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Martial artist confrontations

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  • Martial artist confrontations

    I'm beginning a Jujitsu class that is a pretty good blend of the competitive and self-defense aspects of the art. Most of the techniques we learn for self-defense assume the opponent is the aggressor, and often, that he is relatively untrained beyond possible experience in other street fights. This struck me as a weak spot in the training at first, but then i got to thinking about it. I have heard plenty of accounts of martial artists using their skills when under attack, but i can't think of one where the attacker was a trained martial artist. I've never heard of someone being mugged at Muay-Thai-point, or someone using the claim "I know kung-fu!" to carjack anyone.
    I guess i can imagine some white belt thug wanting to try out his newest technique in a fight, but it seems to me that at the higher ranks, martial arts are successful in their goal of promoting non-aggression and weeding out violent students through the rigorous training process.
    How about you guys? Do you find this to be the case too, or do you have some stories i've never heard about martial artists coming up against formally trained attackers.

  • #2
    The FIRST RULE of any self defense scenario is NEVER underestimate your attacker.
    For the sake of your training and PROPER mindset one should always assume the attacker is bigger, stronger, faster, armed and highly trained.

    It brings the (proper) sense of urgency to your training to learn the most efficient means of dispatching the threat. And now you know why I ALWAYS (or usually) attempt to promote weapons, (see signature below) especially the knife for self defense.

    It can take some time for a human to bleed out but structural cutting results in immediate disfunction. Learn to CUT and KILL and hope you never need to. That's what SD is all about. Ending the threat to your life right NOW! No matter how big or scarry or well trained the bad guy(s) might be you need to have the mindset to eliminate the man (or MEN) in front of you so you can get home safe. Make THEM the victim(s)!!


    • #3
      If you're prepared to face a good opponent you won't have any problem dealing with the chumps; the opposite isn't true. I agree with Tant01, people don't usually attack unless they think they have an advantage whether that be size, numbers, or a weapon so those are things you have to consider.


      • #4
        Tant01, i do agree with you, but only to a certain degree. Don't forget to take into account the other person's intent..say, you're getting mugged and they have a knife, which is there for intimidation, they don't intent on causing bodily harm, they just want the money. Now what happens when you pull a knife too? all of a sudden he sees that his life is in danger and now he intends to use his weapon. Ending the threat to your life does not necessarily mean kill the other person.


        • #5
          Originally posted by STCninja
          Tant01, i do agree with you, but only to a certain degree. Don't forget to take into account the other person's intent..say, you're getting mugged and they have a knife, which is there for intimidation, they don't intent on causing bodily harm, they just want the money. Now what happens when you pull a knife too? all of a sudden he sees that his life is in danger and now he intends to use his weapon. Ending the threat to your life does not necessarily mean kill the other person.

          Don't be a dumbass Ninja! If he has a knife but he's NOT USING IT... What do I do? I take HIS knife! Of course you need to be in REASONABLE FEAR OF SERIOUS BODILY INJURY OR DEATH to justify using deadly force! That should be OBVIOUS to anyone that carries a weapon of any kind. What would YOU DO ninja? Pull out your can of peper spray? Poke him in the eyes? Kick him in the balls? Run away? If he has a knife but only wants to intimidate me or ROB me... he picked the WRONG VICTIM!!! I guess it's his day to run away... or not. Are you going to give him your wallet and be a "good victim"? Leave yourself at his mercy and HOPE you know his intent? Are you psychic Ninja? Want to bet your life on it? Who's to say he won't kill you after you give it to him? Give me a break! You don't need to kill him with your knife. You don't even need your knife if he gives you his. You don't need to thrust his own knife into his chest or armpit or clavicle. I'm sure if you take it from his hand he will run away (if you let him)... or maybe he'll pull out the gun in his pocket and shoot you for taking his knife? Better not to underestimate the attacker (or his INTENT) EVER! Even if you end up in jail it beats being dead...


          • #6
            Originally posted by Tant01
            Don't be a dumbass Ninja! If he has a knife but he's NOT USING IT... What do I do? I take HIS knife! Of course you need to be in REASONABLE FEAR OF SERIOUS BODILY INJURY OR DEATH to justify using deadly force! That should be OBVIOUS to anyone that carries a weapon of any kind. What would YOU DO ninja? Pull out your can of peper spray? Poke him in the eyes? Kick him in the balls? Run away? If he has a knife but only wants to intimidate me or ROB me... he picked the WRONG VICTIM!!! I guess it's his day to run away... or not. Are you going to give him your wallet and be a "good victim"? Leave yourself at his mercy and HOPE you know his intent? Are you psychic Ninja? Want to bet your life on it? Who's to say he won't kill you after you give it to him? Give me a break! You don't need to kill him with your knife. You don't even need your knife if he gives you his. You don't need to thrust his own knife into his chest or armpit or clavicle. I'm sure if you take it from his hand he will run away... or maybe he'll pull out the gun in his pocket and shoot you for taking his knife? Better not to underestimate the attacker (or his INTENT) EVER! Even if you end up in jail it beats being dead...

            haha. chill. i was just tryin to say that you don't need to make the situation worse than it already is, which deserves a big fat "O RLY?" on my part.

            "are you psychic Ninja?" that was a redundant question........YES. of course I am. don't you know the first thing about ninjas? SHEESH...

            What would I do? Depends on what he gives me, but I certainly won't be going and trying to snatch the knife from his hand that he has pulled on me. I'd much rather wait to see if he would like to hand it over to me
            and if I have to. I'll kill him till he's dead.


            • #7
              Good on you!

              Originally posted by STCninja
              ...."are you psychic Ninja?" that was a redundant question........YES. of course I am. don't you know the first thing about ninjas? SHEESH....
              ...and if I have to. I'll kill him till he's dead.

              Many years ago a good friend and real Ninja (that would be the Navy blue MCPO type "ninja") and expert in H2H demonstrated a technique where he shoved my own knife into my armpit. Had he forced it I wouldn't be here but he was kind enough NOT to kill me. It was a two handed wrist lock/ come-along technique. He did it about three times with a slightly different transition each time but same result. I practiced that for a long time. Kill a knifer with his own knife while it's still in his own hand...Gotta love that one!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Tant01

                Many years ago a good friend and real Ninja (that would be the Navy blue MCPO type "ninja") and expert in H2H demonstrated a technique where he shoved my own knife into my armpit. Had he forced it I wouldn't be here but he was kind enough NOT to kill me. It was a two handed wrist lock/ come-along technique. He did it about three times with a slightly different transition each time but same result. I practiced that for a long time. Kill a knifer with his own knife while it's still in his own hand...Gotta love that one!
                Sadly I'm confused as to what you just said haha (especially what you mean by "real ninja"), but the technique sounds interesting though. Maybe we'll come across some form of it in training one day.

                I actually do take ninjitsu though so I am a "real ninja" too. Though I've only been at it for a little over a year so I'm still a n00b. but im


                • #9
                  Originally posted by STCninja
                  I actually do take ninjitsu though so I am a "real ninja" too. Though I've only been at it for a little over a year so I'm still a n00b. but im
                  look out everyone, there's a ninja among us


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BoarSpear
                    look out everyone, there's a ninja among us
                    that's right...



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by STCninja
                      that's right...


                      AAAAWWW thats so cute!.....


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by STCninja
                        that's right...


                        NINJA PLEASE!!!!!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by STCninja
                          Sadly I'm confused as to what you just said haha (especially what you mean by "real ninja"), but the technique sounds interesting though. Maybe we'll come across some form of it in training one day.

                          I actually do take ninjitsu though so I am a "real ninja" too. Though I've only been at it for a little over a year so I'm still a n00b. but im
                          I've seen something very similar to what Tant described in Pekiti Tirsia


                          • #14
                            [QUOTE=STCninja]Sadly I'm confused as to what you just said haha (especially what you mean by "real ninja"), ...QUOTE]

                            Master Chief Petty Officer...(MCPO) "Real Ninja"- Employed by the Government, sent on covert missions to kill enemies. Special TASK SPECIFIC training and weapons. Etc...

                            You do not qualify as a REAL ninja... Martial artists are just pretending...

                            No offence intended but Shinobi no waza is not exactly taught to civilians in our times... That's more like CIA or SO (special opps) duty. Maybe SRT or SWAT but they are rarely "covert"...


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Tant01
                              Master Chief Petty Officer...(MCPO) "Real Ninja"- Employed by the Government, sent on covert missions to kill enemies. Special TASK SPECIFIC training and weapons. Etc...

                              You do not qualify as a REAL ninja... Martial artists are just pretending...

                              No offence intended but Shinobi no waza is not exactly taught to civilians in our times... That's more like CIA or SO (special opps) duty. Maybe SRT or SWAT but they are rarely "covert"...

