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Has anybody heard of this guy?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Aikia
    Mike Brewer ( you were an exellent teacher at Karate College and we would look forward to having you back) this is the first time I have heard the gossip about secret tapings...not true! I did hear that Dan/Paula was displeased about a photo caption that read "The Pope of JKD" beside Dan's photo. At the time quite a few of his people mentioned this nickname to me. I thought he approved of it. Also I heard that the Silat people were unhappy about a caption that indicated that silat was now a part of JKD. No one called me. They just talked about me behind my back. Kind of like this thread.
    "The Pope of JKD" and you had the nerve to talk smack about Mike not being sensitive to others' beliefs in your letter to the editor of Black Belt after Mike's "10 commandments of combat" article. Is this perhaps a little self-serving duplicity?

    And this thread was never "behind" your back. It was generated in reponse to the original posters question and statements in the following post. Its a good idea to read these things before you try acting like you're being picked on.

    Originally posted by Yuri
    I'm gonna be taking Karate (basically Jeet Kune Do) from a guy named Jerry Beasley at my school. Here's a link to his resume:

    and here's his interview:

    Anyway the guy sounds pretty good. My buddy is taking the class right now and I don't think he likes it as much as he did his previous instruction -- he mentioned that he didn't do enough stretching. Still, I think it'd be a good guy to learn from. Has anybody heard anything else from this guy?

    Note that the above links are from his own organization, and so they might be biased a bit, but you know, you can't make up some stuff -- the guy did train under Joe Lewis and Inosanto.

    What do you guys think?


    • #32

      What does that monsterous list of a post have to do with the subject at hand?


      • #33
        You are full of crap. Why would you bring up unsubstantiated rumours against a person of the level of Dr. Beasley. This man is a member of the same Black belt magazine hall of fame as bruce lee and dan inosanto and Joe Lewis. Are you on that level?
        And remember the Inosanto letter that sombody edited and put on this thread was written by Paula and Dan not to single Dr. Beasley out but to enact revenge against John Soet who had married Dan's sister Lil. The person that was to receive the letter Curtis Wong trashed the letter and would not publish it.
        The Inosanto's were afraid that people would reject the JKD concepts approach in favor of the original JKD as written about in the article that started the letter writing tantrum.
        Basically this thread is wack. You are slinging mud against a top nemed martial arts celebrity. I have taken his class often at the world famous Karate college where i also met Mr. brewer.


        • #34
          The only thing I am saying is that the tread was started by someone who thought they would be taking a JKD class from you (Karate that they referred to as "Basically JKD). The rest of the posts grew out of that question. Nothing, absolutely nothing, was done "behind" your back, which would imply that some member of the forum was attempting to keep you from knowing about their posts . . . which nobody has done. It has been here in the open for everyone to see.

          I reread Mike's article recently and then saw your response. I PM'd Mike about it here on the forum. He did not express any outrage over it.

          I don't have to know Mike extremely well to know that story, I just have to be a longtime reader of Black Belt magazine.

          Please don't infer that I am attempting to speak for Mike. Or that I know whether or not he was "miffed," He has never made any indication that he was upset with you in any of my communications with him. You'd have to ask him about that yourself.

          And I remember the editor holding your letter out as an example of a "good" response and I personally have to disagree with him. An individual can make a well constructed and even logical argument; however, a logical argument is not necessarily a truthful argument.


          • #35
            The Joe Lewis system.

            That monstrous list posted by AKJA is the list of 26 principles taught by Joe Lewis, and if you know what jkd is you should recognize them, This was Joe's method of organizing Bruce Lee's fighting principles, Joe first taught these at a 2 day seminar at a Tracy's karate school in north Hollywood, Cal. In 1973 or 74 or in that area. It's these principles that made what Bruce Lee so unique, These are the principles that show you how to be faster, and more effective. Some of those attending this, were Al Dacascos, Howard Jackson, Jerry Smith, Cliff Stewart, a couple more individuals whom I'm sorry but I can't remember and me, I was next to Joe the most important one there, I had the door key.

            P.S. The main headings are Joe's, the sub sections are those of who ever posted this list.


            • #36
              Now you are backtracking and blaming everything on some guy posting the Inosanto letter that is clearly edited to falsely claim that paula inosanto wrote a letter to say Dr. beasley was not a qualified JKd instructor. In fact the 6 page letter was all about complaining about a article that said that Dan inosanto made of the JKD concepts method and the public was starting to show interest in bruce lee's original art. the letter had very little to do with Dr. beasley or Davis, poteet, Wong, Bustillo and all the rest of the nemes paula Inosanto complained about. those names have been edited out of the little paragraph someone put on this thread.
              because the whole thing is a smear campaign against a Black belt hall of famer. Sombody's jealous of his success.


              • #37
                Hello Mr. Beasley, Professional Karate Magazine, Probably the best karate mag ever published, somewhere I have the entire set in storage, And I was looking at my copy of Joe's handout for the seminar as I was typing, All this brings back some great memories, Sort of like at the seminar, when Joe asked me to throw a fast round/hook kick for a demonstration, He had me throw the kick, looked at me and said throw it again, this time fast. This time, After throwing the fastest kick I'd ever thrown, Joe looked at me and said, " That was a good example of broken rhythm, Now throw it fast." ---------- O Well, it was funny to everyone but me at the time.


                • #38
                  no comment huh?


                  • #39
                    DJ,So you just trash person and once you are proven the fool you just drop out.


                    • #40
                      Still waiting.


                      • #41
                        Much respect!

                        The one thing I find abundently clear by reading this forum is that if I ever find myself in your neck of the woods ( To both Mr. Brewer and Dr. Beasley), I will seek you out for high quality instruction. The ability at which you have debated your differing points while maintaining a high quality of character is what all of us should constantly strive for. I applaud both of you for your professionalism. Bravo gentlemen, and I look forward to meeting and learning from you in the future. This lesson has been well recieved!
                        Mahalo, Jeremy


                        • #42
                          I know this thread is old, but just wanted to say that the Warriors Way Arkansas site is up under a slightly different name.

                 is now

                          "Arkansas doing a seminar (check out for the pics), and I just now got home to read all of this. "


                          • #43
                            I received this e-mail from Dr. beasley concerning this thread. i decided to post it>:

                            "Ian, as you know I coined the name "Original JKD". Back in 1985 the "original taste of Coke" became a counter to the "New" taste. Google Original Coke" if you want the whole story. Anyway I was writing about Bruce Lee's JKD as original or what became known as OJKD. Now it seems that everyone accepts the fact that Dan Inosanto created the JKD concepts method. JKDC was not created by Bruce Lee.
                            And today it looks like the JKD concept has been pretty much lost it's appeal to magazines. OJKD is the popular version that has won public acceptance. "

                            He's right. OJKD is very popular just like JKDC.


                            • #44
                              More JKD

                              I told Dr. Beasley that i had posted his last remarks and he offerred this information:

                              "Ian, I have a student that is very active on forums so I read the Bax forum often. Recently Tim Tacket and Del Pollard wrote that Dan Inosanto created the "concepts" approach in the mid 1970's. Apparently Del, Kris Kent, Cass Magna and others were with him when he came up with the word as a way to teach principles from other arts that he felt were similar to the principles he learned in jeet kune do.
                              It seems like they were saying that as long as you achieve your goal or destination then it matters not what road you take to get there. If kali teaches sensitivity and jeet kune do teaches sensitivity it doesn't matter which art you practice to learn sensitivity. If you want to learn a good kick then Thai boxing may be a good method. If you adopt this concept then it seems natural that any art may be used to get results. And at some point it becomes standard to investigate many arts to experience principles that are similar to the principles found in jeet kune do.
                              The "concepts" and the "concepts method" are not jeet kune do. Rather, the concepts method was designed by Dan Inosanto as a way to identify principles that are, in his experience, similar to those found in jeet kune do.
                              The Dan Inosanto concepts method may well be an improvement over Bruce Lee's jeet kune do. That's has never been my question. I could tell that the concepts I studied under Dan were not the same as the jeet kune do I learned from Joe Lewis/Ted Wong. Two different animals. For one thing the core principle in "concepts" appeared to be "if the technique does not work then change the technique". If that is your approach then it helps to have a lot of arts to choose from.
                              In the jeet kune do I was taught (Lewis)that if the technique does not work change the delivery. I was told ( by concepts instructors)that jeet kune do was not a style. But it was (is) a style. Joe Lewis has told me that Bruce Lee was very meticulus in his teaching. Bruce required that the hand was placed just so, the elbow was exactly here etc. Jeet kune do, under Bruce Lee was a style (1967-1969), until he closed his schools in Jan 1970 and disbanned the teaching of jeet kune do.
                              The OJKD versus the JKDC controversy was nothing more than a state of confusion. There is no JKDC. What we call JKDC actually refers to the concepts that Dan developed so he could teach principles he had learned in jeet kune do through other arts. JKDC has been mislabeled as "jeet kune do" when in fact jeet kune do ( also being called Jun Fan/Janfan arts/Jun fam gung Fu etc) is simply one of the arts/styles that are used in the Dan Inosanto concepts method.
                              Wow! Pretty hard to swallow but it is apparently true. People who have read my articles know I went to extremes trying to tie Bruce Lee into the concepts method. I was wrong. No wonder when I wrote about OJKD members of the Inosanto organization would say " you mean Jun Fan gung Fu don't you"? Because Jun Fan is of course the term they use to designate jeet kune do. There is no OJKD. There is only jeet kune do. There is no JKDC there is only the Dan Inosanto concepts that have been mislabeled all these writers like me.
                              In saying this understand that I am making no value judgements. In no way can it be said I consider the Dan Inosanto concepts equal to, or less than or greater than Bruce Lee's jeet kune do. Jeet kune do is jeet kune do and nothing more. JKD is not a concept it's an art. It's time we identified Dan Inosanto as the genius who gave us the DI Concepts method. The DICM (Dan Inosanto Concepts Method) is the forunner of MMA much more so than jeet kune do. It's a shame that some will say that that's an insult to Dan to say JKDC is not jeet kune do. I think you will agree. Dan Inosanto is a master of masters. He doesn't need to lean on Bruce Lee anymore. Dan can look around at the Inosanto academies worldwide and say "This is what I have built".
                              Only the very insecure are going to cling to the idea that Bruce Lee developed the concepts method and Dan was designated to spread the concepts of jeet kune do. Even in the late 1970's Dan designated others (Tim Tacket/Larry hartsell etc) as teachers of jeet kune do while Dan taught the arts that sharred principles that were similar "in concept" to jeet kune do. "

                              Thanks Dr.B. for your input.


                              • #45
                                BTW karate college had one of the best line-ups in the martial arts at this year's event. You can read more at

