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Hello! i need advice

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  • Hello! i need advice

    Hello, im from mexico i'm 17 years old and i practiced tae kwon do like 5 years in the past, but stopped doing it. I still have plenty of flexibility but not as before.
    I have a problem with this guy at school who drives me nuts all the time and always keeps pissing me off. The big problem is that im just 110lbs and he's 200lbs. He's not exactly muscular, he's fat and i'm a little taller than him, but not much. I'm like 5'7 feet tall (1.73 meters). What can I do to teach him a lesson? maybe there's a technique for lower weights to handle fat guys?

  • #2

    If all he's doing is pissing you off my advice is get over yourself.

    If he hasn't gotten physical then there is no logical reason for you too. Life i way too short bro'

    If he is getting physical tell someone in charge. I know that doesn't always work, but resorting to physicality at the first sign of friction is nice trip to a quick ending for your life.


    • #3
      Avoid the conflict if at all possible, sounds like you might be able to out run him, if not then you'll need some serious ass kicking techniques so I'd suggest you study this clip carefully.

      <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
      Last edited by TTEscrima; 10-13-2008, 07:04 PM.


      • #4
        The 'Great Masters' have helped another soul in need...



        • #5
          Too funny...

          Originally posted by ttescrima View Post
          avoid the conflict if at all possible, sounds like you might be able to out run him, if not then you'll need some serious ass kicking techniques so i'd suggest you study this clip carefully.



          • #6
            Originally posted by jubaji View Post
            The 'Great Masters' have helped another soul in need...


            Well, we didn't advise him to poison anyone so I'm sure it isn't up to the fine standards you subscribe to, because lord knows how helpful your 8000 plus post have been.


            • #7
              Maybe you should check his lineage...


              • #8
                Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                Maybe you should check his lineage...
                Just because your lineage claims were proven to be lies doesn't mean everyone else is a big a phony as you turned to be...not that it was a surprise to anyone who read your "contributions".


                • #9
                  Interesting that I never made any "lineage claims"

                  Maybe you want him to read some books that he, like you, cannot understand.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                    Interesting that I never made any "lineage claims"

                    What you mean is that all your BS claims which were proven to be lies were removed, it seems there has been a rash of post removals of late.

                    The wayback machine makes for interesting reads of deleted topics though.


                    • #11
                      I don't think any posts were removed. I told you who I trained with, where, and when. I didn't think that constituted a (dramatic music please...) LINEAGE CLAIM!

                      If you still can't get over the fact that the closest you've ever gotten to the origin of the art you have built a cartoon-like fantasy around is the local Chinese take-out place, that's too damn bad.

                      I take that back. It's not just too bad, it's hilarious! You pathetic poseur!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                        I don't think any posts were removed. I told you who I trained with, where, and when. I didn't think that constituted a (dramatic music please...) LINEAGE CLAIM!
                        You removed the post, unless you're going to claim someone else did it for you. Beside clown, who taught you, where they taught you and when they taught you is the definition of a lineage claim, you're SUCH a poseur, you can't even tell an intelligent lie about it.

                        I'm tired of your yapping for attention, go sniff someone elses crotch like the good little lap dog you are.
                        Last edited by TTEscrima; 10-13-2008, 10:16 PM.


                        • #13
                          Don't know what you are talking about clown. If you want me to repeat the information for you I will, then you can go into another hissy fit over 'lineage' because you are such a pathetic little posuer.

                          No amount of 'lineage' will change the fact that you are a ridiculous theory-boy whose training consists mainly of braiding the thining ponytail of your pretentious guru.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by TTEscrima View Post
                            You removed the post, unless you're going to claim someone else did it for you. .......

                            For the record, I have it on good authority that the user known as Jubaji does not have and has never had any super moderator powers.

                            Oh, and welcome to DEFEND dot NET hakamura !!!

                            Take some Judo lessons little buddy!


                            • #15
                              And hit the gym

