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Karate Useless?

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  • #16
    Aikiguy has absolutely no idea what he's talking about so let's just skip over his retarded comments. I guess he is another one of those people who think he can take on every single traditional martial artist. Good luck with that, buddy.


    • #17
      Oh. and Aikiguy?

      Next time, try knowing what you are talking about before you blast something you have absolutely no knowledge on. ALL martial arts were originially developed for self defense/combat. Perhaps you should get some history lessons.

      I am getting fed up with the attitude "if it isn't in UFC, it sucks". Only a few styles have made it in MMA. The logic these people are using states that then all of the styles not in MMA must suck. How many MA's does that exclude? I suppose about hundreds of them...


      • #18
        Originally posted by Mastah
        Oh. and Aikiguy?

        Next time, try knowing what you are talking about before you blast something you have absolutely no knowledge on. ALL martial arts were originially developed for self defense/combat. Perhaps you should get some history lessons.

        I am getting fed up with the attitude "if it isn't in UFC, it sucks". Only a few styles have made it in MMA. The logic these people are using states that then all of the styles not in MMA must suck. How many MA's does that exclude? I suppose about hundreds of them...
        ... when did I say any of this? Quote me. When did I "blast" TMA and say that UFC is the be all and end all? It's not. I am emphasizing the importance of realistic training (or as realistic as you can make it), and its ability to make any art you practice work. Read my comments before completely misquoting me.

        Maybe if you read aseepish's latest comment about JKD concepts ... that's what I have been trying to say and he's a little more eloquent than I am.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Mastah
          Oh. and Aikiguy?

          Next time, try knowing what you are talking about before you blast something you have absolutely no knowledge on. ALL martial arts were originially developed for self defense/combat. Perhaps you should get some history lessons.

          I am getting fed up with the attitude "if it isn't in UFC, it sucks". Only a few styles have made it in MMA. The logic these people are using states that then all of the styles not in MMA must suck. How many MA's does that exclude? I suppose about hundreds of them...
          Do you know why only a "few" "arts" have made it to the UFC....because few "arts" work under full resistance.Karate can be fact it can be very effective....if trained properly using progressive resistance and full contact sparring...utalizing timing energy and motion.(Aliveness) 99% of Karate schools however do not train this way....about 99% of all Muay Thai do train this way which is why people choose Muay Thai over Karate.If you have the time to go out to a Karate school that trains Alive...thats great good luck finding one.


          • #20
            Just because Muay Thai is better than Karate doesn't mean Karate doesn't "work". People need to stop this kind of reasoning that just because MT is stronger than something, that somethign doesn't work.


            • #21
              Originally posted by JkD187
              Do you know why only a "few" "arts" have made it to the UFC ... because few "arts" work under full resistance. Karate can be effective ... in fact it can be very effective....if trained properly using progressive resistance and full contact sparring...utilizing timing energy and motion (Aliveness). 99% of Karate schools however do not train this way ... about 99% of all Muay Thai do train this way which is why people choose Muay Thai over Karate. ...
              Are instructors / practitioners of other styles beginning to step up and apply the same principles of aliveness to their art? That 1% that does could really help the other 99% ...

              If aliveness were consistently used in karate ... or TKD ... or aikido ... how much do you think they would change? Would the training simply be different or would the art completely take a different direction?


              • #22
                Originally posted by Mastah
                Just because Muay Thai is better than Karate doesn't mean Karate doesn't "work". People need to stop this kind of reasoning that just because MT is stronger than something, that somethign doesn't work.
                Is that your opinion? cause I've fight several MT figthers and I kick their asses and I only practice karate and a little of kempo.


                • #23
                  MT might be better for Fighting but shure as he not for selfdefence
                  Most of the people that started Karate for SD reassons didn't like to get hit at all not even semi contact or touch skin, (meaning you just hit and retract before your knuckles are driving through your gloves)
                  Full contact and full resistive training/sparring is not what thesee people want, even though it is more practical in real life
                  On top of that most MT training is match fighting oriented not SD oriented at all


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Aikiguy
                    Are instructors / practitioners of other styles beginning to step up and apply the same principles of aliveness to their art? That 1% that does could really help the other 99% ...

                    If aliveness were consistently used in karate ... or TKD ... or aikido ... how much do you think they would change? Would the training simply be different or would the art completely take a different direction?
                    Sorry for not responding sooner ive been busy.That is a good my honest opinion i believe traditional arts dont train with aliveness is because of the word tradition.Most traditional arts(not all but most) train like they have for thousands of years with no evolution.If you took TKD and applied aliveness to it and evolved the art it would no longer resemble would resemble what MMA looks like today.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Toudiyama[NL]
                      (meaning you just hit and retract before your knuckles are driving through your gloves)
                      Full contact and full resistive training/sparring is not what thesee people want, even though it is more practical in real life
                      On top of that most MT training is match fighting oriented not SD oriented at all
                      Yes you're right cause I'm one ot the few in my dojo who practice punches by using the makiwara


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by JkD187
                        Most traditional arts (not all but most) train like they have for thousands of years with no evolution. If you took TKD and applied aliveness to it and evolved the art it would no longer resemble would resemble what MMA looks like today.
                        In a way, I think they have evolved, but only in the sense that some aspects - such as realistic sparring - have been de-emphasized. (Especially in this country, since in many cases, learning MA is more of a recreation than a necessity. We're allowed that luxury.) As a result, the art itself loses the elements that make it effective, since it's no longer "battle tested" by those who get their advanced degrees in the system. As generations go by, the situation gets worse, as bad / dangerous practices are taught - albeit with the best of intentions - as gospel and tradition. De-evolution ... worse than stagnation!

                        I do agree that many have not evolved to adapt to other MA styles and ways of thinking. Aikido, for example, still doesn't incorporate striking or ground work. I asked about it over the years (convinced that my ikkyo wasn't about to do squat against someone who really wanted to do me in), and was told that it "wasn't aikido" if we used strikes or got tied up with someone on the ground. It was against the philosophy.

                        Though if it ever did ... I think we'd see something like a Hapkido / BJJ mix in the end. That would be fun to see.


                        • #27
                          I practice Karate. The Eugue Ryu Style of Karate. It is very battle oriented(atleast where I train)and we have full contact sparring every class. it is very fun. I know for a fact that Karate can be very effective.


                          • #28

                            Yawn !! here we go again. People are always dogging Karate. The problem with Karate is the sport side which has evolved into a game of tag. Try that in the street and you will get killed. People think thats real Karate when its not. You have to look closley at the Katas and you will see locks, throws, grappling and some brutal and lethal strikes. Check out the " ian abernethy" web site to see how Karate is an effective close distance complete fighting system. like I say, the sport karate has given the martial art a bad rep !!!!


                            • #29
                              some of the confusion seems to revolve around free fighting (sparring) and kata. we practice them as two sides of the same coin. free fighting is used for ballistic assaults and closing distance. in the meantime our bunkai and oyo from kata show a lot of stand up grappling and throwing along with striking.

                              trying to interpret kata as free fighting is like trying to dance about architecture.

                              oh, hi everybody ...


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by explorer
                                some of the confusion seems to revolve around free fighting (sparring) and kata. we practice them as two sides of the same coin. free fighting is used for ballistic assaults and closing distance. in the meantime our bunkai and oyo from kata show a lot of stand up grappling and throwing along with striking....

                                Originally posted by explorer
                                trying to interpret kata as free fighting is like trying to dance about architecture. oh, hi everybody ...
                                Great class!

                                Interpretive Dance 304B (architecture, construction and demolition)


