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Pimp Vs Blackbelt

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  • Pimp Vs Blackbelt

    Anyone seen this? Good example of a genuine Martial Artist in the street, Video footage of a pimp about to attack a guy he doesn't know for telling him to stop hitting his women, he doesn't know the guy is a karate expert filming a police training video, lol, loser.


  • #2
    we must never fought or make trouble with others coz we dont know ter skills and potentials like on this video so dont attack first or we will regret it=)


    • #3
      Originally posted by akio123 View Post
      we must never fought or make trouble with others coz we dont know ter skills and potentials like on this video so dont attack first or we will regret it=)
      The pimp probably has more street experience than the martial arts expert....


      • #4
        Loved it. "Hey man, I don't want no trouble. See how my head is set up for a devastating right cross"? WHAM! Guess this was one of the 10% of street encounters that didn't go to the ground.


        • #5
          10 percent not in ground lol


          • #6
            that pimp is lucky it wasnt his windpipe that got hit.

            pimpin aint easy.


            • #7
              Damn, he knocked him down with one little punch...


              • #8
                yeah the punch didn't look very hard... still like this stories about martial art people though.

                in some dutch newspapers was the story of a man trying to kidnap a child using a knife.. the father of the boy however was a judoka, competing at a high level and swept the guy in no time to the pavement and hold him there.


                • #9
                  Don't let the back hand slap fool ya... Ironically, me and a couple of buddies refer to this as the "pimp hand."


                  • #10
                    Did that guy really just get knocked down by a back fist


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Sagacious Lu View Post
                      Did that guy really just get knocked down by a back fist
                      i thought it was a karate chop. that pimp was very weak though, he could barely stand on his own. he was obviously strung out on something, so that may have contributed to him getting dropped so fast.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by 3mptin3ss View Post
                        i thought it was a karate chop. that pimp was very weak though, he could barely stand on his own. he was obviously strung out on something, so that may have contributed to him getting dropped so fast.
                        Yeah, looks like a chop.

                        Watch the acceleration of that pimps head after the chop; you can see it jar.


                        • #13
                          I thought it was hilarious! HAHAHAHA!


                          • #14
                            thats karma right there. he slapped a women so he got karate chopped by a blackbelt right after lol.


                            • #15
                              It was a knife hand and he hit him right below the ear on the back of the jaw line. Many strikes are aimed at that area, for that exact reason. There's a bunch of nerves there and you can also affect the inner ear which will screw up your equilibrium. Hence the pimp not being able to stand very well.

