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aikido worth taking?

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  • #31
    aikido is an excelent martial art, it does take years and years to learn, because its very sutile, but you can really hurt people with it, dont be fooled, the trick is you redirect the force of your enemy to himself, so the bigger they are the harder they fall, in the case that people would go all out on you, in aikido you would have to cover and simulate a punch to make an opening, then grab him and twist him or send him flying, attacks on aikido are mostly strikes with the side of your hand to your opponents throat

    there is an awesome 10 mb video that even features steven seagal, but later on in the video this unarmed guy defeats 5 armed opponents in 3 seconds time!, only in aikido, you need to watch this:

    there's my two cents


    • #32
      Originally posted by mazd
      aikido is an excelent martial art, it does take years and years to learn, because its very sutile, but you can really hurt people with it, dont be fooled, the trick is you redirect the force of your enemy to himself,

      there's my two cents
      HooRah, I agree with you. I think the point that many of you are missing is that Aikido is an art of SELF-DEFENSE, the founder believed in non-violence. But the harder you come at an Aikidoist, the harder you fall. They use your energy against you. The point is not to inflict the most damage on your opponent, it is not a sport, it is to avoid that damage being inflicted on yourself. Usheiba believed if you threw the first punch, you had already lost. So if you want to improve your SELF-DEFENSE then there is none better than Aikido. If you want to spend some time bludgoning someone try an agressive art. Aikido means The Way of Peace. If you still think it is useless, then please do some research. Don't spread ignorance.

