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Sai Fighting style

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  • Sai Fighting style

    I know traditionally they used 3 sais(one behind back on belt after youve thrown one).

    But I couldent find anything on a fighting style.

  • #2
    yes, the reason for carrying 3 sais was to be able to throw on at the opponent (thus to "lose" one) and still have two to use in the fight.

    sorry about that, but I am having trouble understanding what you mean by "fighting style".
    I guess that would depend on which school you are learning sai at: are you training at a kobudo school, or a karate school - and what ryu?
    different schools practice different forms: there are a few traditional sai katas studied in kobudo, shorin ryu, and isshin ryu, but in the past I have seen some shotokan and shotokai karate schools practice empty-handed katas with sai during their training.
    other schools only practice kihon and sparring' with weapons - so again, it depends on your teacher's preference.
    what do you normally practice in your class?


    • #3
      Sai weren't really meant for fighting with. They were mainly a concealed weapon to surprise an enemy. The forms are just for practicing how to use them. If they were taken to battle they were probably used mainly as a backup weapon.


      • #4
        I dont go to classes wih work in the way, so a buddie of mine teaches me a lil here and there of akido, I know bits and pices of TKD, and a lil karate.

        I dont know I kinda formed up my own style that I do a lil work out with, mainly kicks.

        Sence my hand was crushed in a car door its kinda hard to punch properly.


        • #5
          I definatly understand about not having a defined style. I enter unofficial competitions and stuff to perfect and test out my fighting, but never was in an official dojo or anything. I only have had one experience with Sai fighting, and I was told I used the weapon differently than the norm. I used it for blocking and weapon restraining(was only able to actually disarm once...i guess youd have to have more experience for an easier disarming attempt). So yeah. they work well for blocking weapons(blunt weapons esspecially) while elbowing (if you can get to the face), kneeing, and kicking around the chest and arms if you can get there. I will say that it was quite fun, and i personally would prefer using them again over a sword, but not over a short staff or staff. Sry for rambling if i did so


          • #6
            oh, and I only had 2. Usually the only rules when I fight with friends is that we discourage weapon throwing. It still happens, but thats not what we were fighting to do.

