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  • #31
    There is much foolishness in this thread. GrdStorm is the only one who is making sense, the rest of you are fools brainwashed by what you see in the UFc.

    Somebody used Carlos Newton as an example of an NHB fighter kicking ass on the street. I assume that you are aware that Carlos Newton was STABBED by an untrained drunk in a bar fight in Canada a couple of years ago. All those years of hard NHB training still were no match for the drunken bum with a knife.
    If a drunk can stab Carlose Newton then let me assure you that he could be eye gouged or bitten just as easily by an untrained opponent. This theory about controlling the position is complete BS, if I want to bite Royce Gracies nose off in a street fight there is absolutely NOTHING he can do to prevent me.

    You fools talk as though we would be standing 3 feet apart whilst im throwing eye jabs at him, this just shows how little real fighting experience any of you have. Dirty tricks do not get used at distance, they get used at extreme close quarters and if done correctly they are extremely effective.

    Bri Thai, im glad that you mentioned that you are a cop, it explains a lot. In general cops know nothing about effective fighting techniques because they forget the fact that a man in a uniform of authority carrying a weapon does not face the same perils that an unarmed citizen taking a shortcut down an alleyway at 2 am faces. The average person does not have the luxury of a baton, stun gun, pistol and a radio to call for back up.

    Maybe you should leave your uniform and weapons at home one night and see how well your "MMA" style works in a street fight.


    • #32
      LOL One Thousand Apologies for assuming you were a real cop Bri Thai, I just noticed that you live in England therefore you dont carry a stun gun or a pistol. On the other hand you dont need to because England is hardly known for its street violence.

      LOL so tell me about life on the beat on the tough streets of "Manchester" LMFAO!!! Did one of the local lads kick Mrs Sloacombs pussy or maybe somebody had one too many pints at the local and fell asleep on the snooker table???

      Should you be referring to yourself as a "Cop"? I thought you Limeys called them "Bobbies".


      • #33

        I did Aikido for 2 years. And as other said there training methods are crap. In my class you worked with co-operative opponents. That is stupid.

        So after class I used to go home and practice against my brother, who was very unco-operative. I learned to simplify the techniques to make them work in a streetfight.

        All the movement are flowing and circular. When I simlified they became fast almost straight move involving strike also much more effective.


        • #34
          It's clear grndstrm is lacking in both understanding and experience. You're akido THEORY may sound good but put into actual practice it's worthless. The intercepting of punches, the easy wrist manipulation is not going to happen when a man is attacking with full force and not the unrealistic approaches in akido.

          I use the examples of nhb fighters to drive home the point that a man proficient in striking or grappling will not be suceptible to your nut and throat strikes. Try throat striking a proficient boxer or nut striking a wrestler who has you down. It really is a simple example.

          As for weapons, no hand to hand combat is going to realistically help you. Especially akido! If you think akido will enable you to disarm an opponent, then you're going to end up as dead as a wreslter, or striker who believes the same.

          It seems you're a complete moron with strictly theoretical knowledge. I would encourage you to go spar hard with some real fighters. The short term ass kicking may save your life in the long run. If you have a pony tail like your hero Segal I would suggest you cut it off, or it will be used to enhance your beat down experience.


          • #35
            Your missing the point, if you try to punch someone with a knife, he'll cut your fist, wrist, arm or whatever. ATLEAST with Aikido they give you techniques that may work.

            Most people with Knives lunge or slash using a lot of momentum, therfore aikido does work if you are good enough and know how to apply the techniques.

            I said I'm NOT an Aikidoist so what is the point of going to your house so u can demonstrate on me? I know for a fact if you bring your stand up skillz infront of my knife your definetly going to get cut.


            • #36
              1st of all no one asked you to their house that I saw, what are you reading?
              2ndly we were debating fighitng styles then when you had nothing else you pull a weapons debate out of your ass. No striking will not help with knives and trying akido's worthless tactics will not give you a chance, only get you killed.
              You get a F for reading comprehension and an A+ in mythology for believing Akido.


              • #37
                "On the other hand you dont need to because England is hardly known for its street violence."

                Funnily enough armed crime in certain districts of Manchester is higher per capita than anywhere in New York. Unarmed officers deal with these incidents. Do you think that makes us LESS tough than fully armed American officers?

                Your facts and your logic are a little off line.

                As regards knife defence, see my last post. I NEVER stated that NHB was knife defence. You HAVE stated that Aikido is.

                Try this next time you are on the mat. Find a person like myself with little respect for Aikido as an effective fighting art. Give him a big red marker pen and pretend that it is a knife. See what colour your gi is before you take it off him, but remember that any one of those big red lines would have taken you out first.

                Your "knowledge" is all theoretical. I have faced men armed with a knife as well as a broken bottle. I got through it with a near suicidal lunge at them with a big right hand and lots of lady luck.

                The twisty wristy defences could not have been further from my head. Thank God!


                • #38
                  Did you hear that. Listen to what Bri Thai said. And you will find out how ineffective Aikido is. You can apply some of the priciples and that will help you.

                  BUT if you did just study Aikido and a armed assilliant youed be dead before you can count 1, 2, 3.

                  Take everyones advice and dont give Aikido another thought.


                  • #39
                    I thought...?!

                    Two of my wife's brothers are Black Belts in Aikido. I watched a training class once. It consisted of "attackers" obligingly holding their hands out for the defender to grab. It was just so unrealistic.

                    If Aikido is that effective, where do it's techniques it feature in NHB?

                    ...that there was no joint manipulation's in NHB contest's.

                    Of course there must be some- so what are the rule's regarding Joint Manipulation's in NHB competition's!?


                    • #40
                      .........akido dose not work period.


                      • #41
                        Basically Aikido is usually just crap but when taught correctly (about 1% of schools) is very good. Save your money and do something where you have to fight people who are really fighting back (Muay Thai, BJJ, Judo).

                        If you want to be a good fighter then you have to fight. Many people who try this realize they will never really be good fighters and just try and be as good as they can. This is just a fact that you may have to deal with. It is better than doing something that makes you believe you are good when you are not.

                        Shimora, Idiots like you make me laugh. You seriously believe that you are harder than someone from England because there is nowhere as violent as the USA. You are an idiot. The cops in New Zealand do not carry guns either but Auckland is the most violent place I have ever been by a BIG margin (I have been to New York several times for several months). There are areas in Manchester that would make you wish you were back in the Bronx. the fact that cops in England have to defend themselves without weapons does not make them weaker it makes them tougher by necessity.

                        This is a post I put up on another thread
                        I have studied Aikido for several years and can tell you that it is effective but only when taught correctly.

                        Unfortunately there is no sparring which I dont like. The number of techniques taught is deliberately limited so you really master a few very good moves. Also, my balance, foot work and ability to move (correctly) improved dramatically from Aikido. I find I have this advantage over many others when sparring now.

                        Unfortunately most clubs teach it VERY badly. In many clubs it is taught almost as a dance with some chi "tricks" thrown in which is completely useless.

                        My advice would be to go and try it. If the instructor tries to show you how powerful his chi is or tricks he can do then you should just forget it. Chi is not a magical thing, it is just intense focus and concentration that comes from doing techniques correctly so the best way to get it is to train correctly (like a pro athlete). Also if it is too soft it is crap, The senior guys should be throwing each other (but not you) hard.


