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I want to learn jkd from the people that trained with bruce lee.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by akja
    This list is only his current member instructors. You'll notice that his famous students are not listed.
    Yes, and the page says that. However, its still the best active list of JKD instructors on the net.


    • #17
      Best JKD in Jersey...

      I used to live in Jersey before moving to Houston. Rick Tucci is the best in NJ. Go to and read about him. I trained with him and had a great time. The place is PRINCETON ACADEMY OF MARTIAL ARTS. Worth the time and money!

      Now that I'm in Houston, any recommendations from the locals here?



      • #18
        I Didnt kno theres a skool in nj. Where is it? cuz i was thinkin about going to LA to train with dan inosanto but does dan still teach? i might still go there ne way.


        • #19
          Where does dan inosanto teach in LA? cuz jkd seem like a great art.


          • #20
            JKD in Jersey...

            Rick Tucci was trained by Inosanto.

            PRINCETON ACADEMY OF MARTIAL ARTS...It's in Princeton, NJ...on Route 1. Go visit!


            • #21
              where the address to where dan inosanto skools r at?


              • #22

                Check out for all of the information you need.

                If your in NJ I'd strongly suggest work with Rick Tucci. The guy is a human encyclopedia of JKD. Absolutely incredible. And if your goal is to someday work with Guro Inosanto I have to say that I do not know of anyone (which doesn't mean they don't exist) who knows more about Inosanto's teachings than Tucci does. Start with Tucci now and later, if you still feed the need, go to CA and train with Guro Inosanto.

                Tucci will most likely host an Inosanto seminar 1-2 times a year. I strongly suggest going to one of those seminars, they will serve as a great opportunity for you to see Guro Inosanto and how he teaches before you decide whether you need to go to CA.

                Good luck


                • #23
                  Dear Readers, The problem with many such lists....

                  As stated in my title the problem with many such lists is that they often reflect the political preference, or alignment, or daresay the agenda of the list's composer. While some lists are good many if not most are far from comprehensive. Often either OJKD people are largely ignored, or JKDC people are largely ignored and all points in between. Rare is the fair and balanced list that acknowledges, honors and recognizes talented practitioner/instructors from various lineages and or both sides of the original-concepts debate.

                  Here is a list that, while not complete by any means, at least in all fairness shows some people from BOTH sides of the divide. If more peole were this honest we would be further along. Kudos and thanks to Big Sean Madigan for putting this list together some time ago. The link is below.

                  Take care.

                  Johnny W.

                  "Gung-Fu is Gung-Fu. It's not child's play."

                  -Bruce Lee as Kato

