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Hey Guys,is Miyamoto Musashi Is The Greatest Samurai?

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  • Hey Guys,is Miyamoto Musashi Is The Greatest Samurai?

    HEY guys out there I just want to know if MIYAMOTO MUSASHI is the greatest samurai in JAPAN....ive heard that he fought 60 duels but still remain is this the character based in SAMURAI X name BATUSAI..just to remember MIYAMOTO?

  • #2
    Wow...Being the best is a matter of opinion. And Kenshin Himura in the anime has no connectio to miyamoto musashi. Saying so is kind of a disgrace to Musahsi if youve read his book


    • #3
      Originally posted by akio123
      HEY guys out there I just want to know if MIYAMOTO MUSASHI is the greatest samurai in JAPAN....ive heard that he fought 60 duels but still remain is this the character based in SAMURAI X name BATUSAI..just to remember MIYAMOTO?
      Most famous but It's up for debate whether he was the greatest. He left his legacy behind by writing the book of 5 rings two years before his death.


      • #4
        He's certainly the best i've ever read about, but my knowledge isn't as extensive as i'd like it to be. I do know that he held the record for most duels fought. More than once he killed live-sword-weilding-opponents with a bokken. In his own time he was actually often viewed as a villian because his techniques and philosophy were considered underhanded by samurai who adhered more strictly to the traditional codes of combat. Examples of that philosophy can be seen in his advocacy of striking without warning and also the fact that he used his katana and wakizashi in battle. He was forward thinking, he didn't let tradition limit the tools he used.
        If Kenshin is at all linked to Musashi it would just be that Musashi was the inspiration for a character who was ruthless and unbeatable, but Musashi lived long before the Meiji when Rurouni Kenshin (Samurai X) takes place.


        • #5
          Muso Gonnosuke after being defeated by Musashi, went off and meditated in the mountains and designed the Jo staff and beat Musashi!


          • #6
            Never heard that, where could i read about it?


            • #7
              Originally posted by GonzoStyles
              Muso Gonnosuke after being defeated by Musashi, went off and meditated in the mountains and designed the Jo staff and beat Musashi!
              Wasnt that Bo Rai Cho?


              • #8

                well heres a good one now go goole yer own!


                • #9
                  The way I think of it is this.

                  Its not the samurai that makes him great, its the master who made his blade.

                  you could be the greatest swords man in the world, with a crappy sword you will not fair well.

                  Remember the blade is the soul of the fighter.

                  JMHO though. these are my beleafes.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by GakiAkuma
                    The way I think of it is this.

                    Its not the samurai that makes him great, its the master who made his blade.

                    you could be the greatest swords man in the world, with a crappy sword you will not fair well.

                    Remember the blade is the soul of the fighter.

                    JMHO though. these are my beleafes.

                    Your be-whats?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by GakiAkuma
                      The way I think of it is this.

                      Its not the samurai that makes him great, its the master who made his blade.

                      you could be the greatest swords man in the world, with a crappy sword you will not fair well.

                      Remember the blade is the soul of the fighter.

                      JMHO though. these are my beleafes.
                      Considering that Musashi killed more than one man with a bokken I highly disagree. And the blade represents the soul of the fighter, that's a big difference.


                      • #12
                        THX FOR sharing ur knwldge!!

                        thx for sharing ur knowledge about MUSASHI


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by GonzoStyles

                          well heres a good one now go goole yer own!
                          Good link...

                          I read the book in the beginning of the site Miyamoto Musashi. At least I think I did.. I'm not sure I recognize the author, but there aren't that many books of the same name. Huge book, well over a thousand pages. When I read it, I assumed that what was written in it was fact, or at least a close representation of it. I wonder now how much of it was fabrication, as this isn't the first critique I've heard of it saying that it isn't too based in truth.



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Hikage
                            I read the book in the beginning of the site Miyamoto Musashi. At least I think I did.. I'm not sure I recognize the author, but there aren't that many books of the same name. Huge book, well over a thousand pages. When I read it, I assumed that what was written in it was fact, or at least a close representation of it. I wonder now how much of it was fabrication, as this isn't the first critique I've heard of it saying that it isn't too based in truth.

                            The one written by Yoshikawa?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by The_Judo_Jibboo
                              He's certainly the best i've ever read about, but my knowledge isn't as extensive as i'd like it to be. I do know that he held the record for most duels fought. More than once he killed live-sword-weilding-opponents with a bokken. In his own time he was actually often viewed as a villian because his techniques and philosophy were considered underhanded by samurai who adhered more strictly to the traditional codes of combat. Examples of that philosophy can be seen in his advocacy of striking without warning and also the fact that he used his katana and wakizashi in battle. He was forward thinking, he didn't let tradition limit the tools he used.
                              If Kenshin is at all linked to Musashi it would just be that Musashi was the inspiration for a character who was ruthless and unbeatable, but Musashi lived long before the Meiji when Rurouni Kenshin (Samurai X) takes place.
                              Actually Samurai X takes place before Rurouni Kenshin....however the oav Samurai X:Reflections takes place after Rurouni Kenshin.Since SX is about a younger pretty sure it takes place in the Tokugawa Shogunate.

