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William Holland seminar in Austin Tx

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  • #16
    Nashville is close enough to drive to, maybe 3 or 4 hours. If you do the seminar in Nashville make sure to post in on here, I'd like to check it out.


    • #17
      I will Uber!
      Ever heard of Larry Hartsell?
      He is the Grappling Specialist in the JKD Clan. He trained with Bruce but also Gene LaBelle, Gokor Chivichian (Sambo) and Nori Yakamura (Shootfighting)

      Larry does several seminars with me every year. Good Stuff!
      Next one is here in Huntington Beach California on November 21st. SURF CITY AND FIGHTER TOWN USA!


      • #18
        I haven't heard of Larry, but I have of course heard of Gene Labell. I saw a protege of Gene's in one of the last few UFC's. I can't remember the name, but this guy is the real deal. I saw him in a standing clinch secure a kimura and then throw the dude from there, and then tap dude out when they hit the ground. From what I had read of Gene I had nothing but high opinion, and after seeing this guy that opinion is only higher.

        It's great that the two of you do seminars together. We have a good bjj school here, and I also think the Japanese Stand Up style I trained here was a solid school to, but the problem is there isn't a place where you can combine all those skills into one. For those of us that don't get the opportunity to do both at the same place, it's great to have a seminar that offers all ranges of combat.


        • #19
          Does he have a web site?


          • #20


            Good stuff. He wrote some Books called" Entering to Trapping to Grappling and a few others.


            • #21
              Uber, have you heard of Elvis?

              Larry Hartsell is only a little lesser known than him.


              • #22
                I've been training with Larry for a few years now. Tough Homre!
                He live only about 1 hour away. If you ever come to California I can arrange a private lesson or two for you with him. Great with knife fighting also.

                The Mongoose


                • #23
                  Will thee be anything left of me after you've round kicked my fat arse (whilst cleverly covering your groin with your hand)?


                  • #24

                    About your earlier post about finding JKD ridiculous because JKD clubs copy what a guy did so many years ago.

                    Interesting comment. Really! When I first got into JKD back in 1976, I like everyone else wanted to be like Bruce Lee. I mean we tried to punch and kick like him, walk like him, talk like him and howl like a cat like him.

                    And for years, I sought out JKD Instructors who trained with Bruce Lee. To hear what Bruce told them. To do what Bruce taught them. I still seek that out. I still try to train with as many of Bruce's original students to get some Wisdom that Bruce handed out to them.

                    But. . . . . .

                    Your point is well taken. Many years ago, I was training privately with a very well know Bruce Lee student. Every Saturday, I would drive to Los Angeles and I would train with him for hours. Enthralled with what Bruce taught him and with what he was teaching me.

                    But after awhile he started saying things like "If Bruce didn't say it. or if Bruce didn't do it. I don't want to know about it." And "If Bruce didn't show it to me, it ain't JKD" and "If you train with anyone else, I will Black Ball you. Don't do anything else you have learned from them. It's not JKD"

                    I promptly had to give him my thanks and my good bye's in a very long letter explaining how wrong I felt he was about trying to capxulize me and limit my own individual expression and liberation.

                    Because truly, JKD is not about being like Bruce. It is about being better at being yourself. There is no copying. There is indiviudal honing and sharpening with certain well proven principles that have passed the tests of time and combat.

                    Simple, Direct, Efficient. EVeryone I trained with got a little piece of Bruces knowledge and wisdom. But they all taught me different things. I now have a combination of knowledge from 11 of his students, and that is MY PERSONAL JEET KUNE DO.

                    No two JKD men should be alike. But many, in my opinion have gotten into the technique stockpiling and numbers game.

                    "JKD is not about accumulation of techniques but elimination of the unessentials"

                    Have a great day!
                    Kawabunga (That is California talk for Go for it!)

                    William E. Holland II
                    The Mongoose


                    • #25
                      I'm glad we can agree on something!

                      As for stripping away the unessentials I think that most JKD I have seen doesn't strip anything like enough away. Quite the opposite with all that stick twirling, drills, boxing combos etc etc etc.

                      Look here

                      - these guys are inspired by the founders of World War 2 Combatves. Now that really IS stripping away the unessentials, leaving nothing but pure, unadulterated nastiness.........

                      I trained here for a couple of years. My fat arse can be seen on some of the grappling pics........

                      He is certified by Inosanto. But I couldn't really stomach the JKD classes. It was mostly drills and, on that subject, I'm more in agreement with that "Aliveness" guy.....


                      • #26
                        Ah yes. Now I see where you are coming from.

                        My personal opinion is that JKD is not about stick twirling, numbering systems, and stockpiling new systems depending on what is new and in vogue.

                        For me, a very streamlined version of Wing Chun, Western Boxing, Fencing, A little Savate and Combat Grappling is what Bruce taught and what I sought out.

                        A little stick fighting sure, that can work as long as you keep it simple direct and effective.

                        But all of these variations of Kali, Arnis, Escrma, Penjat, Silat and whatever other Indonesian art they can find to add to the mix aint what it is about for me.

                        That is the Concepts Approach. They can have it.

                        I will stay with the True Jun Fan. Whittling away and improving the most essential and effective tools with a good tactical awareness and application.


                        The Mongoose


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by William Holland
                          Simple, Direct, Efficient. EVeryone I trained with got a little piece of Bruces knowledge and wisdom. But they all taught me different things. I now have a combination of knowledge from 11 of his students, and that is MY PERSONAL JEET KUNE DO.

                          No two JKD men should be alike. But many, in my opinion have gotten into the technique stockpiling and numbers game.
                          It seems you are of the school of thought the JKD is more ablout that philosophy than the specifics of what Bruce taught. So I have a question, why use the title "JKD" why not "Holland Combat Systems" (and if you use it I want creative design fees ). I do not say this to offend or argue, it really is an overall question. As much as peopel want to study JKD I just fee it would be so much better for JKD to not use the name and ending the mass marketing of a bastardized style. I think this would honor Bruce's name more that people that are static with their training and knowlege like the guy you trained with.

                          Anyway, I am just curious of your thoughts.

                          You were correct to leave that other practicioner, it is amazing how many people profess BRUCE LEE and display the same "clasical mess" that Bruce was trying to elighten people about.


                          • #28
                            Interesting question Ipon,

                            I feel that what Bruce did was so uinique and innovative, that I am continuing what he started. It is 80-90 % his innovations and teachings that I follow with 10-20 % or so of my own. The particular mix that I have assembled from training with so many of Bruce's students gives me a different look and feel than some others, but it came from Bruce none the less.

                            But, I did create my own system which combines the concepts and principles of Jeet Kune Do with the more classical and traditional arts that I have studied since 1962. This has my particular Name stamped on it.


                            The Mongoose


                            • #29
                              And whats that? Mongoose Do? Haw haw haw!

                              Now that was humour..... don't go all prickly again. I'l send you some Benny Hill tapes......


                              • #30
                                Then I will send you one of "Jackass" and another of "The Jerky Boys".
                                That will teach you what funny really is!

