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  • Tukido?

    Anyone heard of or trained in this? Is it any good?

  • #2
    Tukido is the latest development in the martial arts. Literally translated it means “The Art of Skilful Combat”. It was developed and modified from a complement of martial arts by Grandmaster Hock Aun Teh, D.A., whose concept of modern martial arts is like “one-stop shopping” – fitness and self-defence rolled into one. The exercises are designed to improve fitness, and the combat movements are designed to develop the skill of self-defence as well as to stimulate the senses to an increased awareness of the surroundings.

    Unlike other traditional martial arts, Tukido has no stances and no rigid or impractical movements. Tukido is based on natural and effective movements, which are easy to learn and to apply. Principally, all other traditional martial arts believe that all force derives from the hips, whereas Tukido’s research has shown that all force in fact derives from the feet.

    Tukido is the first and only martial art to be
    awarded a developing grant by the
    government of the European Community.


    • #3
      I have only heard of it, but never practiced it. I think it could be effective.


      • #4
        And you copy pasted all that too cus i read it on some site!!


        • #5
          But of course. Did you excpect me to type all of that. So you know that it is really doubtful that many people in the United States have practiced this art.


          • #6
            From the pictures, it looks like it isn't that good I mean I never liked flying high kicks to the face.


            • #7
              Yeah, a jump kick to the face wouldn't have much power unless you ran first.


              • #8
                its just displaying skills, i doubt thats how they teach you to fight, almost everyone learns a jumping/flying kick in numberous MA's, its good for developing balance and power amongst other things, maybe sometimes, just SOMETIMES, you could also use it in a fight hehe....


                • #9
                  looks like another Mcdojo franchise.

