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Your Martial Arts Skills VS. Wild Dog

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  • Your Martial Arts Skills VS. Wild Dog

    After all, part of the Ancient history of some unarmed martial arts was defense against wild animals. Would you be able to disable a Pit Bull if you were attacked? I could not figure out which forumn to put this in thus My old stand by--The Japanese forumn. What if you were attacked by a Pit Bull, could you win? I think I would try to stay away from his powerful jaws and maybe try to bust his skull with a strike or immobilize him by breaking one of his legs thus causing excruciating pain.

    ( Just a little history of why I wrote this thread---I came across a vicious dog in the woods today. It belonged to one of my neighbors, who by the way, was on the scene. She had two dogs, one on a leash and the other running free. She never expected to see me in the woods and I was startled to see her. To make a long story short, she could not control her dog but I was able to calm the dog with my famous dog noise. ) In the back of my mind I was thinking if she doesn't do something with this punk wannabee dog, I'm gonna break his neck. Ha Ha....serious, the last thing you ever wanna do with a vicious dog is run!!!

  • #2
    damn good thread

    Always carry a knife


    • #3

      I know from personal expierence that german shepherds don't reall like being hit in the face with a hack saw when they are trying to lunge at you.


      • #4
        A dog can cover 30 feet easily in the time it takes to deploy a knife. Boots are always ready.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Hardball
          Your Martial Arts Skills VS. Wild Dog...

          After all, part of the Ancient history of some unarmed martial arts was defense against wild animals. .....



          Does shooting coyotes count?


          • #6
            Where's SherwinC when you need him?

            "When your paw meets my paw, your paw is already my paw!"


            • #7
              Originally posted by Hardball
              To make a long story short, she could not control her dog but I was able to calm the dog with my famous dog noise. )
              I have one of those!! mine is Bang!! Bang!! Calms 'em right down, even teaches 'em a trick..."lie down, be dead."


              • #8
                Originally posted by Tant01
                I keep hearing this term Any idea WTF it means?

                I know it means you're a servant instead of a citizen but it must have some other meaning??


                • #9
                  I would wait until it jumped at me, sidestep, kick it in the ribs, and then incapacitate it with a good strong kick to the head.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Tai Chi Fighter
                    I would wait until it jumped at me, sidestep, kick it in the ribs, and then incapacitate it with a good strong kick to the head.
                    I hope your timing is good. I would go for the jaws, unless it was a pit bull, then I would try and break a rib or a leg.


                    • #11
                      I would punch it, but otherwise I think it depends on the dog. A guy who bred dogs told me there is a certain way you can grab a dog by the mouth, something with the way the teeth go into grooves in the mouth; he said you have to know exactly where to put your fingers though, or else the dog will easily bite them right off.

                      He said once you grab and hold a dog like that, it really can't do much as its main weapon is its mouth so if you can hold it, it will muscle you but it can't harm you.

                      I don't know how true that is. He told me that you usually have to hit or kick the dog hard to knock it silly for a second in order to grab it like that, because it's jaws will be chomping up and down so you can't just grab it.

                      Best way to handle a dog is this: 1) always go with a friend and make sure you can run faster than the friend, so if the dog is vicious....(j/k)

                      or 2) get one of those dog whistles


                      • #12
                        Good thread

                        I admit, that I've thought a lot about this. I own 3 dogs, 2 medium sized and one pug. I train with them whenever I get the chance. They love to wrestle, as I do. I've found that many of the techniques we use on people also work on dogs, with only a minimal variation. Their legs can be locked and twisted for take-downs. Their muscles are usually stretched tight against the ribs, making it easy to penetrate down to the bone. I've not cracked one of the pups, but I'm well aware that the bridge of their nose is extremely sensitive.

                        I think it depends on where I am before I announce how I would defend. If standing up, I'm likely to drop a hammer fist on that bridge of the nose. Then you can follow-up with your choice of attack (strike/grapple). If I'm already on the ground, I need to get to their side. I'm not big on trying to move around a dog, rather I'd like to get him to turn his side to me. You'd need to get behind his head, to his neck in order to turn his head away from you. This would turn his body towards you. Then again, you can follow up with an attack to his exposed rib/muscle on the side or by reaching underneath the pup, grab his far front leg towards you and up (but not entirely up). This will roll him over on his back where you can hold him by his hind legs and he can't reach you.

                        If you are in a position where you cannot avoid being bit, try to minimize the bite by biting your closed fist. If you force your fist futher into his mouth and down his throat, he won't be able to fully close on your hand and will be forced to back up.


                        PS> I've always heard that if you come down to the dog's level and massage the ends of his ears that it'll relax him.

                        .... Let me know if that works, I don't think I'll try it.


                        • #13
                          There was a guy up in Wauconda (Wa. USA) that raised Doberman's for gaurd dogs. He introduced me to a bitch chained on his front porch and then arranged for me to approach the front door and told me to try to kick her... He trained his dogs to evade a number of kicking techniques! Front kick, no good! She would slip it to the outside and bite your leg! Stomp kick likewise evade by retreat and snap forward to bite your groin area! She was the sweetest Dobie I ever met but I never got past her! Even on a heavy chain she was a terror!


                          • #14
                            Dog Style Martial Arts......just kidding.


                            • #15
                              or Canine Combatives

