These guyz claim to be direct students of guru dan inosanto, there name is on inosanto's instructer list so i belive em... http://inosanto.com/cgi-bin/database/a76b-7626.cgi (just type glasgow in the search box for quick search)... but da problem is that i have been told by some ppls from martial arts planet tat Krause world is a mcdojo.... Krause world is teh only school in glasgow that teaches JKD and i wanna learn JKD badly....... plz help.....
heres Krause world's website.... plz have a look and lemme know wat u guyz think....... any help would be appriciaated...... thanx http://www.krauses.i12.com/home.htm
demon fire
These guyz claim to be direct students of guru dan inosanto, there name is on inosanto's instructer list so i belive em... http://inosanto.com/cgi-bin/database/a76b-7626.cgi (just type glasgow in the search box for quick search)... but da problem is that i have been told by some ppls from martial arts planet tat Krause world is a mcdojo.... Krause world is teh only school in glasgow that teaches JKD and i wanna learn JKD badly....... plz help.....
heres Krause world's website.... plz have a look and lemme know wat u guyz think....... any help would be appriciaated...... thanx http://www.krauses.i12.com/home.htm
demon fire