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(Question)I have found a dojo near at my place and they teach Shotokan..

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  • (Question)I have found a dojo near at my place and they teach Shotokan..

    I have found a dojo near at my place and they teach Shotokan Karatedo and my question is this...does Shotokan can help me with my course Law Enforcement? SHOTOKAN effective in terms of fighting and knocking down criminals?...i really need help guys if u suggest any martial arts that works in my course Law Enforcement...That will be appreciated

  • #2
    Originally posted by akio123
    I have found a dojo near at my place and they teach Shotokan Karatedo and my question is this...does Shotokan can help me with my course Law Enforcement? SHOTOKAN effective in terms of fighting and knocking down criminals?...i really need help guys if u suggest any martial arts that works in my course Law Enforcement...That will be appreciated
    Daniel San never put pride before principle..
    -Pat Morita(Mr. Miyagi)


    • #3
      Any martial art will help. shotokan, isnt considered the best MA or even the best form of karate but it has its uses.


      • #4
        Based on my experience, I would suggest looking for either a boxing or kickboxing gym and supplementing your training with some greco roman wrestling and a ground fighting art such as BJJ or freestyle wrestling. Not only do such arts functionalize much quicker because of the training methods but assuming that you are going into civilian law enforcement, you're probably going to be much more concerned about restraining criminals than in jacking them in the face... unless, of course, you plan on taking out the civilian jackass with the digital camcorder first...


        • #5
          ^ decent ideas, but law enforcement is not MMA competition.

          I think that the best choice id Krav Maga, or, at least one of my top choices if I was in your position. You want to have expereince with weapons and also with techniques that you will never use in the boxing ring.


          • #6
            Boxing and bodybuilding. Krav Maga is not a favorite style of mine.

            Police rely in intimidation, backup, and escalation of force through the force continuem. There is a reason why 25% of police officers take steroids.


            • #7

              Thx for ur suggestions guys^^


              • #8
                DONT do shotokan. Boxing is your best bet by far, muay thai a second choice. Shotokan is possibly the worst option out there for you. Far too many storys of 3rd dan black belts in shotokan getting in a bad situation, dropping down into the nice, strong stance theyve been drilled in, then getting pasted by the guy with zero ma experience.
                shotokan is somewhat ineffective at knocking people down


                • #9
                  Which country?

                  Which country do you live? That's a rhetorical question. I think where you live determines which laws come into play when apprehending a suspect. I don't know for sure, but I think hitting an unarmed suspect would be against the rules in the US. Whereas in other countries, its perfectly acceptable.

                  I'd go for wrestling, judo or jiujitsu. You probably also want to also be in top condition especially if you want to handle larger, stronger opponents.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by seppuku
                    DONT do shotokan. Boxing is your best bet by far, muay thai a second choice. Shotokan is possibly the worst option out there for you. Far too many storys of 3rd dan black belts in shotokan getting in a bad situation, dropping down into the nice, strong stance theyve been drilled in, then getting pasted by the guy with zero ma experience.
                    shotokan is somewhat ineffective at knocking people down

                    You've beaten the hell out of a lot of Shotokan guys, I take it?


                    • #11
                      I blatently didnt say that.
                      The of the sensai's there had his ass handed to him in a bar. One of his friends started on a group of three guys who were swearing and being generally loud and offensive while he was out for a meal with his girlfriend... the three guys won that fight...

                      I did well sparring against the vast majority of people in the dojo, although all but one of the blackbelts beat me. The one who didnt was 19 or something daft like that.


                      • #12
                        Notice you said "THREE".


                        • #13
                          This is true. 3 on 1 is not good odds, ever. Since it was the karate guy who attacked the three others, it shows that sotokan gives a greatly exaggerated impression of how effective it is in a fight. Or that the guy was really dense, one or the other


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by seppuku
                            I blatently didnt say that. .

                            Well, then you aren't really in a position to write off all of Shotokan out of hand, are you champ?


                            • #15
                              I had a good friend in school who studied Shotokan. I know he was a black belt but I'm not sure what rank. He learned Japanese and the last time I saw him he was on his way to Japan to be an English teacher, but we all kidded him about how he was really going there to be a student. I never saw him fight but I did get to train with him for a little while, and I can tell you he was an outstanding athlete. A lot of the mechanics he used were pretty much identical to what I've seen at other schools, and I haven't met many people before or since who had his level of dedication.

