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Jeet Kun Do VS Muay thai Boxing?

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  • #16
    A JKD guy would definetly be an excellent grappler and have exellent Boxing and Kung Fu, which is alot more well rounded than a measle-beef MT fighter, especially in a MMA match.

    And I thought there was supposed to be no STYLE VS. STYLE threads?


    • #17
      Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3
      A JKD guy would definetly be an excellent grappler and have exellent Boxing and Kung Fu, which is alot more well rounded than a measle-beef MT fighter, especially in a MMA match.

      And I thought there was supposed to be no STYLE VS. STYLE threads?
      A JKD Fighter dosent really do much grapling that is why i joined BJJ so I could know how to ground fight. I guess it depends on the sifu you have.


      • #18
        Originally posted by felix jr jkd
        Hello Jeremy, If you like I can send you over A vidio tape and show you what jkd looks like out of the old oakland cal . school looks like
        Yes, I would like that but if theres a price involved witch there will be then I can't theres no way of me paying. If its free I would love too.


        • #19
          Fighting in a ring is largely cardio and conditioning. Thats why muay thai works so well. The fighters have been beaten up so many times before in training that the ring doesnt seem so scary when they get hit. If JKD has been trained to the same severity then which wins depends on the fighters.

          Personally i'll vote for muay thai, because i have never done JKD


          • #20
            Think first then ask...

            Originally posted by Aimhigher38
            Wondering which one would most likely win in a match in a ring?? How about in a street fight? Just curious.... I just started taking Muay Thai for about a month and my buddy just started taking Jeet Kun Do... We each think our own MA is better than each others... opinions..?
            You're both idiots?

            There is no superior style, only superior fighters. Go kick his butt. It depends on which of you has the stronger INTENT and which one can apply the fundamentals first.

            Who is the better judge of the fighting measure? Who has the faster more convincing feints? Who has the better evasion skills and counters? Who has the more fluid and ecenomical footwork? Who can think faster? Who can do it without thinking? Who can understand the rules of the game and who can break them? Who can hit harder?


            • #21
              Look, Original Muay Thai (non rules) looks a lot like JKD.

              Its not about ringfights, Its not about boxing, lowkicks and clinches with using the knees with a referee in the middle.

              They got more: They throw, They Lock, They do all kind of things and in the streets with no rules they would do more than what they do in a ring.
              So Muay Thai is not a Ringsport.

              JKD is ultimate in a way..if you train well. Many schools focus on lapsao and paksao, but thats not what JKD is...Thats why Bruce stopped the Wing Chun.

              Me..After years of training styles, Karate, Muay Thai, JKD and MMA Ive asked myself the next question.

              If JKD and Muay Thai was in a battle..If JKD and Karate was in a battle..If Muay Thai and Karate was in a battle...If JKD and Boxing was in battle?

              The style wouldnt win the fight..but the person fighting and doing his thing would win. And thats real JKD.


              • #22
                Originally posted by NaSZ View Post
                Look, Original Muay Thai (non rules) looks a lot like JKD.

                Its not about ringfights, Its not about boxing, lowkicks and clinches with using the knees with a referee in the middle.

                They got more: They throw, They Lock, They do all kind of things and in the streets with no rules they would do more than what they do in a ring.
                So Muay Thai is not a Ringsport.

                JKD is ultimate in a way..if you train well. Many schools focus on lapsao and paksao, but thats not what JKD is...Thats why Bruce stopped the Wing Chun.

                Me..After years of training styles, Karate, Muay Thai, JKD and MMA Ive asked myself the next question.

                If JKD and Muay Thai was in a battle..If JKD and Karate was in a battle..If Muay Thai and Karate was in a battle...If JKD and Boxing was in battle?

                The style wouldnt win the fight..but the person fighting and doing his thing would win. And thats real JKD.
                Great post.


                • #23
                  It doesn't matter what martial arts you learned it is not jeet kune do vs muay thai in real fight. It is fight between 2 person. whatever martial arts you train, you should spend time developing your conditioning, flexibility, reaction and action, speed and power. You should also be always alert during a fight. Also you should have the heart to fight. without this you would just freeze in an actual fight and be beaten to the ground.


                  • #24
                    A mugger, a robber, a rapist, they won't care what martial art you learn, they just want to do you harm.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by pmosiun View Post
                      A mugger, a robber, a rapist, they won't care what martial art you learn, they just want to do you harm.
                      Very true.

                      Therefore I don't care if you are a mugger, robber or rapist. I just want to do you harm.

                      The mentality works both ways.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by eXcessiveForce
                        who's a better shot, or better with a knife or stick? that's who will probably win the street fight.
                        I think thats a regional and cultural viewpoint though EF.

                        - According to the FBI and DEA, in the United States over 70% of violent assaults involve weapons.
                        - However, according to national statistics from the Home Office in the UK, only 11% of violent assaults here involve weapons.

                        Therefore for me in my environment its not about what you carry, but how you carry yourself.


                        • #27
                          I'm sure that's true, but I try to lead a balanced and rational life, without worrying about a guy with an Uzi jumping out at me


                          • #28
                            You can't compare the is a sport & the other is a NHB street fighting method.

                            One of Bruce Lee's favorite techniques was Bil Jee (thrusting fingers to the eyes). JKD practioners kick to the testicles, headbutt, bite & pull hair. JKD was not meant for the ring & Muay Thai has developed into a sport with rules. To ask a JKD practitioner to fight according to to tie one hand behind his/her back.


                            • #29
                              "OJKD doesn't incorporate Muay Thai because Bruce Lee was unimpressed with the way the thai's fought. So he didn't include Muay Thai into his training or his teachings."

                              That's not entirely true, but also not entirely untrue.

                              Bruce did recognize that some Muay Thai techniques were functional for what he did, but said that other aspects were "bullshit."

                              I myself have a great deal of respect for Muay Thai fighters - having eaten a kick or two, clashing of shins, & broken bones. It's a sport...a vicious sport, but still a sport.

                              "actually I'm more the sniper rifle kind of guy. Efficiency you know."

                              eXcessiveForce's comments have triggered a faint memory..."any bloody fool can pull a trigger."


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by eXcessiveForce
                                Hard to call the person who lives a fool when your dead.
                                My point is this is a Jeet Kune Do forum.

                                I have a P.O.S.T. certificate, I have a CPL & just got back from the ShotShow in Vegas.

                                But I think that would be a discussion for a different forum.

                                And I should think you'd have recognized the line from the beginning of the movie Enter The Dragon...again considering this is a JKD forum.

