First and foremost i'd like to say that this is my first post here and im very glad I found these forums as they are a great source of information reguarding martial arts. This place is truly an amazing place for discussions and questions relative to different fighting styles.
I recently started to get involved in learning about martial arts and tried out a number of different styles, shotokan, tae kwon do etc. I found Wing Chun to the most comfortable for me personally and so I went ahead and looked up different dojos that offer class, managed to find one i've been learning wc for about a month now.
Ground fighting really caught my interest after doing a bit of research about it and I am seriously considering to cross train in it or the very least learning it after I finish my wc training. It appeals to me as extremely effective. If you were to manage to grapple someone to the ground, their fighting ability would be very limited and they would not be able to do much at all.
I brought up what a wc practioner would do against a grappler one day in class and my SiFu talked about it briefly. He showed us a few techniques in class and explained some things. I mentioned to him that i've often seen other wc practioners get taken down and they were not able to do anything much about it.
My SiFu said that the problem is that most people would often try to wrestle their way out when they are on the ground and its a terrible idea because a ground fighter would specialize in grappling. He explained that when a wc practioner gets taken down, they would bring Wing Chun techniques with them to the ground, from eye strikes to chain punches, etc. Basically he warned to try not to grapple against a ground fighter and do anything possible to get back on your feet.
My question about ground fighting against other styles is quite often a grappler close in and would shoot for the waist/leg area to take an opponent. What would usually happen if he/she had missed or even worst landed in a knee (One of the drills I had practiced in wc class involved side stepping and kneeing a ground fighter in the face when I had brought up the topic) or a kick in the face? How does a ground fighter get around a another person's defence? It seems like you would get hurt often if you just recklessly charge in for a grapple especially when your opponent is cautious.
I recently started to get involved in learning about martial arts and tried out a number of different styles, shotokan, tae kwon do etc. I found Wing Chun to the most comfortable for me personally and so I went ahead and looked up different dojos that offer class, managed to find one i've been learning wc for about a month now.
Ground fighting really caught my interest after doing a bit of research about it and I am seriously considering to cross train in it or the very least learning it after I finish my wc training. It appeals to me as extremely effective. If you were to manage to grapple someone to the ground, their fighting ability would be very limited and they would not be able to do much at all.
I brought up what a wc practioner would do against a grappler one day in class and my SiFu talked about it briefly. He showed us a few techniques in class and explained some things. I mentioned to him that i've often seen other wc practioners get taken down and they were not able to do anything much about it.
My SiFu said that the problem is that most people would often try to wrestle their way out when they are on the ground and its a terrible idea because a ground fighter would specialize in grappling. He explained that when a wc practioner gets taken down, they would bring Wing Chun techniques with them to the ground, from eye strikes to chain punches, etc. Basically he warned to try not to grapple against a ground fighter and do anything possible to get back on your feet.
My question about ground fighting against other styles is quite often a grappler close in and would shoot for the waist/leg area to take an opponent. What would usually happen if he/she had missed or even worst landed in a knee (One of the drills I had practiced in wc class involved side stepping and kneeing a ground fighter in the face when I had brought up the topic) or a kick in the face? How does a ground fighter get around a another person's defence? It seems like you would get hurt often if you just recklessly charge in for a grapple especially when your opponent is cautious.