Originally posted by eXcessiveForce
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Jeet Kun Do VS Muay thai Boxing?
Originally posted by eXcessiveForceyou seem to miss the point, but it's okay your new.
The thread is stupid as all style vs. style threads tend to be. A person using TKD can beat a person using JKD or vice versa, Same with muay thai. But the fight is generally one by the person who has the edge. whether it be mental, physical, or having something that shifts the balance such as a weapon.
Become someone studies JKD doesn't make them a fighter, or even a good self defense candidate nor does any system. That up to the person and their mindset and the ability to use their skills.
And I'd take a couch potato with a gun over most martial artists if I was going to make a bet on who would win. I might not win all the time, but i'd in greater than 50% of the time I'd wager.Originally posted by eXcessiveForceyou seem to miss the point, but it's okay your new.
The thread is stupid as all style vs. style threads tend to be. A person using TKD can beat a person using JKD or vice versa, Same with muay thai. But the fight is generally one by the person who has the edge. whether it be mental, physical, or having something that shifts the balance such as a weapon.
Become someone studies JKD doesn't make them a fighter, or even a good self defense candidate nor does any system. That up to the person and their mindset and the ability to use their skills.
And I'd take a couch potato with a gun over most martial artists if I was going to make a bet on who would win. I might not win all the time, but i'd in greater than 50% of the time I'd wager.
The OP asked if JKD could beat Muay Thai in the ring. Then they asked if JKD could beat Muay Thai on the street.
He said nothing about a knife, a gun, a howitzer, or an apache helicopter.
SO...assuming both fighters are of equal physical stature in their respective arts; JKD is a streetfighting art developed by Bruce Lee for the street. SO...we can't put limits on JKD for the ring since that is not what it is meant for.
That leaves us with Muay Thai vs. JKD in the street & Muay Thai fighters have & will use their art to defend themselves in the street.
In this case...Muay Thai is @ a distinct disadvantage to JKD.
Originally posted by eXcessiveForceAnd yet most JKD people have no or little actual combat experience with many JKD trainers relying on drills and padwork to actual sparring and attribute training.
The reality is "in the street" it can come down to factors outside the training of either art. In which case the person that escalates the most usually wins.
i disagree that JKD gives someone magical ability to fight because they are somehow enlightened on the street. While I find JKD a good concept, I think the person with the most actually combat experience is more likely to prevail.
I'd like to start off by apologizing to both eXcessivForce (an extremely ridiculous & childish handle IMO...in fact one that could get you in trouble should you ever need to defend yourself) & Michael Wright.
You see I was under the silly impression this was a Jeet Kune Do Forum. However, it appears it's more of a JKD bashing forum - occupied by the unknowing & unwitting (which might explain why there's so very few actual JFJKD practitioners here...at least on a regular basis).
If you wouldn't take a thread like this seriously eXcessivForce (considering it's a waste of time)...then why waste your time? I mean if your answer to every martial question is 'Got Gun'...why bother? And how in the name of Morihei Ueshiba's beard did you become moderator?!?!?!
"And yet most JKD people have no or little actual combat experience with many JKD trainers relying on drills and padwork to actual sparring and attribute training."
That single comment alone shows just how little you & Michael Wright know about JKD (though you've pitched your tents on this forum & appear to camp here). JFJKD practitioners begin their sessions with intensive workouts (Bruce Lee was a workout fanatic), they progress to learning techniques, and then typically end the night with sparring (often times with full gear).
Bruce Lee was an innovator & designed a lot of equipment which was then constructed for him by students & friends. We all have head gear, mouthpieces, gloves, shin guards, and other body armor(armour for Michal Wright) that we use from time to time.
Bruce Lee said, "if you want to learn to swim...you've got to get in the water." Meaning, 'if you want to learn to fight...you've got to fight.' He also believed you would fight (defend yourself) the way you trained.
Moreover, Special Forces, Military, Security Professional, and Police Departments have been taught JKD & many of these JKD guys give seminars @ local sheriff's departments.
You two appear to know very little to nothing about JKD, but the internet being the internet...I'm not surprised (wish I were).
Originally posted by eXcessiveForcelol, you're a funny little guy.
In case you haven't heard bruce lee is dead, and there isn't another one of him. No other student except Inosanto has even made half the mark Bruce did. There are plenty of great JKD people out there, but there aren't Bruce.
I know you are concerned about guns since you can't carry there up there anymore, don't let it make you feel so inferior though, i'm sure you can take out the bad guys with your super powered eye jab.
#1. I'm not little
#2. We can carry here...and do