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I got Promoted to Nidan today

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  • I got Promoted to Nidan today

    It was a great day for me and for Japanese Jujitsu. At our annual seminar and tournament I got promoted to Nidan. It took 18 months including rehabbing a nagging meniscus knee injury, learning a two man judo form ( Kime no Kata), then today was the capper. I participated in seminars from 9 am to 1, then It was an kata competition both uke and tori, then Kumite. I took second in the Masters division. So I got a trophy, a tee shirt, a certificate and my hard earned Nidan. What this means is that I can now promote my students to Black Belt. Before I could only promote to first brown.

    Oh one other point, My Kumite opponent was my age but he was 6'8" 280.. I'm 5'11 212. It was a hard fight, which included me getting almost disqualified for an excessively hard superman punch to the face. I eventually lost to a garami, though I didn't tap but the judges stopped it.

    We had dinner afterwards at a traditional japanese resturaunt. It was my first time. They fix the food on a special stove that is built into your table. I almost freaked out at the height of the fire on that stove. LOL

  • #2
    Congrats man!


    • #3
      Congratulations! You earned that promotion with your own blood and sweat! Well done!


      • #4
        Thanks. I feel a sense of accomplishment. Shodan was physically harder but nidan feels just as rewarding.


        • #5
          Congrats! You worked really hard.


          • #6
            Well done. It is truly a great day for jujutsu...


            • #7
              Well done!


              • #8
                Congratulations, Hardball!

