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Jeet Kun Do In Austin/Central Texas?

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  • Jeet Kun Do In Austin/Central Texas?

    I am educating myself about Jeet Kun Do. Does anyone know of any qualified people who stay true to BL teachings? Anyone in Central Texas?
    I do not want to have instruction really but network/spar with others in my area. HELP! Your responses GREATLY appreciated!



  • #2
    I know Marco Hernandez teaches in TX.

    Learn everything about self defense, martial arts, and everything in this area


    He's a student of Ted Wong & has been studying with the Singer brothers of SBG fame.

    Good luck


    • #3
      You can do a search here:


      • #4
        Thanks for the direction

        Thanks for the links guys. I greatly appreciate it.


        • #5
          Jeet Kune Do in Austin

          Hi Jill,

          I am actually in the process of relocating to Austin. I am helping a tennis club to open up a fitness center and will be teaching JKD there as well as training athletes.

          I will be out there in late May so maybe we could hook up and work out.

          I have been training in JKD since 1976 and have trained with Jerry Poteet, Ted Wong, Richard Bustillo, Joe Lewis, Tim Tackett, Bob Bremer, Pat Strong, Larry Hartsell, Steve Johnson, Dan Lee, Abel Sandoval & Ted Lucay Lucay.


          William Holland


          • #6
            JKD Central Texas

            Thanks for the email. I cannot afford any classes at this time but, I am interested in what you would charge. I am a single parent and college student. Please let me know. Bruce Lee has inspired me so much. I have not had any classes ever. I have got Tao of Jeet Kune Do, Bruce's instructional DVD, all his fighting method books, and read all I can about his teachings. I have stepped up my workout. I had been devoting time to myself in that regard but, I want to devote myself to learning JKD and maybe teaching others. I have already been inspiring people to get back into martial arts that have been dormant regarding the arts. I would like to start a Central Texas JKD organization of some sort someday where people who are serious about JKD can get together and train,spar, go out socially, etc. I am interested in Wing Chun Gung Fu, Muay Tai, Jun Fan Gung Fu, and some others. I like the kicking arts. Where is this tennis club? I plan on actually getting certified through ISSA also as soon as I can afford to. Did you have a good experience with ISSA? I am working on dropping some weight and conditioning for martial arts. I am starting all the exercises in Tao of JKD and cardio daily so my body will be capable of handling the training. I am strong. I have done weight training in the past and going to incorporate it also in what I am doing now. I've been working some stuff
            alone on a heavy bag to start. Let me know what you think and where the place will be. I probably know the place.


            Last edited by; 04-22-2004, 10:26 AM. Reason: spelling


            • #7
              JKD Training in the Austin,TX area....

              I and some friends of myself have started our own JKD training group for those much like yourself(in the same boat) and would like to welcome you to check us out if you are still interested in training in JKD and various other styles of martial arts.

              The Lead instructor of the group already has prior certification in Hapkido,JKD,Kung FU, and trains on a regular basis in silat,kali,JKD,grappling,and muay thai.

              Check out the link if you are curious and take care.



              • #8
                Try Dean Goldade in Georgetown. I just did a JKD seminar for him last weekend. He's a good guy and is now a part of our gorup. His school # is 512-869-2651.
                E-mail is
                Tim Tackett


                • #9
                  Thanks for the reference.

                  I have brought both William Holland, and Tim Tackett to Austin this year.
                  I got almost 1000 views on Tim's seminar but very few responders.

                  If you are serious about wanting to train just pick up the phone and call.

                  Take care



                  • #10

                    Me and the guys have actually formed a stronger alliance....added a website...and will begin teaching street self defense soon in the austin area.

                    We are a local area JKD group...which means contracts...crap to buy...and B.S. don't apply.

                    Just real self defense and martial arts training.

                    Texas combatives Association

