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Bruce Lees muscles

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  • #16
    Bruce probably did smoke pot..cmon...he was a famous movie star in the "70's"...EVERYONE smoked pot back then...


    • #17
      Drugs aside...he was the reason why I took up martial arts..

      RIP Bruce..


      • #18
        I like Underdog's post. I think that, depending on the day, either one was true. He was a great guy, or an asshole.

        I think his physical feats were amazing considering how unimposing he was to begin with. I don't know about whether 'roids were involved, but you're right about his absolute obsessiveness, which all greats have, like Jordan. That unquenchable thirst to be the best.

        Who cares what kind of guy he was? He put us all on our paths, indirectly or directly. In my job and through my MA training, I've met a lot of celebrities, both in the regular world and the MA world. I never idealize them, because you end up disappointed when you find out that so-and-so is a great fighter with a great tape set, but not the nicest guy. Or the smartest.

        Appreciate them for what they can teach you; if they turn out to be nice human beings that's a nice bonus. But it is a bonus...


        • #19
          hehe..I heard that Michael jordan doesn't even let his kids beat him one on one...


          • #20
            A Changing Bruce

            I notice that in Return of the Dragon , Bruce looks great. He seems to be in awesome physical condition and his physique is heavilly defined. He also seems to have a quieter, less savage personallity than any of his other movies. A nice haircut too. Then when I watched Enter the Dragon, Bruce's mind and body seemed to be on edge throughout the entire movie. His physical condition seemed better, along with his physique, and his personallity seemed louder, more savage, and cockier. His hair was shaggy! It is just me, or did Bruce seem to be on some kind of drugs?

            (Sorry Bruce. Don't take this as an insult...)


            • #21
              He even refused to drink any kind of alcoholic beverage. It is pretty ridiculous to assume he were on some kind of hard drugs.

              But like somebody already mentioned: It was the 70's. Almost everybody smoked pot or sth. similar. Why shouldn't he have done so?


              • #22
                Bruce Lee wouldn't have smoked pot because he valued his health too much. To him his body was a tool, a tool best kept in optimum condition. This is what I read in some of his books. Not that I am saying I know for sure, but it just wouldn't make any sense, in his mind, his body was like a tool that should be taken care of to achieve the best performance. I highly dought he would have poisoned his body with drugs.

                Bruce Lee was simply a true martial artist. He practiced real martial arts,(not sport),was a rationalist,(didn't see the point in practicing what would not benefit him) and trained as hard as he could in an effort to achieve the highest level in martial arts.

                Also, he wasn't as rare a person as the media would have you think, there are several other people like him throughout the world, who train just as hard and may achieve the same martial level or possibly higher.


                • #23
                  Please please please let people talk this much about me 30 years after I die.

                  Underdog, what happened to your "Got my ass handed to me by a PFS instructor" post?

                  BTW, anyone who can't defend themselves against a lazy guillotine is sad...



                  • #24
                    I hope you're right about Bruce, Siegfried. But then again, who cares if he did drugs? It's his body and mind, right?


                    • #25
                      course you should care. Why not?

                      I'll say two things. One, most of the rumors about heavy drug use, steroids, alien muscle juice, etc. are probably EXTREMELY overstated....

                      but then again, being in Bruce's position was extremely tough... so I'm thinking that those who say he didn't touch anything might be wrong too.



                      • #26
                        Of course, it was his body and mind, Sage Gemini. I'm just saying it doesn't make any sense for him to do drugs when he seemed to care so much about his body's performance.

                        But drugs or not, he was a damm good martial artist!


                        • #27
                          Well, one thing's for sure...i've never seen anyone else's life so meticulously documented! i mean there has to be like 50 bazillion different pics of him throughout his life...his life was just one big documentary...


                          • #28
                            I do not think Bruce ever smoked pot. YES it has been said it was found in his stomach during a autopsy. That says he ate it not smoked it. He was having bad headaches. Maybe this was recomended as a medical use. Pot does work as a way to relieve pressure from glaucoma. so it has a medical purpose. Yes he was cocky, liked to impress people. BUT he could do what he said he would do. Many storeis have surfaced about his death. If he was not famos at the time who would know what to say. James Lee I think helped get bruce into his weight lifting program. And bruce worked hard in improveing his abilties. HE was not the best M/A in the world .But he was pretty darn good. Remember he was a small man 120 to 147 pounds. He could hit like a heavy weight. Very fast And basicly was doing ufc type of training over 35 years ago really about 38 years. NO one was into that then. Jujitsu judo had been exposed years earlyer. THEN we just forgot about it. That is why when the ufc came around jujitsu did well the first 3 years. LOOK now it is part of the whole but is falling back by the ground fighters that have not improved much in the stand up game. As the stand up fighters have gone on to include jujitsu in tyhere training, and made good strides aginst just the jujitsu people. Bruce evolved well for the time frame he was in . And if he was young and alive today and worked the same feild he could hold his own in his weight class today. NOT that he would be the top dog but he would be at the top of his game. BETTER to live today remember what was and learn to go on. You me everone is what counts now .Will you train and try as hard as bruce did or will you one day be a top fighter ITs up to you us to make our path to. And that path is the one that we must walk alone


                            did not inhale

                            I think the guy had an open mind about a lot of things.

                            I think the propaganda that exists in this country is scary.

                            I think its weird that you guys are all trying to put your own beliefs about drugs on the image of some dead icon.

                            Who knows? They found it in his belly. Does the method of usage really matter so much? He obviously didn't dissapprove of recreational chemical usage.

                            Unless you think some evil kung fu warlock put it there because bruce had learned the fabled death touch.


                            • #30
                              I wish you had not discovered our plan Quietanswer. Now that you know we will have to take care of you as well.

                              The problem with talking about drugs is that many people elevate drug use to a moral problem.

                              In fact, if bruce did want to increase the power of his body, why wouldn't he take drugs. Drugs can give people incredible strength because it removes the mechanism in the brain that keeps you from doing things that may harm you.

                              Also back then many of the effects of drugs had not been studied as thoroughly as they have now.


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