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Hey whats up guys

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  • Hey whats up guys

    I've been reading the JKD forums for a while now, and I finally decided to sign up.

    I've recently started getting into JKD, but the problem is there aren't many places that teach it. I'm from NY and the closest place would be Manhattan, but working nights really would make it tough for me to attend classes on the regular.
    Like I said, I'm not in classes so I'm pretty much just trying to learn the basics through books and videos.

    My question is, what is a good way to practice timing and reaction when you don't have anyone else to help you out?


  • #2
    if u can afford it, its a bag, my freinds and i call it the goofy bag, it is a little bag, about the size of a basketball, with strings comin out o both ends, tied to the floor and ceiling, and u hit it, and man that things come back at u fast, its real good at trainin ur eyes to move fast so u can see the thing movin around, trains u to stay focused while punchin, cuz if u lose focus u miss the bag completely, its really good, but dont get discouraged, it takes a while to get used to, start out with just jabbin it, and when u get the hang of that, move on to jab-reverse punch/right cross, and then onto 3 hits, and so on. this bag should really help with ur reaction and timing.

    also a good mental drill, to help get ur mind to think faster is, that my freind a long time ago should me, is sit in a dark room with no fans or ac on (cant have any wind) with only a lit candle( the long, tall ones, not the ones that are tiny inside glass), every time the flame flickers, mentally throw an attack in ur mind, like u see it flicker, boom ur mind throws a jab, u must visualize this.

    these are two things that i think should help u, and are relatively inexpensive, candles are like a buck, and the goofy bag should be 50 at the very most, but go to like a sports authority or any used sporting good store and it should be cheap, get a couple hooks for the floor and ceiling and ur good to go. hope that helps.


    • #3
      Thank you, it does help. I was thinking about getting a bag already, but I never gave the smaller bags a thought.

      With the lack of space I have in my apartment and the fact that it helps in reaction and so on, the goofy bag seems like the best idea.

      Thanks again.


      • #4
        no problem, glad i could help.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Duece
          With the lack of space I have in my apartment and the fact that it helps in reaction and so on, the goofy bag seems like the best idea.
          Just don't go into a sporting goods store asking for a goofy bag. [] The correct term would be a "Double End Striking Bag ". You might also want to consider purchasing intructional videos if you can't get to a good school. Personally I'm waiting for a school to open up in the South Bronx soon. So for now I'm just working on flexibility and conditioning. Good luck.


          • #6
            I have no idea where you are in relation to Staten Island but I would recommend training JKD with Sean Maddigan ( Books and tapes are good but there is nothing like training with a live partner swinging back at you!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Poi Eater
              I have no idea where you are in relation to Staten Island but I would recommend training JKD with Sean Maddigan ( Books and tapes are good but there is nothing like training with a live partner swinging back at you!

              It's funny you mentioned them. I just spoke to one of the instructors on AOL the other day. He told me that they are more focused on training for fights such as Reality Fighting. I'm just thinking about switching my hours at work so I can work the day shift, and maybe find a class in China Town.

              Thanks for responding though.


              • #8
                Originally posted by El Mastero
                Just don't go into a sporting goods store asking for a goofy bag. [] The correct term would be a "Double End Striking Bag ". You might also want to consider purchasing intructional videos if you can't get to a good school. Personally I'm waiting for a school to open up in the South Bronx soon. So for now I'm just working on flexibility and conditioning. Good luck.

                Well I decided on getting a heavy bag, to work on perfecting simple punches and combos, and to also help on delivering punches with power (hope that made sense). I was able to find a $300 heavy bag on a base for $200. It is easy to move around my apartment when people come over, but it is pretty gigantic. I love it though. I was going to get the bags that are shaped like a human torso, but it would scare the hell out of me if I came home from a party after a few drinks and thought it was a real person.

                Here's a pic of the bag I bought.

