Hello everyone im very intrested in JKD after I bought the Bruce Lee movie about JKD. I've been looking for a martial art that would be affective in a street fight or against a boxer. I see videos of a buff guys charging like hell with a full swing at one another, and dont think their would be time to use a MA move. Im not sure if that would even block it counting since so much inertia is being used by the attacking opponent. I have about 4 1/2 years of TKD experience, and havent been practicing it for about 2 years. Which MA would you reccomend? Jeet Kune Do looks very intresting to me alot, also the philosophies that go with the whole concept. Can JKD be affective against submissive/grappling/boxing type of people? Im not sure if it could or couldn't since Bruce said he couldnt teach JKD but only to help explore yourself more. I really dont like wrestling or boxing, I was on wrestling team last year so I know some tricks up my sleeve. I just always doubt if a MA could work against a charging apponent going full blast at you. Most the time they lower the body and head and do it, which makes it even more difficult. Thank you for putting up with me.
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Using JKD in a fight
Studiobuddy, it'll actually depend on the school that you choose as to how effective the training is in preparing you for a real fight. If the school is good, it will incorporate all ranges and all phases of fighting. Boxing, wrestling, kickboxing, jiujitsu, weapons fighting, etc. should all be part of the curriculum. Lastly, look for a school that actually trains athletically and trains the techniques against resistance.
Good Luck,
Scott Elliott
Originally posted by StudiobuddyHello everyone im very intrested in JKD after I bought the Bruce Lee movie about JKD. I've been looking for a martial art that would be affective in a street fight or against a boxer. I see videos of a buff guys charging like hell with a full swing at one another, and dont think their would be time to use a MA move. Im not sure if that would even block it counting since so much inertia is being used by the attacking opponent. I have about 4 1/2 years of TKD experience, and havent been practicing it for about 2 years. Which MA would you reccomend? Jeet Kune Do looks very intresting to me alot, also the philosophies that go with the whole concept. Can JKD be affective against submissive/grappling/boxing type of people? Im not sure if it could or couldn't since Bruce said he couldnt teach JKD but only to help explore yourself more. I really dont like wrestling or boxing, I was on wrestling team last year so I know some tricks up my sleeve. I just always doubt if a MA could work against a charging apponent going full blast at you. Most the time they lower the body and head and do it, which makes it even more difficult. Thank you for putting up with me.
The most effective art is going to be the one you are most passionate about.
If you have no real preference for anything..then by all means ask questions, explore, perhaps martial arts aren't even right for you. But if you really love; say TaeKwonDo for example, then I would say just pour your heart and soul into that. Your passion while take you higher than your work ethic
You could try reading up. Personally, there's a-lot of good stuff out there, but to give you an idea you might try Entering to Trapping to Grappling by Sifu Hartsell. That might help you beat one of those "grappler types" or there's Jun Fan/JKD The Textbook if you'd rather check out the kickboxing end of JKD. My point is JKD is what you make it and books can answer many of your questions for less money than lessons. Plus you'll have the benifit of having some idea of what a JKD school should be teaching... Don't overlook Judo/JJ. Lots of good fun there too!
Welcome aboard!
Well naturally when I spar I can block quick and fast with power. Sometimes it ends up getting sloppy with more and more punches from the oppenent. I want to learn how to counterattacks moves fast, swiftly, accuratley. How to keep a MA form while in a streetfight. This keeping in stlye or form I think its opposite to the ways of JKD but i'm meaning MA form as in staying fluent in moves in a fight, no matter what style im up against. Streetfighters tend to come in fast and hard, theyll grab your head and bash it and get u on the ground and keep hiting you in the head and stomping your stomache. They also swing really sloppy at each other constantly. I think its hard to perform MA when they got you uptight close and wailing on you where your cant get an arm out. I think the key is to never let weakness be insight of the attacker, and to keep his punches, kicks, grabs, locks, and throws to never touch you. What did help in Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do is the concept of how you should attack right when a punch or w/e is thrown at you. I tried it with a friend and impressive results were shown. I really didnt enjoy TKD, but leg kicking power is above average from a common folk. As for my location I reside in is Katy, TX which is only 4 blocks away from Houston, TX LOL at least where I live. My age is 15 soon to be 16. I do not wish to learn MA for evil. Just wish to strengthen me and my fighting abilities on the street.
JKD is about "intercepting" the attack. That starts by understanding the kinds of bullys that start fights. The book "Real Fighting" by Peyton Quinn might be more your speed since you already know so much about martial arts.Kicking the living crapola out of someone is easy, looking good while you do it, that's ART!
Originally posted by StudiobuddyWell naturally when I spar I can block quick and fast with power. Sometimes it ends up getting sloppy with more and more punches from the oppenent. I want to learn how to counterattacks moves fast, swiftly, accuratley. How to keep a MA form while in a streetfight. This keeping in stlye or form I think its opposite to the ways of JKD but i'm meaning MA form as in staying fluent in moves in a fight, no matter what style im up against. Streetfighters tend to come in fast and hard, theyll grab your head and bash it and get u on the ground and keep hiting you in the head and stomping your stomache. They also swing really sloppy at each other constantly. I think its hard to perform MA when they got you uptight close and wailing on you where your cant get an arm out. I think the key is to never let weakness be insight of the attacker, and to keep his punches, kicks, grabs, locks, and throws to never touch you. What did help in Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do is the concept of how you should attack right when a punch or w/e is thrown at you. I tried it with a friend and impressive results were shown. I really didnt enjoy TKD, but leg kicking power is above average from a common folk. As for my location I reside in is Katy, TX which is only 4 blocks away from Houston, TX LOL at least where I live. My age is 15 soon to be 16. I do not wish to learn MA for evil. Just wish to strengthen me and my fighting abilities on the street.
He's the man who runs these forums and also runs a great martial arts school in Houtson
He works with jkd concepts, muay thai, grappling, and everything else that could help in a street confrintation like the ones you describe
I would call him
Ask questions and analyze answers
You can make good decisions as long as you ask the right questions
Good luck too!
Originally posted by StudiobuddyWell naturally when I spar I can block quick and fast with power. Sometimes it ends up getting sloppy with more and more punches from the oppenent. I want to learn how to counterattacks moves fast, swiftly, accuratley. How to keep a MA form while in a streetfight. This keeping in stlye or form I think its opposite to the ways of JKD but i'm meaning MA form as in staying fluent in moves in a fight, no matter what style im up against. Streetfighters tend to come in fast and hard, theyll grab your head and bash it and get u on the ground and keep hiting you in the head and stomping your stomache. They also swing really sloppy at each other constantly. I think its hard to perform MA when they got you uptight close and wailing on you where your cant get an arm out. I think the key is to never let weakness be insight of the attacker, and to keep his punches, kicks, grabs, locks, and throws to never touch you. What did help in Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do is the concept of how you should attack right when a punch or w/e is thrown at you. I tried it with a friend and impressive results were shown. I really didnt enjoy TKD, but leg kicking power is above average from a common folk. As for my location I reside in is Katy, TX which is only 4 blocks away from Houston, TX LOL at least where I live. My age is 15 soon to be 16. I do not wish to learn MA for evil. Just wish to strengthen me and my fighting abilities on the street.
How about an English class to go with that JKD?
Sorry to be a butthead, but your post made my brain hurt...
Originally posted by StudiobuddyJust wish to strengthen me and my fighting abilities on the street.
Listen. If you are looking to be able to defend yourself realistically in an assault situation, then stop looking for "martial arts."
Learn how to recognize violence, understand what brings it on, and get good at deploying and using OC spray. Get in good shape so you can run quickly, learn how to grapple from a good instructor, and develop a strong sucker punch.
No martial art will "stop" MMA/NHB people, boxers, huge "streetfighters" in the way you're expecting it to.
Originally posted by Ryu (JKD?)Listen. ......stop looking for "martial arts."
No martial art will "stop" MMA/NHB people, boxers, huge "streetfighters" in the way you're expecting it to.
With all due respect Mr. Ryu, it is my opinion that many "artists" hold lower standards for inflicting shock/trauma and death. If that is the intent of your attacker only that will stop him. Unless it's you're duty is to restrain and arrest violent felons, killing them is much easier.
Have you ever seen a guy named Bob Munden shoot a pistol? Try a google search, he's known as the fastest of the quickdraws. Granted it's an "exhibition sport" but the "art" is not without merit.
Lest I forget the person asking is a minor and not able to legally carry a firearm there are stick and knife styles that work well for events that require lethal talent. Koppo, yawara, tanto, etc...Oh and lets not forget the humble kerambit, the list goes on...
But then we don't really want him running around with sharp things in his hands, do we?
nevermind.... you're right, buy a can of spray but at least learn how to hit with the can in case you accidently spray yourself...
No disrespect taken, don't worry.
The motivation behind why someone does a martial art has to be taken greatly into consideration. The "art" aspect of martial art has immense value, and if someone wishes to get as good as he can get in that aspect, then more power to him.
If, however, someone's main goal is to be better prepared for "the street" () then they should look for better, more legal, more realistic ways of countering an assault. It is not realistic for a 15 year old to square off with an adult in an assault situation. Most hand to hand systems out there should be (at least in my opinion) backup in the event that you don't have a way to escape, don't have a weapon available, etc.
I am of course, not advocating that a 15 year old run around with a gun or a knife or any weapon that is illegal for a minor to carry. My point is that his motivation for "winning on the street" is not someting a martial art is gonna come in that useful for. Unless he's talking about challenge matches with arrogant school mates or something, in which case BJJ would probably be his best bet.
If he wants to learn an effective martial art for the "arts" sake, then JKD is right up his alley. Studying it for the arts sake is the better motivation for a 15 year old to have in my opinion.
What really works!
Im new here, and caught the JKD conversation. I practiced JKD for several years, and found that the philosophy of JKD is more useful than some of its technics. Bruce Lee was right when he said you have be fluent and adapt never fuly commiting yourself to one style. However, some technics would be hard to pull of in real combat. Bruce Lee's method worked well for him who was intence in training. Most people dont have time to train that much or that hard. One thing that turned me off from most JKD academys is that instructors dont practice sparing with their students until phase three wich is the equivalent of a brown belt. Hitting the heavy bag and focus mits is good training but nothing like a person standing in front of you throwing punches and kicks that make significant contact. Half the battle is being able to take a punch, if you dont spar you wont know what your made of. After leaving JKD I went to MUAY THAI and now BJJ, and coming from someone whos been in several street fights I have come the conclusion that these are the most effective.
Originally posted by mfern31Hello,
... After leaving JKD I went to MUAY THAI and now BJJ, and coming from someone whos been in several street fights I have come the conclusion that these are the most effective.
Interesting, hello fellow new guy...
I'm curious about two things, first how many is "several"? I mean, you know like 5 or 10 in your life? Or like 5 or 10 a year or a month or a week? And of these how many involved a weapon of some sort, improvised or other?
I will be glad to answer you questions Ray. I would have to say that in the last 15 years I've been in 20- 30 confrontations, 6 of which my opponant had a weapon . Mostly knives, beer bottles , pool sticks, ect.
Hope this answers you questions.