How many of you train in ninjutsu? What is your school like? What does your teacher like to make big points of (the word is escaping me and is frustrating haha)? What are your classes like? Has your training ever ventured into aspects of other MA's? etc etc.
The general forms of classes I think are the same, but there are those differences from school to school.
Personally, I've been at it for a little over a year. I'm a part of a small group that is more like a family than a school. My teacher likes to have us train from natural stance. aka, just standing there relaxed. I'm sure most of you are like this but some could be different, but we use hatsumi's "cloud lightning" whatchamacallit. Other MA's we've spent a class or two on include Brazillian ground fighting and aikido.
I appreciate any input.
and please no flaming. it's annoying
The general forms of classes I think are the same, but there are those differences from school to school.
Personally, I've been at it for a little over a year. I'm a part of a small group that is more like a family than a school. My teacher likes to have us train from natural stance. aka, just standing there relaxed. I'm sure most of you are like this but some could be different, but we use hatsumi's "cloud lightning" whatchamacallit. Other MA's we've spent a class or two on include Brazillian ground fighting and aikido.
I appreciate any input.
and please no flaming. it's annoying