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Samurai Vs. Spartans

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  • #16
    LMAO the king of omicron persai 8 when he eats the hippy and gets high...

    when he looks at his hands.. lmao, funniest shit ever...

    Btw, warrior king first round TKO.


    • #17



      • #18
        According to the poll results, I can defeat the Spartan and Samurai after a night full of burritos.

        Yeah, the NBC corps want to use me.
        Last edited by Tom Yum; 04-13-2007, 09:53 PM.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
          According to the poll results, I can defeat the Spartan and Samurai after a night full of burritos.

          Yeah, the NBC corps want to use me.
          remember when al bundy took back his bathroom from his wife and her friends after he ate some taco bell with hot sauce?

          isnt al bundy a blackbelt in jiu jitsu now?


          • #20
            Originally posted by fanman. View Post
            The Samurai of feudal Japan and the Spartans of Ancient Greece are two of the most outstanding warrior groups in history, and each were probably the best warriors of their time. What would happen if a Samurai army and a Spartan army met in battle? Vote on who you think would win, and give some reasons why.
            That's a matter of opinion. American Indians, the Moors, the Zulu Nation under Shaka's rule and Genghis Khan and the Mongols were much more feared and fought against much more insurmountable odds than either of the groups mentioned above.

            But because they were all classified as mongrels and savages, they aren't nearly as celebrated in history books and in the media as the above two groups.

            The groups that I mentioned ruled, conquered and defended continents, not just single countries like the samurai and spartans. Their conflicts were larger and just as intense as the samurai and spartans. The skills of these warriors, particularly the American Indian and the Zulu Warrior/Hunter were on par with the Samurai when it came to stealth and reconnaissance.

            But the samurai and spartans are romanticized in Hollywood and in fiction much more than the other groups.


            • #21
              Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
              remember when al bundy took back his bathroom from his wife and her friends after he ate some taco bell with hot sauce?

              isnt al bundy a blackbelt in jiu jitsu now?
              I do, Dick.

              I think I even recall the scene, where they start playing "Bad to tha Bone" as Al goes to re-claim his bathroom. He's pretty highly ranked in BJJ, not sure what rank though.


              • #22
                Originally posted by pUke View Post
                That's a matter of opinion. American Indians, the Moors, the Zulu Nation under Shaka's rule and Genghis Khan and the Mongols were much more feared and fought against much more insurmountable odds than either of the groups mentioned above.

                Actually, all of those groups you mentioned enjoyed their greatest victories when they were at enormous numerical advantage. That's not exactly "insurmountable odds." They eventually failed despite their huge numerical advantage because they couldn't overcome a disadvantage in military technology and tactics. It happens. The Mongols failed to conquer Japan despite a huge advantage in both numbers and technology.

                So...thanks for that contribution.


                • #23
                  Bundy's a brown belt in BJJ.

                  And I'm just wondering how the American Indian should be a more respected fighting force than the Spartans or Samurai. Which insurmountable odds did they overcome, which great battles did they win, how many invasions did they stop, etc...

                  Plus everyone knows the english kicked the Zulu's ass.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                    Actually, all of those groups you mentioned enjoyed their greatest victories when they were at enormous numerical advantage. That's not exactly "insurmountable odds." They eventually failed despite their huge numerical advantage because they couldn't overcome a disadvantage in military technology. It happens. The Mongols failed to conquer Japan despite a huge advantage in both numbers and technology.

                    So...thanks for that contribution.
                    Basically, none of them had the gun is your statement.

                    And the enormous numerical advantage that you spoke of may be true, but to sweep across a continent and conquering nation after nation, those numbers represent those who weren't prepared, not the number of those who were victims in the conflicts. There weren't more Mongols than there were people all over Asia. There weren't more Zulus than there were people in Africa. There weren't more Moors than there were Europeans. This all means that the conquerors were just smart enough to make sure that there numbers were stronger from battle to battle, but there numbers were never larger overall.

                    The American Indian fought of Europeans for more than a century, despite having inferior weapons for most of the conflict. They, like the Zulus, won many battles despite using primitive weapons, but ultimately could not defeat an innovation in firearms that allowed for repeat fire. To fight for so long against the power of the Manifest Destiny is an incredible feat in itself.

                    Its interesting that the groups that I mentioned are criticized for being undone by the gun, but the Spartans never faced the gun, and the Samurai did no better against it. The difference is that the Zulus and the American Indians did in fact have victories against modern weapons and troops.

                    And SamuraiGuy, the Zulus did in fact eventually succumb to the superior firepower of the Europeans, but make no mistake in ever thinking that it was ever in hand to hand combat. The defeat of the Zulus was a decisive victory won by firepower, not infantry.


                    • #25
                      everyone talks about the spartans because everyone watched 300 just recently.

                      that movie sucked btw.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
                        everyone talks about the spartans because everyone watched 300 just recently.

                        that movie sucked btw.
                        You're just jealous 'cause the Spartans won.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
                          You're just jealous 'cause the Spartans won.
                          im upset that i got tricked into watching lord of the rings again when i promised myself i would never watch another one of those movies

                          i think i would have liked the movie if it had been more realistic like braveheart or gladiator.


                          • #28
                            Seriously, I understand where you are coming from.

                            I felt the same way about Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon...too much supernatural, but you're right about the fantasy factor in 300. I suppose it was there to attract a certain audience?


                            • #29
                              study some history first, then proclaim

                              Originally posted by pUke View Post
                              Basically, none of them had the gun is your statement.
                              No, that is not my statement.


                              • #30
                                You should stick to sake and sumo wrestling.

                                Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                                No, that is not my statement.
                                It never is.

