Originally posted by jubaji
Could it have been avoided? Perhaps not.
A large man, laying in wait in a parking lot, grabbing and throwing a girl to the ground and holding her in place with his weight.
Jiu Jitsu and Brazillian Jiu Jitsu are optimal for a small opponent to fight off a larger opponent in a drawn out fight. The problem is the extreme difference in size and strength and the violence of the encounter...it's not going to play out like a Pride fight where the girl will go all Genki Sudo and become an uber, top-notch fighter under SUPRISE! stress conditions. Not alot of people can commit themselves, or do commit themselves to that type of technical training...although I never said it wasn't a good idea.
I'm saying if somebody larger than me is holding me down, and for some reason, I can't get them off of me, and I'm fearing for my safety...I'm going to play hannibal lector on their ass. Even if it's to clear room for another type of tool.
Scenario- somebody manages to get me on my back...they're trying to hurt me, maybe they have friends that might jump in soon, and I need to do something quick. I've managed to pull guard going down, and he's just laying and praying, holding me down and not giving me a limb...but his EAR and his EYELID are right next to my mouth...
which should move the action along a bit quickly, and if it doesn't make him wilt enough to toss him off, maybe enough to force him to surrender a limb, or give me an opportunity to blind him with my thumbs, upa him off, and introduce my boot to him a few times before running to safety or a weapon.
let's say somebody has a knife and I manage to pass the blade and for a fraction of a second, the knife is out of the way and I'm in an unlikely but ideal position to rake his eyes on route to trying to eject the knife...
should I not take advantage of any opportunity to hurt or maim my attacker?