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William Holland seminar in Austin Tx

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  • #31
    Have you heard of Borat? He's a spoof documentary maker "form Khazikstan"...... He interviews people and then takes the piss out of them. He's toured the States (he was too well known here, no one would fall for him any more).

    He's the guy who created "Ali G" also, maybe you've heard of that?

    I was joking re Benny Hill. He was big here 30 years ago. You guys got him long after we thought he was out of date.


    • #32
      Have not heard of Borat. Seriously though you must check out "The Jerky Boys" Hilarious!

      To stay more on topic. Have you been going to any seminars lately. What is your current training situation. Seems like you have gotten a bad taste of JKD unfortunately.

      Have you heard of Doc? He is in UK somewhere. He is on the Paul Bax Forum quite a bit. I think you might like what he does. And then there is Tommy Carruthers in Scotland. If you don't mind training in a skirt !!! Ha!


      • #33
        I think that JKD is too mixed up, for the reasons already outlined. Since I left MAXT I went to a few Combatives lessons by a guy called Dennis Martin (well known in the Combatives ciircuit). Since then my training has merely involved anaerobic circuits, stretching and kicking shgit out of various striking pads/bags.

        Funnily enough I'm starting both a MMA and a Combatives class in the next couple of weeks as it is obviously limitingto train alone. But, being on shift work, it is hard to attend regularly.

        My focus is on street defence, so I don't really want to learn sports techniques and strategies. I hit pretty hard and I'm sneaky enough to get the first shot in. After that I'd smother them with my belly.


        • #34
          Have you heard of a guy from UK and South Africa by the name of Rodney King? He is affiliated with Straight Blast Gyms. Does a thing called Crazy Monkey which is a Mike Tyson like approach of bobbing & weaving and heavy banging. Plus a lot of clinch and close range tactics.

          He is doing a seminar here in So Cal in September. I might check it out.

          What about Tommy Carruthers in Scotland. Nice chap. Good banger for a guy who wheres a skirt! Ha!

          He is good.
          Check him out!



          • #35
            I've heard of that Crazy Monkey thing. Seems interesting. And I've seen some of the Carruthers clips. Fast, but thought he was cheating a little.... (like having a blocking hand already poised coz he knew what was coming etc). Still, he'd kick my ass.

            Still I prefer the Combatives approach. I like a tiny syllabus with a wide application, and I like to pretend I'm a Commando..... Haw haw haw! Seriously, my Great Uncle was taught it in WW2. I'm just keeping up the family tradition.

            Check out the Shredder at It's an easily learned tool that is devastating at close quarters, with no hubud and stick twirling!


            • #36
              Who? Bud? Bud Who?
              and What about Silly Wally?
              Hee hee.

              Really though, I take about a handful of Kali, apply JKD's Ways of Attack with some good old fashioned back alley and I'm good with the stick.

              Not putting anyone down who likes learning all of the numbering systems and multiple ways to disarm and all. But to me that is accumulation not elimination of the unessential. It aint JKD to me!

              Stick fighting and knife fighting is definitely important to know from a street reality sense, but I leave it at that and then go into Blast and Kick mode.
              Same with the grappling. Street style. No gi and get up and finish him with punches and kicks if you can.

              Aloha & Kawabunga!


              • #37
                Originally posted by Thai Bri
                Look here

                - these guys are inspired by the founders of World War 2 Combatves. Now that really IS stripping away the unessentials, leaving nothing but pure, unadulterated nastiness.........
                No crap! I'm pretty sure this is the same guy that taught the initial SF training (8 weeks) for some Army SF I trained with a few years ago. From all accounts he is the real deal, one badass mofo. Nobody graduated the course without first getting their asses handed to them by him. Yeah, his job was to teach, and then beat up Green Berets.


                • #38
                  Was that teach and then beat up, or beat up and then teach?

                  I don't know if it is the same guy or not. He is into military training, but I hadn't heard about him training any units directly. Maybe just a lack of knowledge on my part.


                  • #39
                    Hmm... Maybe its not the same guy I was thinking of. But I could have sworn it was the guy that taught the commo troop I worked out with.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Thai Bri
                      Was that teach and then beat up, or beat up and then teach?

                      I don't know if it is the same guy or not. He is into military training, but I hadn't heard about him training any units directly. Maybe just a lack of knowledge on my part.
                      I haven't heard of him teaching any SF, but that doesn't mean he hadn't. But he doesn't seem like the type of person to try and market any gimmik to make a $.


                      • #41
                        How you doing Ken? You sold that Combatives series yet, or did ya come to your senses?


                        • #42
                          Hey Bri! Yeah, I sold them. But don't slap me senseless yet. I plan to pick them up on DVD. It's truely an awesome set of instructionals that you shouldn't be without.


                          • #43
                            Amen to that. I had a potential customer for you on another forum. But when I said you were a Yank he ran a mile.........


                            • #44

                              Bill Holland trains directly under Sifu Larry Hartsell. He is a great person as well as instructor.

                              Debra Hartsell
                              CEO/JKD Grappling Assoc
                              Larry Hartsell Seminars, Inc.

