Can any of u ppl that trained with bruce teach me the art JKD like bruce lee teach it like? im willing to give my life for dis and im not disapointing. Im 15 yrs old but when i reach 17 or older i want to learn jkd. I said 17 cuz i live at nj and i heard jkd was teach in houston,tx with dan inosanto and ted wong. Can you people wait or something?
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I want to learn jkd from the people that trained with bruce lee.
1st Generatino JKD
Tackett trained under Inosanto not Bruce.
Same with Vunak.
Ted Wong, Jerry Poteet, Steve Golden, Howard William, Jesse Glover, Joe Lewis, Pat Strong, Larry Hartsell, Taky Kimura, James Demile are some of Bruces original students. Some are taking on students. Some are doing seminars.
Good luck
1st Generation JKD
Inosanto, Poteet, Hartsell, Wong and Strong are all in the Los Angeles area.
I have trained with all of them. They all teach a different way and focus on different things.
Kimura is in Seattle.
Glover, Williams, Golden are all in Northern California, Oakland area mostly.
Demile used to be in Seattle, then I heard he was in Hawaii.
Bremer & Tackett are in Redlands. Awesome. I have trained with them several times. Great workouts.
Steve Johnson is in Albuquerque New Mexico. He is fantastic! Truly Great stuff. He did a seminar at my school last month.
Tomorrow, May 2nd Hartsell is doing a seminar for me on the 33 moves that Bruce Lee focused on for Grappling.
William "The Mongoose" Holland
inasontos is in CA, but South, so too much of a drive for you i think. However to ssjgoku; life is what you make it. if you want a good teacher, be a good student, always. Dan Inasontos (one of bruce lee's original students) travels far and wide doing seminars all over the states and the philipines... and i know for a fact there's some people in NJ that have trained with him. Try doing some research on the web or in your town if you really want to get into it and find a qualified teacher. then when you're ready you can go find the inastonos and the vunaks of the world and attempt to train with them.
good luck,
Registered User
- Dec 2002
- 415
Academy of Kempo Ju Jitsu & Association
"If people say Jeet Kune Do is different from "this" or from "that," then let the name of Jeet Kune Do be wiped out, for that is what it is, just a name. Please don't fuss over it."
-----Great SiGung Bruce Lee-----
Originally posted by Largo_ManoI thought this was interesting. This is a list of JKD instructors under the JKD Family tree. This was completed by Dan Insosanto. Also, I'm not sure how long ago this was completed.
Heres a more correct link for the Oakland school. On the left side of the page click the students of Oakland link.
Also Taky Kimura was the only one to reach 5th rank. Ted Wong was the only one certified in Jeet Kune Do. Lucay Lucay is deceased. They need a serious update of corrections.
Registered User
- Dec 2002
- 415
Academy of Kempo Ju Jitsu & Association
"If people say Jeet Kune Do is different from "this" or from "that," then let the name of Jeet Kune Do be wiped out, for that is what it is, just a name. Please don't fuss over it."
-----Great SiGung Bruce Lee-----
Originally posted by DJColdfusionGuro Dan Inosanto has a great list on his website at:
This list is only his current member instructors. You'll notice that his famous students are not listed.
Registered User
- Dec 2002
- 415
Academy of Kempo Ju Jitsu & Association
"If people say Jeet Kune Do is different from "this" or from "that," then let the name of Jeet Kune Do be wiped out, for that is what it is, just a name. Please don't fuss over it."
-----Great SiGung Bruce Lee-----
I think Rick Tucci or Kevin Seamans is in New Jersey. Not direct students of Bruce but worth looking into.
Registered User
- Dec 2002
- 415
Academy of Kempo Ju Jitsu & Association
"If people say Jeet Kune Do is different from "this" or from "that," then let the name of Jeet Kune Do be wiped out, for that is what it is, just a name. Please don't fuss over it."
-----Great SiGung Bruce Lee-----
Theres also a list of the Oakland school that my Sigung compiled. It is here, just click the file Sigung_Sifu.pdf and its in the middle of the article.