It was a great day for me and for Japanese Jujitsu. At our annual seminar and tournament I got promoted to Nidan. It took 18 months including rehabbing a nagging meniscus knee injury, learning a two man judo form ( Kime no Kata), then today was the capper. I participated in seminars from 9 am to 1, then It was an kata competition both uke and tori, then Kumite. I took second in the Masters division. So I got a trophy, a tee shirt, a certificate and my hard earned Nidan. What this means is that I can now promote my students to Black Belt. Before I could only promote to first brown.
Oh one other point, My Kumite opponent was my age but he was 6'8" 280.. I'm 5'11 212. It was a hard fight, which included me getting almost disqualified for an excessively hard superman punch to the face. I eventually lost to a garami, though I didn't tap but the judges stopped it.
We had dinner afterwards at a traditional japanese resturaunt. It was my first time. They fix the food on a special stove that is built into your table. I almost freaked out at the height of the fire on that stove. LOL
Oh one other point, My Kumite opponent was my age but he was 6'8" 280.. I'm 5'11 212. It was a hard fight, which included me getting almost disqualified for an excessively hard superman punch to the face. I eventually lost to a garami, though I didn't tap but the judges stopped it.
We had dinner afterwards at a traditional japanese resturaunt. It was my first time. They fix the food on a special stove that is built into your table. I almost freaked out at the height of the fire on that stove. LOL