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Interested in martial arts

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  • Interested in martial arts

    I'm interested in martial arts. What does Karate teach you? I'm not really up for that mind and body crap. I want to learn how to fight.

    Will it teach me how to fight, or how to "defend" myself. The thing is there is a Muay Thai dojo nearby. Is karate training comparable to muay thai?

  • #2
    Originally posted by obsessed View Post
    I'm interested in martial arts. What does Karate teach you? I'm not really up for that mind and body crap. I want to learn how to fight.

    Will it teach me how to fight, or how to "defend" myself. The thing is there is a Muay Thai dojo nearby. Is karate training comparable to muay thai?
    take muay thai.

    comparing karate to muay thai is like comparing marky mark to burt renolds.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Originally posted by obsessed View Post
      Is karate training comparable to muay thai?
      Kyokushin is, when taught authenticly. But muay thai is preferable.
      Muay Thai, the FMA's, JKD, and Shooto/CSW are all at the top of my list for what would be a good blend to make a well rounded fighter.


      • #4

        Just a random thought. If stranded on an island where you had to defeat an opponent to leave, and he was a skilled martial artist, would you rather have 20+ years of fighting experience under your belt or a handgun/knife?


        • #5
          Originally posted by obsessed View Post

          Just a random thought. If stranded on an island where you had to defeat an opponent to leave, and he was a skilled martial artist, would you rather have 20+ years of fighting experience under your belt or a handgun/knife?
          i would rather have a us marines supercobra attack chopper with marky mark as my copilot so i could fly off the island while marky mark mans the weapons systems. either i will kill the martial artist with the cobras nose mounted gatling attached to my head set and eyepiece or marky will kill the martial artist with a guided missile.


          • #6
            Spaceboy's off on one of his 'anal probe' fantasies again!


            • #7
              Originally posted by jubaji View Post
              Spaceboy's off on one of his 'anal probe' fantasies again!
              um, i never mentioned anything about anal sex fantasies bro. i dont know what that pic of marky mark has you thinking about, but keep it to yourself.


              • #8
                No, seriously. Why spend your entire life training for martial arts when it could all end in a split-second?

                I think I should go join the armed forces.


                • #9
                  Then why did you start this thread?


                  • #10
                    asking a question. Can you answer a question for once without being a dick?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by obsessed View Post
                      No, seriously. Why spend your entire life training for martial arts when it could all end in a split-second?

                      I think I should go join the armed forces.
                      because you cant be armed everywhere you go.

                      weapons can fail.

                      not all confrontations will require lethal force. many times you may need to stop someone without having to seriously hurt them.

                      martial arts give you more benefits than just hand to hand combat. they make you alert, strong, confident.

                      martial arts can also give you very fast reflexes. the ability to react quickly when something sudden happens is important.

                      martial arts can give you good agility. may not sound like much, but i have saved my self from serious injuries by being able to regain my balance from training tons of break falling skills in judo and jiu jitsu.

                      as for the army and marines, they hire martial artists to teach their soldiers hand to hand combat.

                      there is a video in the urban combatives forum were a cop shoots a suspect charging at him point blank and even that doesnt stop the suspect. not even a second. the suspect beat the cop down despite getting shot in the guts and the wounded suspect actually takes away the cops gun! you can watch it for yourself.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by obsessed View Post
                        asking a question. Can you answer a question for once without being a dick?
                        You start a thread asking about which MA to study, then you say its all a waste of time anyway. You're being a dick, and you should be careful because it seems that space-boy likes that.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                          You're being a dick, and you should be careful because it seems that space-boy likes that.
                          oh yeah, that marky mark pic has you all hot and bothered doesnt it. gonna project it on us all night long like you used to when omaplata would get you all riled up and steaming hot huh ? no wonder you would rather look at pics of marky mark and talk to people named " DickHardman" over the internet then be with a woman. but hey im not here to judge, at least im trying to give this guy some actual help. all you are doing is projecting your feelings on us in addition to your nonstop trolling.


                          • #14
                            Your attempts at repartee are becoming weaker and weaker. You sure the dope's not shrinking what little brain you started with?


                            • #15

                              "I'm interested in martial arts. What does Karate teach you? I'm not really up for that mind and body crap. I want to learn how to fight.

                              Will it teach me how to fight, or how to "defend" myself. The thing is there is a Muay Thai dojo nearby. Is karate training comparable to muay thai?"

                              hey, i have been training in shotokan karate for awhile and here are my thoughts
                              karate is a mix of both spiritual and physical training. it actually does work in a real situations with enough practice. ( at least for me it did lol) if u want a better explanation, look at wikipedia. but karate is definitely training yourself to avoid fighting since a lot of the techniques are one hitter quiters especially for a guy like me who is 6'7 and lifts weights a lot.

                              but with your attitude, i think muay thai will fit you best. you may not have the patience to give to karate if you just want to hurt people

