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Biting? A technique or a girly move??

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  • #16
    who's hungry? Notice the principle of biting less to remove chunks of flesh...even is soft areas like the ear... an example would be woogie's bite (didn't take a piece, just punctured, vs. tyson's...taking part of the ear with him.)
    and people...there is an art to it...don't be like these idiots...this is hilarious


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    So... in conclusion...biting be effective (lol)
    or it can be HELLA gay.

    or "trashy"...pun intended...look at these slobs

    another fucked up streetfight...enjoy!
    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and sh


    • #17
      A couple of things I should say about what I wrote before:

      1: I don't talk out of my ass about things like this. My knowledge is based on my own experience and the experience of others that I have worked with.

      2: I never said to not escalate the fight. Escalation is pretty much how you win any fight. The thing is that there is a time and a place to escalate a fight and a time and a place to not escalate it.

      3: I have bitten a grappler who was on top of my in the mount position. I did it thinking that I would be able to get out. The problem was that he was MUCH more experienced than I was. The bite did create a little space but it was gone before I had the opportunity to react. I was still in the mount and the guy on top of me was pissed. Good thing I had a few friends there.

      Just like anything else, there is a strategy to using tactics like that and if you don't consider how or when to employ them you can make the situation a lot worse.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Maxx
        2: I never said to not escalate the fight. Escalation is pretty much how you win any fight. The thing is that there is a time and a place to escalate a fight and a time and a place to not escalate it.
        Just like anything else, there is a strategy to using tactics like that and if you don't consider how or when to employ them you can make the situation a lot worse.
        I completely agree!


        • #19
          Originally posted by Maxx
          3: I have bitten a grappler who was on top of my in the mount position. I did it thinking that I would be able to get out. The problem was that he was MUCH more experienced than I was. The bite did create a little space but it was gone before I had the opportunity to react. I was still in the mount and the guy on top of me was pissed. Good thing I had a few friends there.
          Was this a real fight? I'd be interested in hearing the whole story. The first question that comes to mind is why your friends didn't step in sooner. The second question is whether or not he was pissed off to begin with. Lastly, how exactly did you end up in that position? Did he push you, did you slip, etc? I'm not trying to criticize anything you did or didn't do but am just really curious.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Maxx
            Don't expect to be able to tap your way out of a fight with the guy if you've bitten him... he'll want blood.
            And here we have a prime example of my beef with produces a ring mentality...tapping in a real fight Those people you see getting their heads sawed off by scum "tapped" in a Sd didnt seem to work out. Get that idea out of your head before you lose it...


            • #21


              • #22
                Originally posted by stabbychick
                Who are the retards letting their kid pet that thing? It reminds me of a cross between a badger and a koala bear!
                Oh...that's my "anti-grapple" I feed it gunpowder, pcp, steroids, and crack cocaine...and then I keep it in a small burlap sack with a quick release string.

                sure it LOOKS cute...but I taught the little shit to aim for the throat. Every once and a while, I walk it on a lease to look gangsta.


                • #23
                  It was actually at a house party several years ago. Late 90's if I remember... it was the night of that UFC that took place in Japan. Lotta blood pumping and the alcohol was also flowing.

                  I was actually talking with the guy about stand up vs. grappling. It didn't start out really as a fight. I was arguing that against a ready stand up fighter, a takedown would be hard to get. Both of us were kinda blitzed so we went out into the yard to see if he could get me. Sure enough, he shot right in with a double leg and slammed me hard!!! That's when I got pissed off. He proved his point. He didn't have to slam me. He managed to get into the mount without much trouble and I bit him in the inner thigh (He had a relatively high mount). I thought he'd jump off. He didn't. He moved his hips into a lower mount and was pissed! That when a couple of the people who were watching (friends of both of us) stepped in to stop it.

                  It was a valuable learning experience... plus relatively embarrasing. but it did teach me a little about making careful choices when you wanna escalate the situation with a bite... especially making sure you can hold on to the guy so you can get in a good continuous bite. Not a hard nip which is about all I was able to get in before he shifted.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by BoarSpear
                    And here we have a prime example of my beef with produces a ring mentality...tapping in a real fight Those people you see getting their heads sawed off by scum "tapped" in a Sd didnt seem to work out. Get that idea out of your head before you lose it...
                    I don't have the idea in my head as a way to end a fight anymore than you do, but it does seem to be a common theme among Mixed Martial Arts practitioners and fans these days.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by thescottishdude
                      Is biting a martial arts technique?

                      I can see it being used in desperation in wrestling, as you're close enough to bite. But in karate most fights take place at a arm length distance, so there's less oppertunity.

                      I discussed it in my blog -

                      But what do you all think? Even if you had to sue it, where would you bite? Anywhere there's no muscle???
                      Are you sure the fight will take place at "arm length distance"? I hope you can always control the range then.

                      Anyway, biting is what it is. It may be usful as a tactic for opening up other options.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by darrianation
                        Are you sure the fight will take place at "arm length distance"? I hope you can always control the range then.

                        Anyway, biting is what it is. It may be usful as a tactic for opening up other options.

                        The problem, it seems to me, is that most folks who (vocally anyway) advocate this sort of thing see it as making up for weaknesses in their ability rather than as a supplement to it. Could biting somehow, someway be a part of a successful series of steps taken in a conflict? Sure. But certain folks have it in their head that even if they are at every other disadvantage in a conflict and (especially!) if they are getting the worst of an exchange because of their weaknesses, that a 'dirty trick' (not my term) will somehow completely reverse their fortunes.

                        That kind of mentality will only put someone in a bad situation and make it worse.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by jubaji
                          The problem, it seems to me, is that most folks who (vocally anyway) advocate this sort of thing see it as making up for weaknesses in their ability rather than as a supplement to it. Could biting somehow, someway be a part of a successful series of steps taken in a conflict? Sure. But certain folks have it in their head that even if they are at every other disadvantage in a conflict and (especially!) if they are getting the worst of an exchange because of their weaknesses, that a 'dirty trick' (not my term) will somehow completely reverse their fortunes.

                          That kind of mentality will only put someone in a bad situation and make it worse.



                          • #28
                            Originally posted by jubaji
                            The problem, it seems to me, is that most folks who (vocally anyway) advocate this sort of thing see it as making up for weaknesses in their ability rather than as a supplement to it. Could biting somehow, someway be a part of a successful series of steps taken in a conflict? Sure. But certain folks have it in their head that even if they are at every other disadvantage in a conflict and (especially!) if they are getting the worst of an exchange because of their weaknesses, that a 'dirty trick' (not my term) will somehow completely reverse their fortunes.

                            That kind of mentality will only put someone in a bad situation and make it worse.
                            I agree.

                            Many folks think that biting or eye gouging and the like are the quintessential modality to defeating the grappler. And think because they know these little dirty tricks they don’t have to work on their grappling skills. This way of thinking is false, using pain compliance doesn’t work on everyone i.e. the madman who is out of his mind on drugs. Besides a skilled grappler may be able to put you in a position where biting and gouging, etc, is not possible. These things are just supportive techniques to assist in opening up an opportunity to escape or to gain weapon’s access…they cannot be counted on 100% of the time. We still need to have a basic rudimentary grappling foundation that is pressure tested against capable and competent partners who are fully resisting.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by jubaji
                              But certain folks have it in their head that even if they are at every other disadvantage in a conflict and (especially!) if they are getting the worst of an exchange because of their weaknesses, that a 'dirty trick' (not my term) will somehow completely reverse their fortunes.

                              That kind of mentality will only put someone in a bad situation and make it worse.
                              That "dirty trick", done correctly, will completely reverse their fortunes. You're getting the worse in the exchange because you were taken down to begin with. Now, priority 1 - get up by any means necessary asap.

                              Next training session, get in the guard or the mount and have someone count (in seconds) backward from 5 to 1. See which group of techniques will allow you to get up before they reach 1. Tapping out doesn' count. You have to stand up.


                              • #30
                                Biting in competiton against rules regulations.....big NO

                                Biting in street/defemse no rules regulations.....big YES

                                So much for the word in "Ultimate" in UFC

