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question on Bruce Lee's death

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  • question on Bruce Lee's death

    I just say a biography on Bruce Lee and basically it said that he smoked pot had a alergic reaction causing his brain to swell and then died. Is that it??? I thought there was a mistery around Bruce's death.... O and it also stated that he was cheating on his wife at the time.... so he was a drugy and an adulter (<--bad spelling) if I'm wrong on any of this just tell me.

  • #2
    Some people say he was cheating on his wife, other don't.

    Some people say he was a pot head, others don't.

    Some people say he had an allergic reaction to a few pills he took for a headache, others don't.

    There's always rumors and made up stories when such an important figure in the world dies.


    • #3
      Originally posted by dirtynewb
      I just say a biography on Bruce Lee and basically it said that he smoked pot had a alergic reaction causing his brain to swell and then died. Is that it??? I thought there was a mistery around Bruce's death.... O and it also stated that he was cheating on his wife at the time.... so he was a drugy and an adulter (<--bad spelling) if I'm wrong on any of this just tell me.
      apparently he did eat hash brownies cuz they calmed him down.he didn't smoke weed. he wouldn't touch alcohol or drugs. he only did hash brownines cuz they calmed him. he never cheated in his wife. ever. there are a few bios out there that all they acomplish is to rag on the bruce lee name and estate. and he did from a brain adema from an allergic reaction to ibprofin(sp?)


      • #4
        hey pretty sure i read in chuck norris's book....since he was a good friend of bruce lee......that bruce lee was assassinated by the chinese government because martial arts was a big deal back in the day and he created his they got jealous i guess and murdered him.....not 100% sure though


        • #5
          Don't worry. I am 100% sure...... that you're talking bollox!


          • #6
            Originally posted by dirtynewb
            I just say a biography on Bruce Lee

            Did you see a movie or TV special or read a book and what was the name.

            Ultimately, good people can do bad things it does not distract from his accomplishments as a MAist. If he cheated and smoked pot occasionally well who didn't and doesn't in hollywood just reality. Howver, unlike most in hollywood if he did any weed it was occasional and only limited to weed no "hard" narcotics


            • #7
              questions on bruce lee's death

              Bruce lee never wud do ne drugs. He has the body of a 18 yr old at the age of 32 the doctors said. He was in shaped for the rest of his life and how he died noone knows but u cud say he died of the pills he has tooken. Or he trained to much or it was a curse cause by asian martial arts angry that he showen their secert to the other nations. that shud be it not cuz he did drugs cuz how can the doctors say he had the body of an 18yr old and do drugs. Bruce lee 6 days a week so think about. Its not about how he died but its about how he lived.


              • #8
                look in the interesting study i posted ...should tell you some more facts....


                • #9
                  he didn't die popping pills and he wasn't killed by a secret clan of ninjas...

                  On July 20, 1973, whilst discussing script ideas with actress Betty Ting Pei, Bruce complained of a headache, and taking a pill from Betty he goes and lies down. When Betty checks up on him Bruce is unconscious and sweating...although i blame Betty for the death because a sloth would of had quicker reactions to ring the hospital.

                  The doctors conclusion was that death was caused by cerebral edema due to reaction to compounds present in the painkiller Equagesic.


                  • #10
                    That was just their best guess though.


                    • #11
                      I care more about the way he lived!


                      • #12
                        Only Partially True

                        Originally posted by AJay
                        he didn't die popping pills and he wasn't killed by a secret clan of ninjas...

                        On July 20, 1973, whilst discussing script ideas with actress Betty Ting Pei, Bruce complained of a headache, and taking a pill from Betty he goes and lies down. When Betty checks up on him Bruce is unconscious and sweating...although i blame Betty for the death because a sloth would of had quicker reactions to ring the hospital.

                        The doctors conclusion was that death was caused by cerebral edema due to reaction to compounds present in the painkiller Equagesic.
                        What you say is not all fact. But the doctors conclusion was death by misadventure, and they went on record saying they could never be sure. The story of Bruce's having a headache and lying down in the room, after taking an equagesic, comes from the only two witnesses Chow and Ting Pei. And you miss a couple of other points too. Neither BEtty or Chow mention Bruce being on contious or sweating they both say he looked as if he was sleeping peacefully. The mystery now arouses from their actions during the incident. Raymond claims to have left before Bruce's presumed episode. Betty phones him first. She actually calls him twice allegedly. When he comes back to her apt. it becomes a three hour period from when he first left the house. He calls a privated doctor not 911 or the ambulance. The doctor then comes over to diagnose the fact that Bruce is actually dead, and calls an ambulance. Now whether this doctor pronounced him dead at the house or not has been a subject of speculation. One thing that is sure, is Betty initially lied about her where abouts that day. And Chow lied about where Bruce's body was found. So you see there could be many reasons for all this funny acting, but it still leaves a feeling that there is something more that happened that night.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by m.artist
                          apparently he did eat hash brownies cuz they calmed him down.he didn't smoke weed. he wouldn't touch alcohol or drugs. he only did hash brownines cuz they calmed him. he never cheated in his wife. ever. there are a few bios out there that all they acomplish is to rag on the bruce lee name and estate. and he did from a brain adema from an allergic reaction to ibprofin(sp?)
                          Bruce Lee did cheat on his wife with many women besides Betty Tin Pei. People of his have gone on record to say his marriage with his wife was rocky before he brought her to China to live. Betty Ting Pei has went on record and admitted their affair. The biggest mystery of all is if Bruce's was not having an affair, why is that he had been a regular visitor at Ting Pei's apt for almost a year, according to the buliding tenants. Also Linda Lee also went on record saying that the day Lee died there was no mention of him going to Pei's house, or meeting with her.


                          • #14
                            [QUOTE=Thai Bri]Don't worry. I am 100% sure...... that you're talking bollox![/QUOTE
                            Actually that may not completely be "bollox" I'l assume your a brit. Raymond Chow and Bruce had beef. Raymond chow insulted Bruce in a studio Magazine, by saying that he alone was responsible for Bruce's stardom. Bruce and he were witnessed on many occasions, arguing on different sets. Bruce allegedly either hit Chow or attempted to, one week before his death. He also planned to take Chow to court, to seperate their partnership in Concord Films. Side note Lind Lee refuses to comment on Chow, and has so since Bruce has died. Now Raymond Chows father was a Diplomat, and Raymond himself held a position in the Chinese government, which is well known. He was involved with many individuals of the Chinese secret Service, which also well known.
                            Number 2, Low Wei a directo,r had public beef with Bruce. They had constant fights on sets. And Lo Wei claims Bruce after hitting him on a seperate occasion, in which Bruce says that he only pushed him, that Bruce in an argumenton a naother occasion pulled a large knife out on him. Lets not forget Lo Wei was blood related to prominent figures in the Chinese triads, and that Lo Wei himself was most likely a triad, that funded his films throught the syndicates endeavors.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by sean carter
                              Actually that may not completely be "bollox" I'l assume your a brit. Raymond Chow and Bruce had beef. Raymond chow insulted Bruce in a studio Magazine, by saying that he alone was responsible for Bruce's stardom. Bruce and he were witnessed on many occasions, arguing on different sets. Bruce allegedly either hit Chow or attempted to, one week before his death. He also planned to take Chow to court, to seperate their partnership in Concord Films. Side note Lind Lee refuses to comment on Chow, and has so since Bruce has died. Now Raymond Chows father was a Diplomat, and Raymond himself held a position in the Chinese government, which is well known. He was involved with many individuals of the Chinese secret Service, which also well known.
                              Number 2, Low Wei a directo,r had public beef with Bruce. They had constant fights on sets. And Lo Wei claims Bruce after hitting him on a seperate occasion, in which Bruce says that he only pushed him, that Bruce in an argumenton a naother occasion pulled a large knife out on him. Lets not forget Lo Wei was blood related to prominent figures in the Chinese triads, and that Lo Wei himself was most likely a triad, that funded his films throught the syndicates endeavors.
                              That's interesting stuff. I have never heard that before. Bruce sure did have a bad temper. He even said so himself. I kind of believe what AJay talked about. That's what I have heard before and to me it and it seems to have some sort of truth to it. However, I kind of gave up trying to figure out how he died though. There are too many different theories. I'm just trying to put his training methods to use.

