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Krause brothers, Students of dan inosanto, plz read

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  • Krause brothers, Students of dan inosanto, plz read


    These guyz claim to be direct students of guru dan inosanto, there name is on inosanto's instructer list so i belive em... (just type glasgow in the search box for quick search)... but da problem is that i have been told by some ppls from martial arts planet tat Krause world is a mcdojo.... Krause world is teh only school in glasgow that teaches JKD and i wanna learn JKD badly....... plz help.....

    heres Krause world's website.... plz have a look and lemme know wat u guyz think....... any help would be appriciaated...... thanx

    demon fire

  • #2
    You should not always trust people on Internet Forums but if you want to learn go there and check it out yourself!



    • #3


      • #4
        I pmd you.... some good advices were given to you on MAP.


        • #5
          Email Inosanto's site to double-check whether or not they are certified under Guro Inosanto. They might have other information that they can give you at that time.

          I have never met one of Guro Inosanto's instructors who was not "the real deal." They all know what they are doing. However, you should still check the school out with a sligtly sceptical attitude. Make sure its the right place for you.


          • #6
            agreed, check it out. and just because someone is certified doesn't mean they know what's up. Someone just has to spend a few hours with Inostanto and get certified, doesn't mean they are a good teacher. Granted i know he takes precautions to kick the really big McDojo freaks out of his organization, but just from that database link alone 338 instructors worldwide is hard to keep tabs on. I'm sure there are tons more that claim.

            check it out for yourself, if they won't let you train at least for a night for free then they probably are scamming you... and even if you do check them out and you get a good feeling, compare it to another school just to make sure you're not being blinded somehow.

            good luck in your path....


            • #7
              Originally posted by crusader
              Sorry, I don't know any JKD kwoons in Glasgow except Tommy Carruthers', but maybe you would like it:

              Tommy Carruthers - Instructor of Original Jeet Kune Do, UK - Intercepting Fist Organisation - News - Online JKD Courses - Seminars - Webshop

              I'm sure it is at least worth a trial.

              Maybe other readers know more JKD schools in and around Glasgow.

              take care

              if u could train with tommy u are so lucky!!! man i want to train with that guy so bad.
              i would go to him
              man...he's fast....


              • #8
                Only way to find out is to jump in the water. No such thing as a land swimmer. Tommy Carruthers looks interesting.


                • #9
                  if krausses r so good as with dan the man insanto how the hell is every other pupil of bruces like ted wong jessey glover an howard williams and the rest all stand right lead forward and they dont ad stick fighting and other crap an still say this is jkd.tommy carruthers is in glasgow scotland and he is the one certified by the jkd necleus to teach it plus hes one mean muther,he used to b open 7 days a week a trained there for 4 years nearly every day so a know hes good


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by stevie
                    if krausses r so good as with dan the man insanto how the hell is every other pupil of bruces like ted wong jessey glover an howard williams and the rest all stand right lead forward and they dont ad stick fighting and other crap an still say this is jkd.tommy carruthers is in glasgow scotland and he is the one certified by the jkd necleus to teach it plus hes one mean muther,he used to b open 7 days a week a trained there for 4 years nearly every day so a know hes good
                    um...dan and all those other guys you speak of, don't say that the filipino stuff is jkd. infact it's the opposite. they let you know what you train in(obviously) and you have a choice on if you want to train in it or not. it's not mandatory. if you want just JFGF then that's what you train. if you want JFGFJKD then that's what you train in. if you want the whole shibang, then you get that. the reason all of the filipino stuff was added was because
                    a. jkd was meant to adapt, change, create
                    b. it's effective nowadays, and we all know that jkd was about effecitiveness and adaptability
                    if you think about it, the guys who stick exclusively to jfgf are keeping it watered down. you have to remember jfgf is an actual style. and if they think that that is really what bruce wanted, then they would be contradicting bruce and bruce would be contradicting himself! i doubt that's what bruce intended
                    just my .02


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by stevie
                      if krausses r so good as with dan the man insanto how the hell is every other pupil of bruces like ted wong jessey glover an howard williams and the rest all stand right lead forward and they dont ad stick fighting and other crap an still say this is jkd.tommy carruthers is in glasgow scotland and he is the one certified by the jkd necleus to teach it plus hes one mean muther,he used to b open 7 days a week a trained there for 4 years nearly every day so a know hes good
                      The Nucleus is dead, it has been dead for YEARS. Mr. Caruthers may be great, he may be incredible, but he cannot even be mentioned in the same breath as Dan Inosanto.

                      And Dan does still teach right lead when he teaches JFGF, but that's not the only thing he teaches. Unlike some of the pre-73 hacks, Guro Inosanto has continued to carry the research arm of JKD forward as direct by Si Gung Lee.

                      In 1967 when the Chinatown school was opened Dan Inosanto had already been Bruce Lee's primary training partner for 3 years. At that time he taught what several people (students at the time) estimated as 90% of the classes while Si Gung Lee taught the remaining 10%. He taught the classes exactly as he was instructed to teach by Si Gung Lee.

                      Dan Inosanto has never bastardized Bruce Lee's art, he as continued his research as directed instead of sticking his head in the sand like so many "protege's".

                      And where did the people you mentioned get their instructorship rating? Where?!? Bruce Lee certified a total of 3 people to teach: Si Bak Taky Kimura, James Lee, and yes . . . Dan Inosanto. Other Bruce Lee "students" like: Jerry Poteet, Pete Jacobs, Daniel Lee, Steve Golden, Larry Hartsell were all students of Guro Inosanto's (In American Kenpo) before Guro Dan invited them to train at the Chinatown school. A considerable amount of time after Si Gung Lee's death, Guro Inosanto promoted several students to instructors, including: Jerry Poteet, Daniel Lee, Ted Wong, Richard Bustillo, Larry Hartsell, and Steve Golden.

                      Concerning the stickfighting quip . . . Guro Inosanto has NEVER said that Kali was JKD or JFGF. However, even Bruce investigated arts like Kali and Silat. Read the TAO of JKD and see the notes taken in Sigung Lee's own handwriting.

                      Guro Inosanto has never charged his student instructors for JKD or JFGF private lessons, he has never tried to take advantage of someone by charging them to join a JKD/JFGF association. He has continued to keep the quest for truth in combat alive. And he deserves your respect, not because he's asked for it but because without him YOU would not be doing JKD.

                      Pull your head out of the sand.


                      • #12
                        Well put...

                        A-men, DJColdFusion!


                        • #13
                          well said DJColdfusion


                          • #14
                            me and my mate mike trained with the Krauses for about a year, its a total McDojo, stay away from it. Its total crap, they use phrases like "in reality" and the head guro is a nutter who like to sleep with small children.

                            Seriously, i got roped into a 1 yr contract and i got ripped off of about £700, its total bullshido. One time, i was in the shower at krauses and i turned round and guro Steve was outside the glass door, sitting on a stool eating a bananna - he is a wierd mother.

                            Theres a good guy who teaches up Rutherglen at about 8pm on Thursdays, he is quite good, trains under Rock Young, youll get a decent balance of skills with him, trust me man, train there. Avoid Krauses like a Randy bull when your wearing a leather suit.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by comanighttrain
                              One time, i was in the shower at krauses and i turned round and guro Steve was outside the glass door, sitting on a stool eating a bananna

                              Horny monkey style

