For now i practice karate but only in the books not in dojo and i dont have any karate teacher to teach question is this, Can a person like me improve in karate in just depending in Books? and i dont have a teacher to teach me...Can a determination and faith in yourself helps improve you in practicing alone and with a book??....I wish that there's someone Like MR. MIYAGI in the KARATE KID will be there to help and teach me.....guys wats ur opinion and suggestions about this??
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GUys i have a question about this...
Registered User
- Dec 2005
- 172
Famous Karate Kid quote....
Daniel: Hey, what kind of belt do you have?
Miyagi: Canvas. JC Penney, 3.98; You like?
Daniel: [laughs] No, I meant...
Miyagi: In Okinawa, belt mean no need rope to hold up pants.
Miyagi: [laughs; then, seriously] Daniel-san,
Miyagi: [he taps his head] Karate here.
Miyagi: [he taps his heart] Karate here.
Miyagi: [points to his belt] Karate never here. Understand?
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Id say no.
Realisticly, its like instead of going to school and just reading books to explain everything to you to. If you remember Mr Miyagi said that you cant learn karate from a book.
If you want to actually get good, then you gotta train at a dojo or school.
Once you get some of the basics down, then you can do katas at home and practice there too. Honestly, you need formal training!
Academic study will give you an idea of what to expect when you actually start training. You can learn the names of techniques and various kata. You can learn about traditions, history, theory, conditioning and stances.
Look at a picture and pose yourself in a mirror... Is that "doing" Karatedo? No! Like any other martial art or sport it's about movement. To do that right you need someone to show you how.
Try learning to play the piano by reading a book. It might be easier!
Learning Karate from a book? I'd say, you will not improve. I say this because, if you keep doing something or some tech badly or wrong, a good Instructor, will correct your wrong doing, as far as I know book's don't do this. You need to train, under a Instructor and you will also learn from your fellow students.
Any Martial Art is about doing it, not just knowing. knowledge is power, but if you body can't perform what's in your head, then it won't help you in a violent situation.
Train hard, Win easy
Registered User
- Dec 2005
- 172
Famous Karate Kid quote....
Daniel: Hey, what kind of belt do you have?
Miyagi: Canvas. JC Penney, 3.98; You like?
Daniel: [laughs] No, I meant...
Miyagi: In Okinawa, belt mean no need rope to hold up pants.
Miyagi: [laughs; then, seriously] Daniel-san,
Miyagi: [he taps his head] Karate here.
Miyagi: [he taps his heart] Karate here.
Miyagi: [points to his belt] Karate never here. Understand?
THx for ur suggestions guys!!
Yeah u guys are right...I do need a teacher to teach me and luckily i have found one and just imagine his our teacher in school and his handling MUSIC class...i never thought he knows Mixed martial arts, lucky me that he will teach me and i never have to go and read books....