've heard. If you have a good school I'm pretty sure you'd do good. :P


      the style interests e alot, it looks effective from what ive seen so far of it,



      • #4
        I'm not one of those stle bashers. I have respect for every single martial art. Although I agree some are better than others, I think every martial art is effective and benefitial if TAUGHT right.

        Unfortunately, ninjutsu - the real ninjutsu - is a fading art and only a very few people in the world teach and know legitimate ninjutsu.

        Ninjutsu, as you may alreayd know, is a martial art developed for ninjas during feudal Japan, much like Teukungmoosul is for the South Korean commandos.

        However, especially if youre not in Japan, you'd be hard pressed to find a good ninjutsu (legimitate) guy.

        Check him out

        and good luck


        • #5
          There are at least 20 people who have trained personally with Hatsumi sensei in Japan, spread around the globe. I would say any one of these senseis are teaching the authentic style of Bujinkan. Genbukan looks similar.

          In my opinion, it is one of the most lethal and dangerous styles in existance. What is so great about it is the fact that it is an evolving form. These are not stuff from 1500, but from now. The techniques are hard to learn, but make sense. In my opinion, there are elements of Karate, Judo, Jiu-jitsu and aikido in there, along with warfare and espionage/stealth training. There a re quite a few books on the subject, but unfortunatly, very few show the basic fighting moves. You pretty much have to take a class to get the details.


          • #6
            There are more than just a few that a teaching the art properly. I am in Japan now and I have seen hundreds of people from around the world teaching the Bujinkan system. With all of the people participating in Bujinkan, Genukan and Jinenkan believe me it is far from fading.

            An inportant point was touched on about the fact of finding a good instructor. Please do some good research on any type of art you wish to study and which instructor to study with

