Hi 47MartialMan,
I couldn't really say as I have never trained in Aiki-Jujutsu. Although the pre war Aiki-Budo was more structured around the techniques and philosophy of Aiki-Jujutsu. It was post war when Moriehi Ueshiba started to blend his philosophy and principles of the Omoto religion into his art.
So yeah in some way I guess you could say the harder styles being strong towards Aiki-Jujutsu. Although not all styles
I couldn't really say as I have never trained in Aiki-Jujutsu. Although the pre war Aiki-Budo was more structured around the techniques and philosophy of Aiki-Jujutsu. It was post war when Moriehi Ueshiba started to blend his philosophy and principles of the Omoto religion into his art.
So yeah in some way I guess you could say the harder styles being strong towards Aiki-Jujutsu. Although not all styles
