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World Jeet Kune Do Federation Ripped me off!

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  • World Jeet Kune Do Federation Ripped me off!

    Hi all,

    The people at the World Jeet Kune Do Federation stole the instructors list that I had made for my website and are now using it on there site. I wrote the person in charge to see what they have to say. They have no honor!

    They stole the list from here:

    Oh, and THEY have to balls to copyright something they stole.

    What a bunch of clowns.

    Sean Madigan

  • #2
    Some people just SUCK. Sorry to hear your frustrations.



    • #3
      Don't sit on the fence Sean! Tell it like it is


      • #4
        do u know all of the instructors on that list?


        • #5
          I created the list

          Do I know all of the instuctors on that list? No. I know most of them though. Also, I still have the original e-mails from those instructors asking to be put on the list. It took me over a year to create that list, and I will not let some honorless moron, piece of crap rip me off.

          Sean Madigan


          • #6
            Lawsuit Sean.


            It may sound like the crappy thing to do, but this is the reason why civil laws are created. You are running a business and are entitled to your intellectual property!

            Serious man, get a good lawyer and sue the bastages.

            Especially if they're trying to copyright YOUR work!



            • #7
              Re: I created the list

              Originally posted by BIG Sean Madigan
              Do I know all of the instuctors on that list? No. I know most of them though. Also, I still have the original e-mails from those instructors asking to be put on the list. It took me over a year to create that list, and I will not let some honorless moron, piece of crap rip me off.

              Sean Madigan
              The World Jeet Kune Do Federation (WJKDF) has two Master Instructors in an organization of well over 3000 members. I was one of those two master instructors. I say "was" because as of about 5 minutes ago I sent an e-mail to Carter Hargrave and formally resigned as a member.

              My reason for doing so is very clear. Carter responded to Big Sean's e-mail by denying that the WJKDF instructor listings page was a copy of Sean's list. It is very clear that it is a copy. Moreover, I remember looking at Sean's list about a year before the WJKDF list was created.

              Based on the response that was sent to me and Sean, it seems very clear that the WJKDF and Carter Hargrave are not concerned with the ethical implications of this. I do not want anyone to think that I condone such behavior, therefore I resigned.

              Drew Howe


              • #8

                Hi Drew,

                That was a bold move, and I am sorry that you were drawn into this. I had no intent what-so-ever for anybody from Hargrove's organization to quit. You have shown that you have honor!

                You also showed a lot of guts, and class to make the step you just made. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you in any way.

                All the best,

                Sean Madigan


                • #9
                  Why would he 'steal' it.

                  When he could link to it like I just did and benefit from all your hard work without infringing on your property OR pissing you off.

                  See. Give credit where credit is due and it's all good brau!

                  What a punk!

                  Get him Sean. Get him!



                  • #10

                    Hey Spanky,

                    Exactly bro. There is no understanding some people though.

                    He has no honor!

                    Sean Madigan


                    • #11
                      I've heard about the group. Who are they, and who are they certified under?



                      • #12
                        Not only is it your list, it's copyrighted as you have stated AND your school is not included!

                        What crap!



                        • #13
                          I made the Resignation sticky and closed it to matain the integrity of that single post. Any comments can be added to this thread.

                          Which is sticky now as well.


                          • #14
                            I'd like to add that Drew Howe has only made his so called bold move in an attempt to get in with a big name in the JKD/RBMA world. He is desperate for credibility for his "I am a Viking Idiot" web site.

                            Remember, you heard it here first.


                            • #15
                              That sucks. They sould asked.

                              I see there is know one on your list in colorado. That figures.

