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  • #16
    I have that book too,

    and I am still reading it, lots of good info

    And I never really knew that aikido is so spiritual almost a religion in its own right, at least the way Hirohei Ueshiba wanted it.
    Its quite beautiful

    Take your opponents negative energy, and use it to disable him, without creating any more negative energy of your own

    lots to learn and appreciate,


    • #17
      I've got tons of respect for any martial art. In my oppinion though, when it comes down to it, traditional martial arts are very inadequate for self defense. I realized this as soon as I started boxing/kickboxing. The fact is everything you know, before a fight, gets thrown out the window. Everything happens so fast that you have no time to think.

      There is only one thing you can rely completely on in a fight and that's instinct. The only way to train instinct is to train as realistically as possible (sparring). The problem with traditional martial arts is that they don't practise realistic application. Now I do believe that some arts are just impossible to practise all out (like aikido), but the fact still remains that if someone isnt actually trying to hit you and beat you (as in win) you just aren't going to be able to practise realistically.

      Things change when someone is trying to hurt you. If anyone has ever boxed before you'll know what I mean. Lets say that you've never boxed before and you start sparring. When half a dozen punches come at you within 3 seconds I guarantee you that you will close your eyes, and everyone knows that fighting blind is impossible. Chances are you'll start to panic and everything you throw will look like crap and be just as effective.

      Just because you read in a book how to defend a jab (using aikido) does NOT mean you have a good chance of pulling it off even in a sparring session let alone a real fight. Even if you practised it a million times with a partner it isn't going to give you a decent chance in a real situation. Fighting is so ridiculously hard to get right even if you spar. The problem with partner to partner practise is you know what they're going to do to you before it happens.

      If you were amazing at aikido and you knew how to defend from a right hook and you told me to throw one at you, you would probably do a great job defending it. But if we were fighting you would never have enough time to figure out what I was about to throw at you to defend effectively.

      I hope I didn't offend any aikido practitioners out there. Aikido has a lot of valuable things you can learn like any other traditional art (karate, kung fu etc.), but in my humble oppinion when it comes to real self defense they come up short.


      • #18
        One more thing. Sparring in Karate and Taekwondo is not real sparring.


        • #19
          Then what is it?


          • #20
            play fighting


            • #21
              So, ALL karate and TKD sparring is "play fighting"?


              • #22
                First of all, they score points everytime you land a technique. They have to stop the fight everytime that happens. In a real fight no one stops until someone loses. I don't even know if I should even add anything else. That right there should be enough. I can't tell you how much a fighter sacrifices while training for a fight. All the blood and sweat they give to perfect their art (and win their fight).


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Karate_is_cool View Post
                  First of all, they score points everytime you land a technique. They have to stop the fight everytime that happens. In a real fight no one stops until someone loses. I don't even know if I should even add anything else. That right there should be enough. I can't tell you how much a fighter sacrifices while training for a fight. All the blood and sweat they give to perfect their art (and win their fight).
                  Yes, yes, these are great secrets you are imparting...

                  Who are "they"? You used "they" three times there.


                  • #24
                    Does it matter who "they" are? You got my point regardless.


                    • #25
                      Nope. You have not made your point clear unless that point is that all Karate and TKD in the world is limited to point-sparring.

                      I think you are just trying to play the tough guy here, and I think you're doing a poor job of it.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Karate_is_cool View Post
                        I can't tell you how much a fighter sacrifices while training for a fight.

                        No, I don't suppose you can.


                        • #27
                          Actually you know what I am wrong about karate. i used to do kyokushin and we never did point sparring. Kyokushin has its own weakness though. I've never heard of full contact taekwondo. But it seems that you may have some knowledge in that area. Instead of trying to insult me educate me. Isn't this why we're posting in the first place?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                            No, I don't suppose you can.
                            that's cute


                            • #29
                              I'm not here to educate you. I was curious at your rather categorical comments is all.

                              I'm not a big fan of TKD but I've met more than a few tough bastards who had done more than point-sparring in their training, and I've met a load of Karateka (broadly) who were seriously tough SOBs. So your comments caught my attention, that's all.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                                I'm not here to educate you. I was curious at your rather categorical comments is all.

                                I'm not a big fan of TKD but I've met more than a few tough bastards who had done more than point-sparring in their training, and I've met a load of Karateka (broadly) who were seriously tough SOBs. So your comments caught my attention, that's all.
                                Well usually when someone says that I'm wrong they tell me why. That's what I call education. Sure I've met some tough people myself. You have to remember that those "tough" individuals probably aren't tough just because they train in karate or tkd or what not. They're probably talented as well. I never said that all they do is point spar either. I just think the way the spar stinks. My comments were criticizing the art not the individuals.

                                I still don't think I was completely off with my point though.

