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William Holland seminar in Austin Tx

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  • William Holland seminar in Austin Tx

    We will be hosting William Holland for a JKD seminar on September 18, 2004

    For more information please contact us by phone or email.




  • #2
    Hi Dean,

    I am looking forward to coming out. For those interested, I will be covering Bruce Lee's Ways of Attack with a special emphasis on Footwork, Entering, Trapping and Intercepting (Attack by Drawing)

    Certificates of Participation will be awarded and Apprentice Instructorship Program applications will be available.

    For more info you can reach me at:


    William E. Holland II
    "The Mongoose"


    • #3
      Not too much interest here is there, Ego Boy?


      • #4
        Grow up Thai!

        Better yet, seriously why don't you come to Austin and test the theory out yourself.

        The best way to test something is in real non compliance combat. Yes? An honest exchange of skills and theories. The truth shall come forth. Eveyone wins.

        If you prove me wrong. I am so much the wiser.

        The Mongoose


        • #5
          Naw. You'd kick the shit out of me!


          • #6
            Come and visit.. As long as you sign the waiver form, the testing can begin.. Let's see what we will see.. I will bring the popcorn.

            Take care



            • #7
              Pay my air fare and I'd love to come. I've been beaten up by the best!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Dean G
                Come and visit.. As long as you sign the waiver form, the testing can begin.. Let's see what we will see.. I will bring the popcorn.

                Take care

                Can anyone get a hold of a six pack of Celis? This has nothing to do with the thread, I just have a thirst for that fine Belgian brew...


                • #9

                  Where bouts you from?
                  Are you truly a JKD practitioner?
                  Seriously, though if you don't stand up for what you believe in and test it against true good competition, how can you be confident in what you have? Right?

                  As far as ego. Yeah I got plenty. But if you show me a fighter who ain't got confidence and a true belief in himself, I will show you a loser.
                  Iv'e paid my dues and still do. But I still learn something new everyday.


                  William E. Holland II


                  • #10
                    No, I'm not into JKD. I find the whole idea of JKD clubs totally ridiculous. No offence intended...... But JKD should be a personal thing, not copying what someone else did yeas ago.

                    By the way, I think you're getting a little mixed up referring to "ego" as if it reflects confidence. I reckon that it usually reflects insecurity.


                    • #11
                      To be good at anything you have to have some ego. It's PC to call it confidence, but it's ego none the less.

                      William, I checked out your web site and you seem to be a smaller guy, height wise that is. How tall are you? I ask only because I'm not a tall fella myself and my MA experience has lead me to seek guys with similiar attributes for MA advice.

                      Do you do seminars on the east coast? If I can't find you in Texas, I'd really like to catch you out here. I really thought you came across as an ass initially to, but you offered me to come try it out and that shows you believe what you say. It takes balls to openly invite folks to come by and see if they can show you up. If you are man enough to test your skills and are willing to accept someone elses approach if they prove you wrong means something. It means you've tested your theory enough to believe in it, and I can respect that. Having said that I still can't see the lead hand down technique we spoke of in another thread, but that's why I'd like to catch you in person. I want to see the application.


                      • #12
                        Sorry if I came off as an ass. But when someone basically calls you a Chimpanzee because they differ with your opinion, . . . Well it got my Rooser up! I have definitely paid a whole lotta dues and once in awhile get a little annoyed when disrespected about something I feel passionate about.

                        Yes, I am only 5'6". 175lbs.
                        As such, I have had to work extremely hard to compete on the athletic field and in fighting.

                        I personally found that heavy weight training combined with serious speed and fast twitch training has helped me even the odds a lot. As well as an extremely high pain tolerance.

                        I am actually talking to some people in New Jersey, Indiana and Nashville about some seminars. Nothing concrete yet though.

                        Where abouts are you? Do you take JKD with anyone out there?

                        William E. Holland II


                        • #13
                          No, there really isn't any legitimate JKD in my area that I'm aware of. I've trained some boxing and BJJ, but have spent most of my time in an Isshin-Ryu derived style. I live near the Tennesse/Virginia border in Bristol.

                          I'm 5'6 myself, and about 200lbs. Despite how that sounds I'm in pretty good shape, and suprisingly quick especially with my hands. That's why I was so currious about your size, you have probably been faced with a lot of the same issues I have in closing distance on taller opponents. You have a lot of years of experience on me, so I'm sure you would probably have a lot to offer in that regard. Not saying you wouldn't in other areas, but that is my particular area of interest.


                          • #14

                            Is that anywhere near Nashville?
                            I hope to be doing a seminar there in the Spring.

                            Being out here on the West Coast especially living in Huntington Beach has given me a great deal of exposure at the gym with and training with some of the best if MMA including Rickson Gracie, Oleg Taktarov, Fabiano Iha, Chris Brennan, Tito Ortiz, Kimo Leopoldo, Tank Abbott, Todd Medina.

                            Also, since most of Bruce's original students are out here, I have sought them out to pick their brains and "Fill my Quiver"

                            So out here, talk don't get you very far. You better be able to back you ante. Bluffing gets you hurt.

                            "Don't wait for inspiration to strike you. You have to chase it down with a stick" Jack London

                            William "The Mongoose" Holland


                            • #15

                              Ego. Pride. Confidence. Call it semantically what you want.
                              But when the gauntlett is thrown down, some pick it up and some walk away!

                              I've lost two fights in my life. One was due to fighting for the World Title in Kickboxing with a broken heart and the other was due to being stupid enough to get drunk in public. But I am so much smarter than before!

                              "If you lose the fight, don't lose the lesson!"

                              William "the Mongoose is on the Loose" Holland

