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Mas Oyama

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  • #16
    reply to Uke

    I'll trey to answer some of your questions.
    (1) Understand that the man I lived with and trained with never ever taught publicly. His partner later on became famous in MA circles, but he continued as a private individual.
    (2) To be blunt, he didn't offer to teach Oyama anything. One night at the 4C bar in Shinjuku, my teacher and his partner agreed to a free fight with the chief of Tokyo police. The police chief was defeated. Oyama asked my teacher and his friend about their internal arts and my teacher showed him some exercises that he said would strengthen him. End of story.
    (3) My teacher, during and after WW II worked in intelligence as an executioner of foreign agents. He was also a "rooftop" fighter for one of the Tongs. As far as I know he had nothing to do with "sparring" or any other public displays. When the Tong had problems they asked him to deal with it. I was with him on three of them. To my knowledge he only hit each once. He may have hit them a second time, I'm not sure, as I went inside to get a gun in case they had backup. One of the three disappeared and was never seen again. Two of them were hospitalized.
    (4) The only arts that he did, that you might have heard of , were bagua and Tai Chi. He knew and used Dim Mak as well. He also saved my life when I fought a Dim Mak teacher and caught the bad side of it, so I know he knew medicine and herbs quite well.
    I have no idea how many people he was sent after over the years but he was obviously good at his work, as the Tongs don't waste time with fools.
    You can spend all your life doing public martial arts, sparring with this one or that one, and having this or that teacher as a hero, but remember there is another world out there where MA are real, and slips don't count.


    • #17
      That post was so believable I can't stand it!


      • #18
        Originally posted by Toudiyama[NL] View Post
        Kennichi Sawai instructed Oyama in TaiKiKen which is a japanese version of Hsing Hi Kung fu
        Was probably the only person able to deflect all of Oyama's attacks
        Jan Kallenbach a student of Jon Bluming and Oyama studied as secondary art but later specialized in it and he is one of the highest ranking non japanese taikikempoka
        the way Kyokushin does Shuto uke comes from Sawai
        Interesting to know.


        • #19
          Originally posted by sunfist
          You can spend all your life doing public martial arts, sparring with this one or that one, and having this or that teacher as a hero, but remember there is another world out there where MA are real, and slips don't count.
          Wow. Secret societies and secret techniques of executioners?

          And Oyama is less of a hero than a level to aspire to. Neither you or any other member on this board train close to the manner that made Oyama famous. And no member here has the impressive and verifiable number of matches that Oyama had. Neither do their instructors.

          There is nothing wrong with admiring Old School work ethic. There is no worship going on there. There is a reason why Oyama is a MA icon among nearly every significant circle, and half of what some people do here and who they've done it with are unheard of, and it isn't because secrecy is necessary.


          • #20
            pUke's gonna need to go buy some more tissues if he keeps this pace...


            • #21
              Originally posted by Thai Bri View Post
              That looked like a pile of bull shit to me.
              Say what you will...Oyama founded the OG of badass karate. I'd say that kyokushin and it's branches are probably second to nothing but muay thai when it comes to all encompasing stand-up striking...on top of that, he was a proficient judoka...and was a buddy of Kimura's.

              Would Kimura have a charlaitan as a friend? The man was legendary, so was Oyama. There shouldn't be any hero worship...but he is a man to aspire to simply by virtue of his work ethic, just as men like Dan Inosanto and Leo Gaje are for their technical acuity and Sigung Lee was for his ingenuity.

              They were/are awesome in their fields...they were pioneers and they were EXTREMELY hard men- something that was probably more generational than anything else. They're like Dempsey and Jack Johnson.

              It's not like "everybody wants to be like Mike" (Jordan), it's more like...if I work hard like they did, if I study hard enough...I can take things my own direction and run with it...become dedicated and focused on honing my particular craft.

              Where would the medical field be if people stopped with Galen or Vesilius?


              • #22
                Originally posted by jublowme View Post
                pUke's gonna need to go buy some more tissues if he keeps this pace...
                You're going to need more tissues as the forum fluffer cause uhhh ... you missed a spot on your chin.


                • #23

                  Stick to hero worship and repeating yourself.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by jublowme View Post

                    Stick to hero worship and repeating yourself.

                    Speaking of hero worship ....

                    How did it feel when your hero Mike Brewer laughed and gave his rendition of one of your fluffer sessions? I bet you didn't blow him for like a week behind that!


                    • #25
                      Let's face it, you're kind of stupid

                      Originally posted by Uke View Post
                      Speaking of hero worship ....

                      How did it feel when your hero Mike Brewer laughed and gave his rendition of one of your fluffer sessions? I bet you didn't blow him for like a week behind that!
                      Still weak. You're incapable of being clever, so don't try.


                      • #26
                        Who needs to be clever when you're so pitiful?

                        I wasn't trying to be clever. You shouldn't be surprised at who laughs at you often and behind your back so to spare your pathetic feelings, jublowme. Plus, I think he kind of sees you as a pet, and doesn't want to ostracize you. We all have a right to exist here.

                        You basically exist out of pity.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by pUke View Post
                          I wasn't trying to be clever.

                          Good thing, 'cause that's something else that exists for you only in the realm of theory.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Garland View Post
                            Say what you will...Oyama founded the OG of badass karate. I'd say that kyokushin and it's branches are probably second to nothing but muay thai when it comes to all encompasing stand-up striking...on top of that, he was a proficient judoka...and was a buddy of Kimura's.

                            Would Kimura have a charlaitan as a friend? The man was legendary, so was Oyama. There shouldn't be any hero worship...but he is a man to aspire to simply by virtue of his work ethic, just as men like Dan Inosanto and Leo Gaje are for their technical acuity and Sigung Lee was for his ingenuity.

                            They were/are awesome in their fields...they were pioneers and they were EXTREMELY hard men- something that was probably more generational than anything else. They're like Dempsey and Jack Johnson.

                            It's not like "everybody wants to be like Mike" (Jordan), it's more like...if I work hard like they did, if I study hard enough...I can take things my own direction and run with it...become dedicated and focused on honing my particular craft.

                            Where would the medical field be if people stopped with Galen or Vesilius?
                            But the film was still bull shit.



                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Thai Bri View Post
                              But the film was still bull shit.

                              Depends on your perspective. Could the feat be performed? I don't see why not...seeing as that's not the ONLY cut of that film, and that he did these things live...and did it over 40 times...
                              I'd say no, Mas Oyama did kill bulls and cleave their horns with his hands. And I'm a skeptical person by nature...but no matter how crappy the editing of that film do you account for the full versions of a few other times he did it...the still shots, and the people (crowds of spectators) who witnessed the act live.

                              Why WOULDN'T somebody in the audience defraud him...are they all co-conspirators...why would a secret like that benefit them...? Mas Oyama wasn't made of money...he couldn't buy somebodies secrecy, and why would a student stay loyal seeing their instructor's a fraud. NO scenario is very likely. Oyama killed the bull in that video...the editor of the clip sucks at life.


                              • #30
                                People believe what they want to believe. Seldom has much to do with what is real or what isn't.

